Sunday, January 16, 2011

To Doctor of Engineering, Weifang City Mr. Xu Liquan open letter about the demolition issue

 To Ph.D. Mayor Mr. Xu Liquan Weifang Demolition open letter on
Dear Mayor Mr. Xu Liquan Weifang, first of all, allow me to make a personal and more objective evaluation of the work before, out of courtesy, the mayor is more based on your public identity and respect for the country name device, I think that using this term is more appropriate words.
a more accurate sense, the open letter is not specifically addressed to you, you can be understood as is written in the state administration sequence, based on your identity and administrative duties on behalf of the Weifang Municipal People's Government and under the jurisdiction of Weicheng District Government, the Office of the West off the street, you can also be understood as a letter to you belong to the Shandong provincial government, and even more senior officials. I learned from the Internet you have the Ph.D. degree, long service in government departments, the same I have been serving the government sector, but also received PhD in education, study of law; based on your sequence in the administration led by grass-roots officials have told me openly admitted that also worthy of this sentence, I think it would be more harmonious with your communication.
you never met me, never anything to do, just as corporations are alumni of President and I, but the relationship as you and I, only the wind horse phase and are not cattle. I am even search from the Internet until recently the mayor of Weifang City, is you. I just your contact or relationship is: I left home ten years, study Jinghua, not your people under the rule, and My parents and the village people live in your area within the administrative responsibility, in legal terms, you are my parents and the villagers elected with the votes of the representatives for their service - agent. Therefore, I You write this letter, please understand and resolve Weicheng District, Weifang City, three miles north off the village of Subdistrict relocation disputes. but please note that I and the villagers are not entrusted to me is begging to you, but requires - requires you to use the power of voters to grant you the right service for their.
talking about the demolition question, I must state that I have no intention nor ability to do in the President or the labor movement peasant movement leader, to join the activist movement is a very noble cause, many of my classmates and friends are quietly but persistently to do such a thing; my skills needed, but this did not affect my understanding of the work of people engaged in this work respect. I need to tell you that, in your rule, on November 17, 2010 morning, my house was bulldozed, and was immediately cleared, furniture, clothing, no food, my junior high school to university from The books scattered about, in this way to me that what type of gentle sweep of Weifang.
the previous night, October 8, Weicheng District, Weifang City Subdistrict north, off the West Village, bloody conflicts took place due to the demolition, three chopped unidentified villagers who are still living in the hospital, two seriously injured, the case has not been broken; October 12 evening, or in the same location, police escort, riding four Ti, bulldozers went off everywhere, people were isolation, forced clearance - is puzzling that still has the sound of firecrackers rang out, a group is celebrating the victory. from the village gave me the phone I can hear the fear, you can feel the terror - It is said that this year in March unidentified person has occurred in the attacks on the villagers, suspected of being related to the demolition, but the surprise is that, to date, the case has not yet been cracked .11 2 May evening, I was smashed all the glass house, no one is responsible . Of course, I was in Beijing, did not personally seen, heard and speech may vary; you a border Barry, at reason thousands of machines, the rumors may have different words. But interesting is that all of the above behavior and actions are In the evening, this is not the habit of some people do?
I must thank you and you are under the jurisdiction of the sequence responsible for the administrative staff, including hiring staff and temporary staff, from March 26, 2010 to date shown great restraint and self-discipline, until the early morning of November 17, have guaranteed the safety of my parents than I who recently lost loved ones, Fudan University Ph.D., I was lucky, of course, just a comparison, this sense of humor, a bit cold.
Prior to that, though several villagers houses in one night, without the knowledge of the head by unknown people to transport a large load down - of course I was in Beijing, did not personally seen, heard and may vary speech; October 15, 2010 I received a phone call, my home became a moat was dug around the house. However, under the rule based on some of your and is the leading officials bear the main responsibility for the trust officials, who had vowed to protect my house, I am willing to split to split, do not want to split will not be dismantled - as I understand it is their respect for intellectuals, and scholars also talk about feelings to some extent, knowing there is no legal basis in the case will not be rash; but the fact is the slap in the face who played it?
