Monday, January 3, 2011

Sharing stories

 May have a motto, and you will finish a long time;
may have a story, and you will last a lifetime.
Another hell
a man died, the way in to the Jianyan Wang, passing through a magnificent palace. palace owner asked him to stay and live. The man said: master replied: bed, you sleep as long as no one will bother you; and, I guarantee you do not need anything. The people who eat sleep and food, was very happy. Gradually, he felt a bit lonely and empty, so he went to the palace of the owner, complained: little meaning at all. I am now full of brain broth, and could not get to this point has been interested in life. You can find me a job? We never had any work here. work, I'd rather go to hell and never want to live here. the original is a living hell! although not ordered by it can be, no flames can be, there is no pan to go, can it can gradually destroy your ideal corrosion of your mind, or even let you into a zombie.
having a hard time doing nothing is also a pain, but rather a better tomorrow and sometimes full of happiness; Hardships for the worst, probably the common human destiny. You see that the rich, more money does not spend long finished, is still hard work, and why? for their own vitality.
horse and deer  who found a piece of a horse
lush grass, often to a meal here.
But later, a Deer also discovered the secret, while the horse is not, also came to eat grass,
horse found this out, that deer occupied their own interests, to retaliation for deer, but could do nothing himself to ask for help.
said: put horse head bolt in the slot.
At this time, Ma see or over, heaved to:
emotional fast, must be reported to the Grievance to desirable, in order to retaliate against and unscrupulous, eventually will pay a heavy price for their sheep and fox

a sheep suspected of eating two chickens, were tried in court in the State animal, Judge Fox is smart, talented.
sheep self defense: Chicken is so delicious, so to judge by my conscience, let the sheep is certainly not chicken. .
Bacon said: an unfair judge, even more than ten times the consequences of crime. because the crime is to ignore the law - like pollution of the water, while the trial is unjust laws like the pollution of the water damage.
millionaire the secret of the birth of
psychologists have made such a study:
they found 20 students who made just graduated from university, decided to do something you enjoy doing; There is also looking for the same qualifications and age, decided to join the hot industry, make money, do the things they like 20 people.
20 years later, the two control groups found that they like to do the work of 20 people, 8 million to become rich, while the latter is only a millionaire.
whether in your career, the first step to success is to be interested in this career!!!

group of mice rats and dogs ready to climb up the table to steal meat, they alerted the sleeping dog at the table.
mouse to discuss with the dogs, said:
> Dog sternly rejected the proposal of mice:
a lot of embezzlement and the dog is not smart people. For example, loss of state assets, the specific person in charge can take off the relationship? but there are many people just do not understand this, just for the sake of meat in front of the two fast , and finally allow himself to be punished.
greedy monkeys
in Algiers region have a long Bayer monkeys, like stealing the rice farmers. local farmers according to the characteristics of these monkeys, the invention of a kinds of ingenious ways to capture the monkeys.
farmers to the narrow neck of a bottle gourd-type fixed, tied to a tree, and then put the monkey in the bottle most like rice, Jing Hou then good news.
In the evening, the monkey came under the tree and saw the bottle of rice is very pleased to put the claws to grab the bottle into his rice. This is the beauty of the bottle just to monkey paw into it, so it took a handful rice, the claws on how to not pull out too. greedy monkey will never be put down the rice at hand, it is so, it has been pumping out claws also had to keep in the bottle next to the wearer. The next morning, When farmers caught it, it still will not open claws, put the rice into his mouth until.
evolved from monkeys, of course, smarter than monkeys. If the rice into money  beauty  power, is probably taken, but not the monkey.
guilty conscience
many children received a carpenter apprentice.
One day, he lost the money drawer, I do not know who is taken away, Some children are denied more than their own doing.
order to ascertain the truth, the carpenter, summoned his children to one, given the length of each one the same stick, and then said: good income, tomorrow morning with me, stole the money stick grow an inch than the others. grow an inch lest tomorrow than others.
next day, we have to stick out after stealing the money of the children stick an inch shorter than the others, he was ashamed to cry out, do not steal other people's later things.
guilty to the more obscure the more marks. to cover the first mistake, committed a second error, the result was forced to make up the front of the loophole, and finally, in a long chain of errors, but more and more flaws.
morning a lion wakes up, feel great, strength and pride filled his mind.
he began wandering in the jungle,
Lions First encounter a rabbit.
he shouted to the rabbit: lion, a monkey face.
him to a monkey shouted: Then the lion met an elephant.
lion howling like an elephant: dozen times, the Lions fell to the ground again, almost stepping into a lion his hair carpet, and then sped away.
disgraced lion jumped up, roared toward the back of an elephant:
You do not know the answer, you can also not be so angry ah! Duke Wen of Jin loves to eat barbecue, barbecue chef for his very nature was his favorite, well-paid.
day, Duke Wen of Jin to eat barbecue, even found a hair on the meat. ���� furious, like the cook rule against himself.
chef nodded repeatedly and said he had three big meals crime.
���� surprised and asked how he would do three crimes>
cook, said:
First, his knife grinding fast, failed to cut the rope.
Second, he carefully checked carefully to the child on the dishes, but did not see big hair Zheng Yanjing.
Third fire so busy, consider cooked meat we did not blow the hair.
Lord Wen asked him:
kitchen in his place who can do?
chef and a person.
Lord Wen ordered him to bring questioning . it really was this man was intended to provoke the owner, the Code cook, their own instead.
smell a rat, it is necessary to identify who may benefit from a sudden event, do not rush to act in accordance with people's plans.

