Wednesday, January 5, 2011

EDUCATION SCIENCE language second grade lesson plans on the books (a)

 1, the sun, you do
a paint maker, import:
children, like the riddles it? First guess today the teacher gave you a riddle how? Listen, oh! Morning out of the East China Sea in the evening under the Western Hills . illuminate the earth, sent warm. you guess what is this? guessed it, the sun! (Blackboard)
you like the sun? Why like this? invite you to talk about? teachers like the sun, I like the cause and we do not like it, ah, is painting the Carpenter, (Blackboard) paint maker who knows the children were doing? very good, then the solar energy to do painting the Carpenter? The lesson we learn article It is called the request) free to read the text, circle the word was born, the correct pronunciation pronunciation, marked paragraphs.
2, understanding vocabulary
divisions: children who have read very carefully, and now the teacher as a test for you, look at these Vocabulary baby you know it? Read it
3, named sub-division
read: It seems that students are aware of these new words. Now to talk about who the text was divided into a few paragraphs? Who wants to read the text?
III, paragraph by paragraph to understand
1, read so fluently ah! children now re-read the text, see the text inside the sun would have painted what place? They ring out to you? writing on the blackboard: sea beach clouds in the sky children
2, now give me your hand, go to a walk on the beach! (courseware) Look! beach into what color it? (golden yellow ) When you come to this beach, what do you feel? feel like? now I feel you feel it! with your feelings come try it!
read great kids, We teachers can not help but awarded a small gift (courseware) crystal, (beautiful? the United States, where?) the sea was like a piece of translucent crystal blue crystal. who can read a sentence describing what the sea? boys and girls the United States than anyone else read it!
Well, a complete picture of the beautiful sea, the next, the sun painted a father and what kind of work? Please look for the answer in the book it! listening to the teacher to Read it. Who wants to come back again to imitate the teacher's voice reading these words? white clouds can be like what?
IV Pictures:
today, ah, the sun father brought us back to several other paintings (courseware), imitation of sentence: the sun, you have to -------, ---- paint like - Oh! works disappeared, there have been six small dots, (work a lot to say lots to talk about) is, in this beautiful world, there are many works on the sun would hide in the six dots in it!
sun would also do a funny thing, (courseware) to encourage Children read out their different feelings.
eight, summed up:
before class we remember the dialogue with the sun would it? altered, the teacher wanted to put this topic, tell all the people, (the sun, you are painting the Carpenter!) Come on! Let us open the book, read the text again Mimi's right!
1, the sun, you are painting the Carpenter do
clouds in the sky the sea the beach the children
the sun, you are painting the Carpenter
one review into new courses
1. students, this class the teacher will call you guess a riddle, to see who can first guess. Sometimes hanging round the sky, sometimes curved hanging a tree. during the day and meet again, come out at night. boat, round the moon like? inspired imagination. the students very well and then the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai Think of it as what? this lesson we have to learn it. (board: Old Brightness line)
Second, the self-study text (teacher and tour guide)
requirements: 1. With Pinyin read the text three times repeated.
2. painted with different symbols to grasp the poem's six words and should 5 understanding of words, pronunciation pronunciation.
four, read a poem, students word
1. Check the poem read aloud situation. (referring to different levels of students read 3-4)
2. to recognize and read time read the second line)
teacher explained, In addition, he also considered what the moon? (read the third line) Director: another suspect Yaotai mirror. to recognize and read the how was it? (read the fourth line.) guide: Fly in / Pik / client.
5, the moon also like to you? start to imagine, to complete fill in the blank strive to become a small poet.
hours does not know month, call for, and doubt, fly Albatron side.
five, reading, reciting text
Although students are aware of the moon, but in the month view, there are many imagine, imagined moon is beautiful, lovely. can read your mood in the expression out? Please listen and read.
1. repeatedly read the text (the first students to freely read, re-named Reading)
2. recite texts. (recited still have to pay attention to rhythm.)
six, literacy, writing, memorizing the main guide
students, teachers, appropriate complementary, focusing on guidance ; the right half. group of words to consolidate: Ancient, ancient.
line: the left is double the side, with short write-down write long. the right side lower than the left. group of words to consolidate: bicycles, pedestrians, all right. < br> When: at the word next to the addition of : awareness, knowledge, literacy.
for: jobs, work, role of the together with two short cross.
units: the upper half to write than moon, painting a picture.
a blackboard, the creation of scenarios, stimulated interest into
1, the students, we have a lot of festivals in China, (writing on the blackboard: holiday) you know What holidays do you?