If all this is doing an unidentified person, based on the current administrative responsibilities and division of labor, then you selves, should be responsible for its investigation; if nothing, or cold treatment, then I will have you down, even if it is not disappointed in your opinion what, after all, can not decide what my ballot; If you think it does not matter, sort of a small, then I doubt your attitude will meet your expectations of your constituents; if it is in your normal state under the rule, then law and order and the Weifang City Living Environment , and the gangland He Yi? I only can not speak, speechless.
need to add is that I and my family so far, have not seen the demolition agreement, did not see forced demolition notice book, did not see developers, not seen any written document, did not see any level of cover is higher than the seal of the village written notice, the transformation of villages do not know who the so-called dominant, the future is to move back or in situ remote to move back, when can move back. It is said, the accounts of the chaos here as much as billion. The problem seems to require you to check. And, the truth seems not difficult to find.
these events, if you need verification, need to find the truth, I think, based on basic common sense of ordinary people, you have more convenient than I conditions and a greater advantage. particularly in the demolition, especially for various reasons known to force the demolition of large-scale mass incidents caused particular, I need to remind you that the events from the national outrage caused by the lack of self-immolation in January Yihuang demolitions as a study tour in different places, always concerned about the home Weifang people, I need to remind you and you are under the jurisdiction of the sequence responsible for the administrative staff, including the employment of personnel - flow into the earth, they never retrieved. please cherish the blood of the villagers. in particular, need to remind you that in 2010 years, the judges of bribes Diuguo ugly Weifang, Weifang events have had to kill children Hongchuan the country, plus demolitions bloody things, appropriate to the three rival powers, and a shame Yan.
I am not against development, I welcome the development; I do not oppose urbanization, I welcome urbanization; I am not against the demolition I welcome the demolition. I think this , and to ensure more equitable demolition. Why did the villagers have any comments, do not want to demolition? I think you as a moderator should know better than me. If, after the demolition, there were no protection, if not after the demolition of any dependent, if the demolition without any remedial measures after the, then, do not want to disagree with the demolition is not in favor of natural. So far, I have not seen the so-called village developers, and I did not see the villagers called the developer's qualifications, I and the villagers were not discussed by the democratic process and vote on any matter over the demolition and I do not see the villagers are even related to the accounts so far, the relevant basis for resettlement as well as the relative parties are ignorant of the official documents private by With India, but Yigai lacking; existing under the PRC laws, these should be actively publicized public, can be discussed, bargaining is the need to negotiate face to face. I study of law ten years, and the determination of law as a career I can not convince myself to accept the relocation decision. At this point, I do not want to have no need to list a series of evidence, although under the law, who advocate who burden of proof, because it would delay the listing a lot of time, consuming a lot of energy, you and your leadership in the demolition of the front line staff do not necessarily understand; If you need me to explain, I will be face to face to explain the relevant legal principles, but then please do not pay arrears of my labor.
play from the demolition site Among my phone, I heard a lot, I think I need to come out of the public, to let you know. responsible for the demolition of a cleared person to say is - individuals, it does not matter! against the government with no good end! Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao came, but also rely on us! think, based on basic common sense of ordinary people, you have more convenient than I conditions and a greater advantage. I do not understand is this: (1) Who is in the demolition? is called the developer or the government? developer is Who can stand up and take two steps? If the developer, then they'd highly consistent with the Government; if the government, then as a dependent by the taxpayer, who serve them how to become masters in the case said so, and named Road name to comment on the acting style of leaders does not conform to their political ethics and professional ethics; (2) how they have so much self-confidence? is to intimidate or contempt? Who gives them such a solid foundation? we need careful analysis . By the way, the wounded in hospitals, so far without the medicine, there is no leadership at any level of sympathy, the case seems solved within the foreseeable future, and ultimately to nothing. shame!