two tigers, two tigers, one in the cage, one in the wild.
tiger in a cage meals on the outside of the tiger free.
two tigers are often a cordial conversation.
cage outside the Tiger Tiger is always the envy of freedom outside the tiger cage and the tiger is the envy of comfort.
day, a tiger on another tiger, said: happy Xing, running hard in the desert; into the tiger cage, very happy, he will not have to worry about food.
But soon, two tigers are dead!
one is starving to death, a only to die of depression.
tiger from the cage out of access to free, but not at the same time the ability to obtain prey; into the cage, the tiger got comfortable, but did not get the mood of life in a small space.
Many times , people often turn a blind eye on their well-being, but feel the happiness of others is very bright. to my surprise, the happiness of others may find they do not fit; more unexpected, is perhaps the happiness of others their own graves.
Wolf and the old woman
wolf out for food, looking for a long time nothing. accident after a family, I heard a child crying in the room, then came an old woman's voice:
throw it out to feed the wolf to eat. The wolf was so impatient, go to the front of the house to wait for an opportunity into the room, but heard the old woman said:
Wolf listened, and ran quickly back to the nest was scared. companions asked how it is harvested, it says: '
other empty promises, you believed her, completely unaware of the many times people just take what you say it. his surprise a loud noise, and in disarray, normal work  life all because of someone else's words and change!
Wait three days, a Chinese writer
visit the streets of New York met a old lady selling flowers.
old woman wearing a very worn, the body looked very frail, but his face was is a peaceful and happy look.
writer pick a flower, said: of trouble, you can see indeed a open. a bad day, three days later to Easter. So, when I met unfortunately, I will wait for three days, everything back to normal. set a lower limit expired let them all aside.

mice Variety a little mouse in the jungle Whig, depressed all day, it is self-inductance of a poor image, skills and small, most living in the community the ground floor, air ah see people more than the cat.
distress came to the mountain of small rodents in front, again pleaded for help, turn it into a cat. mountain was finally wrapped, however, agreed to its request. The little mouse change air into a cat.
not happy a few days, has a new problem, the original cats afraid of dogs. it went to ask the god, turning it into a dog. can be mended, the dog afraid of wolves, so request it ran into a wolf ......< br> so it goes all the way to request all the way to change the mouse finally become king of the forest - an elephant.
it stand up tall, walk in the jungle inspection, majestic, it met all the animals bowing respectfully, it too glad heart.
but not too long, it has a new discovery: the elephant is, surprisingly, are most afraid of mice.
At this time it is in the eyes of the greatest image has become a rat, so it went begging mountain .......< br> all things are equal grams. born mice to a good peace of mind to do no harm rats happy? Prisoner's Dilemma