2, then the festival which is what our children their own festival? the feast day of fun you do?
Yes, this is the one holiday all the world's children, all children in various countries all sorts of ways to celebrate through this proud, happy day, see the big screen, you see, they had a good time ah! together today, let us also have been this happy holiday, right? (writing on the blackboard: happy) Let us issue happy mood to read it. (Play multimedia courseware, enjoy the national holiday to celebrate the scene of children.)
order to congratulate the festival the students, the teacher gave you a small gift for it! Please listen to (play songs).
Second, the first reading of the text, learning new vocabulary words, the overall perception.
1, like this little gift? know the name of this song? We now come to learn The lyrics to this song! 1, free to read the text ask someone to read the text. (courseware production requirements) free to read the text, circle the word was born, the correct pronunciation pronunciation, marked paragraphs.
2, understanding vocabulary < br> Teacher: children who have read very carefully, and now the teacher as a test for you, look at these new words baby you know it? Read it
3, section read
named Teacher: Look Students have to know these new words. Now to talk about who the text was divided into a few paragraphs? Who wants to read the text?
Third, reading, perception, learning and experience.
1, children Read it so well, and you want to race with the teacher. Please listen to the teacher to read the text children. right? listen to old Normal reading, talk about where you feel happy?
2, the teacher read, Not only the children happy, birds, flowers, the wind is beaming, please put your favorite one to read to a small partner to listen to the same table, a commentary of mutual evaluation, comparison and experts who are studying small.
3, You read through the expression of the children's happy? Let us courage to challenge it!
challenge the students read the same section of reading. (to read a small selection of the experts, awarded smile)
(1) the first section : refers to the time. Look, who congratulated us? (writing on the blackboard: birds, wind) Why are we happy? (writing on the blackboard: garden, lawn) (personal challenges, the challenges of boys and girls)
(2) the second section : refers to the reading. Listen, who congratulated us? (writing on the blackboard: flowers, white poplar) congratulated What? produced What kind of tone should read? (pride) (personal challenge, team challenge) Why are we happy?
(3) the third section: refers to the time. in this happy holiday, we thought what? text in the its hard to practice flying. rely on the growth of our children? (by the country's culture, but also rely on their own efforts to learn, to know, grow up to serve our motherland.) Why are we happy? (students challenge) as we have such a great country and happy!
(4) Fourth section: (referring to time. teacher challenges the class time.) So we sing this happy festival ah, jump, beloved teacher, dear partners, we spent together the happy moments.
four, students, and today you have a pleasant time? Let us read with happily happy at this moment to express the feelings of it! (all with a soundtrack classes read the text)
V. Summary, emotional sublimation.
children, is her mother gave us this happy holiday, and gave us a happy life. How do we repay her mother do?
just classmates talk out their ideals, I hope the students appreciate the happy life today, learn, grow up to serve the motherland.
Today's assignment is: home learning to sing this song teams will next section, singing competitions held.
blackboard design
25 happy holiday bird wind flowers to thank the motherland
4 grass, to move forward
I. creation of scenarios, before the class into new courses
let us look at a song, just as they sing the song Do not worry, you see, my partner hh kids all over the ends of the earth, today we learn this lesson and the grass is also relevant, please bring your books at page 18, who would be willing to read the topic? writing on the blackboard , to move forward paragraphs.
2, understanding vocabulary
divisions: children who have read very carefully, and now the teacher as a test for you, look at these new words baby you know it? read it
3 , named section read
division: It seems that students are aware of these new words. Now to talk about who the text was divided into a few paragraphs? Who wants to read the text?
Third, deepen the sensible < br> 1, the text and questions in the same sentence, there have been several in the text?
2, if the article should be divided into three parts, what should be divided?
3, free to study at part of the thinking: what you read? what you do not understand?
4, self second, three parts, according to their own understanding of experience to appreciate, and praise the grass.