bulldozed and not political, not push harmonious society, we could not really push of urbanization, they may introduce discord, the introduction of instability, the introduction of petitioners, the introduction of blood, the introduction of Government and the people opposing the introduction of the government, especially at the grassroots level do not trust the staff, the introduction of several decades of Weifang City painstaking hard going out of the good word of the image was destroyed by Xiao Xiao. You can believe that even the introduction of a new New China Weifang, but my family did not push it! people's voice as an individual course without sufficient light weight, can be easily filtered and even blocking, but once the seeds of confrontation and hatred take root, will be filled quickly. We do not want to see the kite will be the containment of the field, so friendly surprise; not want to see the siege in front of government buildings, so that pedestrians stopped; do not want to see to the tall buildings of the city are hundreds of thousands and thousands of feet but no legislation without a tile roof cone villagers - they do not have social security, no pension, not the public, but only landless peasants. who for whom, who made to the , long the heart of Seoul, Yi He speak?
you may not know the details of the demolition, you may not know the land of the content, you may not know the resettlement program, the last two I like you, but some people know that your leadership sequences under the administration of staff know, the villagers know that, fair or not, some people know. The fact is, my house was pulled down, no one greeted me, villagers were chopped, and no one is responsible. to identify it easy, the ancient Ming and training, and listen to the next. I do not know who or obligations are to escape; connivance of those who were suspected of dereliction of duty; participants should clearly criminal Code. If we blindly and light with dust, or even the wish of a share of things involving thousands of villagers, converting a Jinbei covered. this, surely you have a deeper and more comprehensive experience.
Thanks to your leadership of the primary sequence of administrative officials take care of me and my parents. I saw several villagers petition, seven months to continue to fight, also saw and heard the government is not as demolitions and police system, when the outside face of neutrality. I wonder if the demolition is fair, the villagers would not have rights to take this approach, of course not exclusions may exist in your administration under the leadership of grassroots officials in the eyes of the sequence recognized by the trouble-making, diehards, the sinner, but dozens of families hundreds of families who, so many tears, and the plain injured, piles reported materials replaced is you, thanks for what? put ourselves in empathy, I am afraid only unfair to explain everything, Outcry Against Injustice. I can not speak, play it safe, you can hide in the small building, enough to live comfortably. home house for me, feeling greater than the material, I still can not relied on to support my parents. but as intellectuals, the whole world as long as a person is not free, your will is not free. I do not bystanders, nor outsider. I have to question the parents of the house demolition seen you in consultation under the leadership of grassroots officials in the administration sequence, also spoke, telling the truth, I am very disappointed in some people, borders on rogue, outspoken, mouthful of a wish , no sincerity, of course, for safety reasons to protect themselves, I kept all the recordings to prepare for unexpected. Your administration led by the primary sequence, officials promised not dismantling, but the truth to the negative answer; your leadership grass-roots officials in the administration sequence himself told me this was a voluntary self-demolition of the villagers, and no coercion, but also vowed to swear that he is serving the people wholeheartedly, without the slightest personal interest in it, but it gave a negative answer; And even more interesting is that some of the vow vowed to come to work who have to do because of the economic and personal problems in prison. you need to listen to his words and deeds, pays lip service to the country name is detrimental to device, which , responsible government and its leaders should pursue responsible. if you can use to convince you of civilization under the rule of faith villagers? By the way, since the November 17 early morning incident, I told them these people's responses to two words - whether physical or psychological - nausea.
petition of the villagers face, the face of suffering injustice helpless villagers, faced with no room dispossessed landless villagers, faced with a promise next year but without the slightest move into a new contract secured with the villagers in black and white, I wonder if you feel? but I am sure that you are in the sequence leading grass-roots administrative officials and staff will employ some people rejoicing , along with bulldozers and tear of the deafening sound of firecrackers village illustrates this point. I can only say to them, I share your powerless, there is no ability to solve your problem. but I need to tell you and your leadership Administration officials and even the primary sequence level is, the villagers chose the petition, choose a suit, choose a legal way to represent our country, government and the law of the trust, and this is who I am as a legal study and work who place consolation, but if, after the exhaustion of these means, because the obstruction of the various human factors which is expected to reach a fair and reasonable purpose, the only producer Fang Youheng constant heart, no room No place helpless without No money, no food without the dignity of fear can only be happy in the car bombs and tear gas to choose between, and V of two dead, five-step flow, though not heroic, but very impressive. Of course, this is either who do not want to see.
problems in China, you can not resolve, but within the jurisdiction of your place in the problem, but it is proper you can handle. unbridled power in the demolition of public side drive straight, nothing to cover, creating a myriad of human tragedy. Perhaps because of certain factors, you shaped lattice potential ban, Nizushenxian or difficult to hold, but you can do and I believe that is your criteria for the Bong increase is not in your area with the human tragedy. at least, the tragedy and injustice have been compensated and corrected.