two suspects arrested by the police.
police were telling them they have three choices;
first refuses to plead guilty, they eventually did not find a crime evidence, so they will be acquitted;
Second, a voluntary confession and expose fellow 3-year prison sentence only.
Thirdly, it is their own refuses to plead guilty, but was discovered and proven guilty companions, so that be sentenced to 10 years.
be kept separate from, respectively, for trial offenders will choose which one do? majority would choose the second.
This is the most famous chess Bo proposition: no one prisoner's dilemma
not his own future on the other hand.
principle of two small cities in the Mainland
a competition for foreign investment.
these two conditions are almost a small city, location, transportation, resources , labor and so equally matched. hardware is not dominant, it is only by the software.
a city leadership decided, in the land price, taxes, etc. to make further concessions to foreign investors more benefits. But Surprisingly, foreign finally chose B after the city was puzzled asked
foreign explained: A condition of the city is too favorable, and he promised is beyond the scope of national policy do not act in accordance with legal principles.
that human color is too strong, the policy is too arbitrary place we dare not go, this is decades of investment ah.
violates the principle of today, you can give me the benefits of Tomorrow you'll be unprincipled doing? God knows!
imagined a disaster
one night in the dark lonely road, a young man's car broke down: car tire burst!
young people to get off a search of the toolbox, but could not find jack.
how to do? this road half a day there will be no vehicles passed by, he saw a light far from the house, decided to go to that people, by Jack.
on the road, young people keep thinking: refused to lend me how to do?
.......< br> along this line of thinking to go on, he grew more and more gas, when he went to the house before, Qiaokai Men, the owner had just come out, he people at the very start is a red:
soon put the door closed.
in such a way that young people into a common that must not borrow, and until the people the door, he can not help but break the curse.
in our usual life, and many people make their own series of adverse speculate, the result is really the itself at a disadvantage.
before doing something, you often in the mind of their own: It may not do it, how about if how, the results may not do it, you have no confidence that things ten There eighty-nine will towards you imagine the negative direction!
two batteries
father in the mine had a duty to seek the job, every night need to use flashlight.
father bought a two day new battery, it may be considered out of savings, he is still reluctant to discard the old batteries and some light, only one of them. One night down, become weak flashlight's dim light, his father and put on another section may be a few days, the battery nor electricity.
father was very angry these two batteries thrown into the trash, where.
father said: buy the two inferior products. I say it is resistance of the old battery has become the reason, his father a look of puzzled.
father did not know, that section he could not bear to throw away the old batteries have become the resistance, thereby consuming a new battery.
think about it sometimes, too, because of nostalgia, or to the interests of small and seize some of the things that would not let go of kilometers, the results are often Tanxiaoshida, going astray. hey, a man becomes a useless battery, destroy themselves, but also harm others.
eliminate the resistance in life, abandoning the old and welcoming the new life to efficient operation, sends out all the light and heat.
ants and an ant in the river bird
edge to drink water, fell down accidentally.
it all the strength to close to the shore, but have not seen for a while to not swim, and walking around in circles, a small ant desperate struggle. At this time, is a large bird feeding river saw this scene, it is a sympathetic look at this poor little ants, and then throw the title from a twig next to it, a small ant struggling to climb the tree, and finally out of danger back to shore.
when small ant on the grass to dry the body in the river when it heard a man's footsteps. a hunter came gently, hands Duanzhe Qiang, ready to shoot majestic bird . small ant hunters quickly climbed the toes, into his pants to pull the trigger the moment the hunter, a small ant bit him. hunter distracted he missed the bullet. shots startled the bird , wings and flew away.
though ants are much weaker than the bird small animals, but it has its own power to help with bird survived a fatal disaster.
not think that only make it powerful will be to their benefit, often good hearts to help others, a trivial matter may change a person's life, in turn, will help on many of your little busy.
three people to be off three years in prison, a warden to allow them to make a demand.
Americans love cigars, cigar boxes to three.
French the most romantic, to be accompanied by a beautiful woman.
and the Jews said he wanted a telephone to communicate with the outside world.
after three years,
rushed out of the first Americans, his nose stuffed with cigars, shouted: I fire!
final out of the Jews to hang on the governor's hand he said: you a Laoshilaisi! .
took a bite of hamburger
a rainy morning, a young woman with a five-year-old boy entered a fast food restaurant. Shiyou they sit down and order a man came in, back slightly bent, wearing a pieces of broken coat. He slowly walked to a mess of the table, check each box slowly, looking for leftovers. When he picked up a piece of French fried potatoes, the boy said the mother whispered: eat other people's things! I think he ate something others do not. place, put it on the table. that people are very surprised, looked at the boy walked away grateful.
famous writer Charles Dickens once described life: Meaning if I can make a broken heart, I will not in vain alive; if I can reduce the pain of a life, soothe a wound, or a bird that returned to nest in the nest, I would not live in vain.
Qing dynasty emperor emperor patch
once broken the knee of his pants, he does not want to do a new, light make up one side and relatively ugly, fill in the two legs of the moon on the type of patch.'s claims in the Imperial Household Department played list, and these two patches Huaxiao two silver 50.
calling the shots, so the emperor, courtiers were also vying for thrifty state / time, when he was champion Pan Shien Suzhou scholar towards a two when the moon to wear type of patch. dynasty emperor met very happy to ask that how much the two patches.
Pan scholar is a wise man, understand that this question can not easily answered, and that less would offend the Imperial Household Department people, for their own marred. So exaggerate the guts to do that: It took two silver 20.