5, unimaginative, like I thought, the grass will go where? first independent thinking, and then talk about your ideas and at the same table.
6, who would be willing to tell everyone about your ideas.
7, right nice! students this lesson we learn of the the illustrations.
writing on the blackboard:
5 A, stimulated interest into:
students, today the teacher to give us a cute little animals, he would you? (show video). Who talk about the little monkey how you left the impression? (raw A: lively, lovely, etc.) so that a smart and cute little monkey if you go to plant fruit trees, the result would happen then? (s begin writing on the blackboard and subject) < br> Second, the first reading of the text
1, free to read the text ask someone to read the text. (courseware production requirements) free to read the text, circle the word was born, the correct pronunciation pronunciation, marked paragraphs.
2, understanding of vocabulary
Division: the children have read very carefully, and now the teacher as a test for you, look at these new words baby you know it? Read it
3, named sub-read
Teacher: It seems that students are aware of these new words. Now to talk about who the text was divided into a few paragraphs? Who wants to read the text?
4, read very well, which is now the most courageous wish kids stood up to say something about what the main text do?
Third, read the text
1. Why is it so? Below we take a look at how the small animals are contained in the tree? present form (Teacher to explain the first line):
little goat four years of planting trees apricot trees apricot little cattle little white monkey
ask someone to read silently the text, modeled on the example of completed form. students first look for themselves in the book, painting a painting, then, and at the same table exchanges. teachers and students to complete the form.
2. a small goat in planting trees, small cattle are fertilizing the fruit trees, the little white water in a cherry tree. They are in hard labor significantly, So little monkey doing? Why would he do nothing to gain? ask someone to look at the text before the first paragraph.
(1) read the first paragraph named. to produce something like this. named Reading phrase so, how well do you think he read? (voice enough) So what is . read in place, teachers guide: a small monkey has just planted pear trees on the fanfare, how did he think? (named statement)
(2) not only impatient little monkey was not any patient toil in the met kid, small cattle, little white after a few small animals, but also how to do it?
(3) Learning 2mm6 paragraphs to find out their favorite text dialogue, repeated reading, think about the dialogue from their , you know what.
(4) planting trees is a small goat heard his words, is how to say it? (showing small goats and monkeys in the conversation) to practice read, named Reading. guide various forms of reading. then you know the dialogue from their what?
transition: a small monkey kid listening to the words of the night pulled the pear, apricot trees planted to change. At this time, he blew open the. (5) (cattle and small monkeys to produce a small dialogue) free time to practice reading and to talk about from their dialogues know what?
(6) changed little monkey on a peach tree planted around later boast, the little white listened very impatient, the little white say what? (showing little white to say) named read (as long as the experience from the short)
(7) as long as two years can be a little monkey results of the his heart has moved. (present: a small monkey, the heart has moved hh) what will happen to the next little monkey, how? (named A) (Students: little monkeys and the night pulled apricot , planted a cherry tree.)
students, small monkeys planted cherry trees, and why or not harvests? (to guide students to speak freely: There may be two cases, one he did not work, missed the planting season ; Second, he may have encountered who, who told him a one-year results of the fruit.) when teachers show:
is, he said to the little monkey: listening,.)
think to talk about. (referring to two students to talk about.)
(8) (with map) a few years, fill the fields of fruit harvest it! species have pear pear , species have apricot apricot, peach's too peach, only a small monkey empty-handed, with nothing. where a small monkey he was wrong then? the same table and discussing with you. (to guide students to self-statement: because of the small monkeys do not assertive, impatient, anxious, so will get nothing) [Blackboard: There is no inconsistency of the main patient and anxious to meet notice]
3. If you are the little monkey to see this picture, do you think? how would I say? IV summarizes
students, we do things and learning assertive when necessary, patient, not as anxious as the young monkeys, rolling stone. Today job is to tell the story Dad Mom Dad to listen to. okay?
[complete writing on the blackboard: You must have the patience to do assertive inconsistency of anxious] or coming to an end only empty-handed, with nothing.
6 A, stimulated interest into:
a ﹑ hair show, suspense
1, to show the fox and the tiger's hair, to enable students to talk about what they are animals.