Chinese saying, a good practice among public and doors. I would like to invite you to the leadership of your administration sequence grass-roots officials and hire personnel to convey a Chris Young to West Germany. reversing the wall of his trial, his lawyer argued that he was merely the implementation order of the people, the basic right not selected can not blame yourself. The judge pointed out: , not to apply the superior orders is guilty, however, is not allowed to play innocent. As a person of sound mind, at this moment, you have to raise one centimeter guns sovereignty, this is your conscience should automatically assume the obligations . this world, outside the law there is 'conscience'. When the law and the conflict of conscience when the conscience is the highest principles of action, not law. respected life, is a universal yardstick. raise the muzzle of the sovereignty of one centimeter - a last resort in that situation, to play, but it should be deliberately playing not - do not kill people, it is the moral minimum, which is the highest level of conscience. any person can not be to who understand that urban planning can do a scientific and reasonable, compensation for demolition shall be a vested interest in protecting the premise that can be done relatively fair way to persuade the reasoning can be sweetness and light, the bulldozer can be tracked disconnected, the truck engine is the fault, cut knifed position in the human body is a choice, especially this last point, in order to pay 200 yuan per day while the surgeon, nurturing a look in your house back Tomorrow is not also someone to do the same thing with you. At the same time, why make life difficult for it with my book?
since the Song Dynasty in Chinese history since the eight hundred thousand land owners, land is the owner who is off, the rich, but three generations , the poor less than a hundred years. in accordance with the historical experience of observation, although it can not protect the king must have five years Hing, a family or clan within the normal development of several generations, will be Toshihiko rise in the miserly, generally credible today. helpless villagers, resentment of the product, love Yu Yu, will not always be in the bottom of society; today, some people can do anything they want, not tomorrow, is still beautiful. So the implication of a harmonious society is to resolve social hostility will achieve intergenerational political stability. rather than saying evil. question - of Mr. Jiang Ping the rule of law across the immediate environment, can do is cry; but were forced to move all the villagers can not even cry, their voices are too easy to be shielded, filtered, so you may not hear them sound. reported to your materials look very reasonable. But I hope you can hear me these voices, the sound of bulldozers, because the structure principle, it is consistent with the tanks.
sages goes: Zheng Xie Banqiao, . We do not need to reflect?
my parents house was finally pulled down, bulldozed, and the rapid and decisive action, equipment logistical support, superior efficiency and neat, very professional. amazing! often at home a few days before hard texture of the massive objects fly into unprovoked, not knowing that whomever; the courtyard has become a gathering place for waste, glass, all broken, presumably the city government is to create health, but also pay attention to label the demolition site - obvious home greatly increase the level of public administration, far away in the Metropole my generation, there are truly proud of. Potsdam, Germany, a seat mills, relics of the period of William the Great, is also a matter involving the demolition, wind into the rain to enter and that the king can not enter, for hundreds of years equanimity This mill system only rumors, I did not see. Beijing Chang'an Avenue side of Block Sanweishuwu, twenty years after the storm, something involving the demolition, wind, rain can enter into that city management can not enter, I is its volunteers, which is my own eyes. I built the original house is strong, can continue to use five years, unless circumstances do not reason the collapse of the earthquake, and this spring, has six pairs of birds nest, full of life, raising two dogs, one large and one small, very cute. but, no.