dynasty one, Youjingyounu:
why so cheap, I took the two patches of 50 two I had the whole gang in Richmond I.
natural is the best lie of the emperor, those who sit in an office all day, meeting the owner of the table, leaders have huge warning
thin gift
India A Ming Jiaomei farmers who arrived in New Delhi, would like to find a job in government, but he had just arrived at the destination, all property was stolen at the train station will be light. he was a dilemma, so I asked an old Sikh tell him the grievances of Catholics, hoping to borrow Rs 15 a temporary emergency, and promised a job to pay back the money. The man lent the money to Menon, but obstinately refused to give his name and address, just that Mercy is a stranger, should also accept the mercy of a stranger.
Menon did not forget this debt for life, then to do good out of the name.
long ago, I love Mumbai airport luggage the counter you want to reclaim my luggage, but there are not Indian money, the waiter and would not take travelers checks. Then a stranger next to me to help me pay the luggage fee, then Menon Tell me a story , called I do not care about how much he was in the back. He explained: his father was assistant Menon.
Sikhs from an unknown to an Indian civil servant and then his assistant, from assistant to his son and then to - a foreigner who was extremely embarrassed, although the gift is limited, but the mind far more than the amount of money, it makes me feel very lucky, but also constantly reminds me, I do for others something?
Relay plug this charity will be sown in many hearts in love, so that the habit of doing good for many people.
rich family rich old Master
One more child, even his son is spoiled. The little master naturally very naughty. One day, the young master to play up the street trees.
see the trees came a scholar to stand under a tree to pee on trees, and poured out the scholar one, the student was furious, is the little master, immediately turn anger to joy, even praise to the rich young master wise: play the game like everyone else baby is not the same as the rich man happy, little master is happy and gave him a sugar merchant does.
over A few days later, on the way to a horse Chi, a young gentleman, is a urine. this is bad, and immediately eaten riding arena where the robber, caught on the trees, the little master to throw out the good far little master kick in..
psychologists say today: that human character is done by encouraging the children so the adults is no different. As long as he completed an activity in some way, the next time he will have to the same way as the impulse to do the same type of activity. Over time, he formed his own acting style, the style of the integrated personality is formed.
who harm the young master it? surface is rich, is a thief, but the businessmen who curry favor with the financial situation in fact is more to blame. a person did something bad and punishment rather than be encouraged to stop, he would go farther and farther on this road.
frog desire
a frog living in the river, walking on their way to extremely dissatisfied, four legs force hobbled down to see those people walking on two legs, and high and clear, to be able to walk like a human being The more happy ah!
frog so keep to the riverside temple to worship Buddha Wishing, hoping one day to walk like people. Year after year, the frog's sincerity finally moved the gods, the frog has come true.
frog stood up proud, starting of the two legs (the original hind legs), strode away up, but it is inexplicable and farther away from the river, how have come to the stage to the water's edge, but also can no longer catch food, hungry frogs finally died harder and harder.
original frog stand up and walk, it can only saw the back of the eyes, legs forward, backward-looking eyes, this monster will naturally be survival.
not suitable for their blind pursuit of things, such as status, love, wealth, in the end may evolve into a tragedy.
virtue and someone moving in the ancient hutong
official, a day then suddenly letters to the home. open a view, we know the home of a dispute with neighbors is a result of opening two shelf collapsed wall of the courtyard, re-building walls are as much of the time the patch of land to prevent these sites. family asked him to take along books come forward to speak, to let neighbors back.
Soon, officials hope the family received a long letter, which was only a limerick:
take along the book to hit the wall a thousand miles,
three feet and let him Why not.
this is still the Great Wall,
not see then Emperor.
family is to understand the truth, take the initiative to give way the next three feet, neighbors are not far behind, but also concede the next three feet So there was a six feet wide the middle of the alley, walk for the villagers.
village so the alley named: righteousness alley.
eat too much of, greedy, petty and willing to fight for some, completely righteousness of the heart without a half hours. In fact, except to pass after some mental and moral world outside, and what things do stand the test of time?
looking for a good system
17-18 century British prisoners transported to Australia, according to on board when the prisoner's head to the private owners pay. The private owners to reap huge profits, would pay the life and death of prisoners. Each ship transporting excessive number of poor living environment, coupled with the owner withheld the prisoners food and hoarded in order to reach the destination after selling money, so most of the prisoners died in the middle. More cynically, some owners sometimes put a prisoner alive into the sea to sea. to improve the nutrition, will increase operating costs, but also can not suppress the owner's profit-making desires; if board by [sending managers to monitor the owner, in addition to greatly increased government spending, but also difficult to ensure the supervision of the staff will not be sent to the temptation of profits under the no collusion collusion with the owner.
Finally, the British government developed a new approach They arrived in Australia by the provisions of the prisoners disembarked alive capitation. Thus, the private owners of their brains, do everything possible to make the most of the prisoners alive to your destination. late mortality rate of prisoners shipped to Australia only 1% of the lowest, while the original peak is 94%.
This story illustrates that a good system to their own very low cost.
hard to find good people
one day, Yan Wangye judge on his side, said: what people want to be? ,
fish ponds and fruit have everything, beautiful wife all the U.S. concubine Yin,
Diaolianghuadong dragon and phoenix, the storage accumulation to make money,
old people do not last forever, wealth and status for thousands of years. Royal Highness listened to smile, said: but also to work hard themselves to.