2. memories in order to learn lessons, What kind of person? (cunning, crafty or clever) (Teacher Comment: Do you still think he is very clever?) denotes a tiger Figure Q: Do you think Tiger how? (ferocious, very impressive) tiger? none of them evil. Students clearly be cunning fox, the tiger ferocious, the teacher asked the students, about the fox and the tiger met, not only did not eat the fox, the tiger, but hh
1, let us together with the suspense ask someone to read the text free to read the text. (courseware production requirements) free to read the text, born circle the word, pronunciation pronunciation, marked paragraphs.
2, understanding vocabulary
division: the children have read very carefully, and now the teacher as a test for you, look at the vocabulary you know your baby it? read it
3, named sub-division
read: It seems that students are aware of these new words. Now to talk about who the text was divided into a few paragraphs? Who wants to read text?
4, read very well, now, who know the result?
4, Teacher: Now children, please carefully read the text on the first section, think about the tiger and the fox, who is more powerful? also say say why?
Second, intensive first section.
1, students free to read the first section. think the above issues.
2, guided reading, to grasp the ; (Students read the text: a fox running across from the tiger around.) spared not fast enough. you again, runs so fast to read? (re-named Reading.)
Teacher Comments: Fox spared so quickly, really good. tiger is more powerful, who has been read out?
(students: Although the fox runs fast, but eventually caught by the tiger.)
Teacher: You are quite right to put the sentence on the book to read, so that we take a look at the tiger's fierce, powerful. < br> (students read the text: Tigers pounce to catch a fox.)
Teacher: Teachers also feel majestic tigers and wanted to read. deliberately . guide the students to experience with men s begin)
Division: between the fox and the tiger is one such story began., we have a good time with the first section. (Health s begin Section I)
three intensive 2mm5 section.
1, transition: majestic tiger caught the fox, was thinking of a big dinner. could never imagined, would personally put into the mouth and let go of food, how is this going on? please two people sharing the same table Role read 2mm5 section, if you can read, can not read good?
2, at the same table minutes to read the role of .3, a group named the same table reading.
4, grasping blinded out? (by his words)
Division: Fox said something first? (you dare to eat me?)
division (small blackboard to show the sentence) fox ask what does this mean? (you do not I dare to eat.)
Division: Fox asked these words, what action do? (eyeball Gulu a turn)
Teacher: Who can come and perform what?
Teacher: (looking at the performance of students ) Fox eyeball Gulu a turn, is doing? (think of ways to deal with the tiger) (to Guizhu Yi)
Teacher: Who can learn to speak like a fox screaming? (named face reading)
Division: (evaluation) sound too light, Mongolia live tiger, think that? (raw re-probation)
Teacher: (not help) Why not? see, the tiger began to be taken in the Oh! (re-named Reading) < br> Teacher: (evaluation) you so righteous, quasi-Tiger can be blindfolded, You're a cunning!
division: such a question to the fox, the tiger is the reaction? (Tiger leng)
Teacher: Oh just surprised a moment? Tiger has not completely taken it, the cunning fox continued to make up lies, teachers read the text, the guts! can be blindfolded Tiger? (named expression to read the fourth quarter)
5, then the same table name a set of sub-section of the role of reading 2mm5.
four intensive 6mm8 section.
1, transition: Sly Fox Tiger blinded by lies, and he succeeded, which under even more proud, he shook his tail on the tiger that hh
2, cited in section 6 read.
Teacher: Tigers go deep into the forest along with the fox to go (to produce wall charts), and now you see how to walk in front like a fox? with the tiger behind it?
camera division to produce a small blackboard: high and mighty dubious look around chasing its tail wearing a headdress
teacher named show. Please two groups. (Comment: movie was really like, than the more realistic figure on the painting.)
divisions: the beasts of the forest to see how the fox have? (to wonder) that tiger? (show illustration) < br> Teacher Figure ask: children, the beasts of the forest in the end it was scared off by whom? may look like the tiger ran away to see the animals would feel it?
Teacher Comments: It seems that the tiger is really lies blinded by the fox!
3, Summary: Tiger is really wrong to think that God sent the fox management of the animals, small animals are afraid of him. to children is very understanding, that hh
V. Reading in Section 9.
1, Tiger is really to be blinded, deceived, who will tell it the truth. the students own words say a few words on the tiger.