to make me and my parents and villagers were you hear the sound, I registered letter and express mail service in the finish of the first open letter working days to send you this letter so you know, the relevant evidence when you decide to investigate further since there will be villagers; can then determine the demolition of the problem lies, fair or not, whether the lawlessness, and Charles Wang Why my house tomorrow drained, and how the aftermath; However, based on my previous administration led by you in the primary sequence level officials dealing with the experience, especially in the information submitted by the legal way to open a formal application for five months, Notwithstanding the Municipal Development and Reform Commission made sure that the response of individual departments, but the rest down the drain, and you call the mayor's hotline or the blind audio, or were told not as, or very bad attitude, respect dead people will not be accepted, has not received any written response - which greatly affect your reservation in my mind the image of chilling enough to make my generation; the same time, also based on the administrative organs of the hated bureaucracy - less Tours decades, I live in Weifang Two decades later, evaluation should be more than you have here, the priority of bureaucratic agencies - I will be in the form of an open letter by registered mail and express mail will be followed in the public domain, contribute to your understanding of and interest in this matter, can be considered outside my generation Weifang Tours who work for the home and contribute to the maintenance of the image.
as ordinary commoner, Kejin civic responsibility, made only voice calls only, so that more people knew the unfairness and injustice ever; As for the call after the results, perhaps even worse, perhaps better, perhaps unspeakable; I can do is do my best to learn and to make as much of the media, network and government agencies in the know, this led to you and those people have concerns for the demolition, so the law will not help people are not completely disappointed, because injustice can only be overcome placed under the sun. If you or your subordinates that the need for media and public relations, it can occupy the horizon, set or provinces north, want to add a word, then I do not flash does not avoid being lapel waiting to get to the bottom to be satisfactorily resolved. For action, I will actively study law school years, trying to go. But I gentle reminder, they must use public money to pay for all your own, because public funds are also among the villagers in a tax money. I am sure that the various items of Chen, there is no exaggeration or suspected structure slander, because the beginning of the letter I have explained,
I will retain and continue to make use all possible means, including public protection law of private relief and personal, but also the need for flexible means of disposal of the related, be sure to make the law conferred the right of me and the villagers are maintained in the face there must be a statement against, there is a confessed; I will not give up any effort, debt or expired, but the anger has not come in just before the die. Should the principle of no return good for evil, obliterate it allies and enemies, then why hold Germany? May have to teach me, Mr. Mayor.
my study of law in recent years, hope and resolve to call on non-violent social hostility, promoting the development of the national progressive democracy, the rule of law to implement the concept, and the future of the country hold a prudent optimism. but you just act under the rule of the hard work and with my expectations, I suspect, you are not under the rule of Weifang is to create a Revolution to commemorate the Revolution of the way? If so, presided over are tantamount to destroying the cornerstone of the name when the trial for treason.
compared with others, especially in comparison with the villagers, in a sense, I was lucky, the university chose me, I can choose to go abroad, to immigration, you can vote with their feet, you can build hiring Chu, get paid, you can drift, but I never give up their family, house and right. in the front will not be allowed to compromise justice. things slowly over time will not be forgotten, not as the same did not happen, so I want to tell you think you deserve and should be conveyed to the relevant persons and ask them to pray that I do not learn as well, do not have a day ahead Do not have given enough to make them sound even embarrassing, do not give me the possibility to vote with their feet, because I will pursue the responsibility of every responsible person. Unless something me and the villagers be resolved, otherwise, will not Like never happened. drained of the house as the umbilical cord cut, cut off my sense of belonging in Weifang, born and bred, but not based in Sri Lanka, is the Shui Zhiguo?
I want to see constructive comments and suggestions, have a sincere attitude and spirit of consultation treatment-related events, the responsibility of being implemented, the fault are investigated, damage compensation. make public disclosure of all the things that please give me a legal basis, please use the civilization to convince me. do it or not, is himself, as with the fragmentation, is God.
Although I am an atheist, but believe retribution. retribution unhappy, never lie, sooner or later it just is. scholar will not open bulldozer, not a knife rampage, but the student will write history, that is enough.
picture too bloody scene gentle nothing, save for the care of the face, not attached. If you want to see, at any time send you.   people do, day in watching.
book not the words, to Japan, longer.
that Chung
Doctor of Law, Tsinghua University Graduate Wang Jinwen
on November 17, 2010 when the Tsinghua School 

Shanghai after the fire after the fire on the 2nd and ninety-nine years after the Xinhai

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