morning a goat, a goat wandering outside the fence, the fence where it wanted to eat cabbage, but could not get.
this time, the Sun Dongsheng shines the earth, inadvertently, the goats saw himself dragged by the sun very long, long shadow.
it like: I'm so tall, sure to eat the fruit, eat, what not to eat this cabbage relationship? So, it ran toward the orchard.
to the orchard was noon when the sun when the top / At this point, the shadow of the goat into a mass of small, goat sighed: I am so small, less than the fruit to eat, or go back to eating cabbage good!
Thus, it is unhappy running back off the body.
to the fence, the sun west, it has become a shadow again very, very long. goats are very upset: very big, disappointments, that he is very small. the story of the goat in the shadow as a standard to judge yourself, then what should we do understand their own?
Yen Hui, Confucius
cook trapped in Chen and Cai The between not only eat the wild rice, 7 days without eating food.
Confucius lay sleeping during the day. Yen back to discuss rice, after the discussion for cooking rice, instant rice, and crawl Yen Hui saw Confucius eat the pot.
After a child, cooked rice, and Confucius and Yen Hui Mein side meals, Confucius pretended not to see the Yen Hui pilaf, got up and said: meals and then go and sacrifice to get clean Xianjun. ;
sigh Confucius said: It is not easy ah. the Magistrate interrogated.
county magistrate in order to prove he is a clean government, proposed three ways to rich choice of punishment:
The first is a fine of 50 pieces of silver.
second is pumping 50 whips, br> The third is the sound of eating 5 pounds of garlic.
afraid to spend money the rich man feared and beaten to select a third.
in the crowd of people, the rich man began to eat garlic, not so difficult, it is the lightest punishment. their internal organs are in churn, as was the fire burn, he cried tears: , put him on a bench by the presence of surface to whip dipped in salt water and chili powder, rich look scared, playing with the under 10, the rich man's crap out of pain, and finally could not help but exclaimed: a great lord, pity me, do not hit me and gave me 50 pieces of silver bar. had enough suffering and had a lot of money for health, when it is too late! also affected by the crime, and money spent, would ever have done it?
I did not say she stole my money
been done such an experiment
20 people in a circle, randomly assigned to the ...

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