2, the text is how write? (media present: the original, the fox is the power and prestige by the beasts scare away the tiger's.) (background: majestic tiger map) s begin
3, this statement summed up in one phrase is Basking in Reflected Glory .
four ﹑ attention to divergent and cultivate innovation
. teachers and students talk: lessons learned, we know the fox by the tiger's power and prestige to scare away small animals, the tiger also believe his words, no dare to eat him. What did you like the fox do?
2. students to express their views, the teacher coaching the student to answer the camera, and then sum up: In real life, we must learn wisdom and clever fox to fight bad guys, do not learn cunning the fox to lie, it is the only boy that everyone likes.
7 a mortgage title.
Teacher: Students, in this vast sea of faces, so many of the things we touched, which contains with deep affection, a warm friendship hh Today, let us into the lesson to my sister (Blackboard) feel their deep affection.
two first reading.
1, now ask someone free ask someone to read the text read the text. (courseware production requirements) free to read the text, circle the word was born, the correct pronunciation pronunciation, marked paragraphs.
2, understanding vocabulary
Division: just read all the children very seriously, and now the teacher you want to test to see if these new words baby you know it? Read it
3, named sub-division
read: It seems that students are aware of these new words. Now to Who is to say the text was divided into a few paragraphs? Who wants to read the text?
4, free to read the text, think about the text written over a few people? they are who? you think Jenny a What kind of child? Why?
5, and group your students to talk about ideas.
Teacher: Okay, let us work together to exchange and share.
Division: Do you think Jenny is very brave, why? Please see the second paragraph of all, who wants to come back to read the paragraphs?
a doctor to seek the views of the boy, the boy hesitated, you're the boy , your heart in hesitating? your hesitation, thinking you say it, okay? (who should come and share my feelings)
the hesitation, the trembling lips show? (fear of ) But why Jenny calm agreed, at this moment his mind is how to think of it?
Yes ah! the most precious is life, the life of each person only once, not to mention he was just a boy, So first, he mm (hesitate) but this is what a good little child, he loved his sister more than you love yourself, to his sister, he is willing to pay a life and death under the determination, when we have these sentiment when read this sentence again.
you read good, and then from hesitant to calm fears of a brave and caring children had to pay in front of us. division lead time, and soon it hh
smile from the heart, this is the happiest smile, which is the most beautiful smile on earth, feel it, we'll read these words with deep feeling.
nurse inserted the needle arm Jenny , and his smile gradually disappeared, and gazed at the blood flow through the tube at this time if you are thinking that the boy does?
end when blood transfusion, Jenny said something? ask someone to use horizontal line drawn, who would read this sentence? find very accurate, if I were him I would tone it with great fear: doctors this sentence, what do you think he is a kind of child?
doctors understand, we all understand, kids, life is so short, so precious, to save his sister, would rather sacrifice their own, even as close as father and son, and several people could be so happy to say so frankly and so willingly done it? But the boy had done.
When Jenny does not know when he died, he did what, say what ? asking the students to describe the words ring out of his actions, saying his paintings with a wavy line down. Who wants to talk about? look very accurate, if your little Jenny, what would you use for the tone the Bible? please try to talk about the children, who are willing to stand up and say pass on to you? Yes ah, too happy. not only to save his little sister will not die, let us feel once again Jenny for selfless love for his sister. Boys, right now, if the child was standing in front of you, you most want to say what is it? if you want to write down the most.
Health 1: brother and sister family, equally of life .
Health 2: Love is the eternal topic of human.
Health 3: Only through love will not be alone.
Alive 4: as long as there is love, have a good all.
Health 5: family is a source of courage. (Applause beings, teachers nod and smile).
Teacher: family is precious, great, the students all the time surrounded by deep affection, his return home, please communicate your family feel to your loved ones now! I believe that you will reap happiness.
one, revealing issues, the trial clear meaning of the questions
1, today we learn Lesson )
2, examine the topic: 2, the guide read the text, thinking: This course mainly how to write a piece of the will?
III, paragraph by paragraph to understand the text
1, the first part (first paragraph)
named reading, thinking: you know what?
2, the second part (2,3 paragraphs)
⑴, free reading, thinking: What are the contents of the will?
⑵, why strange wills?
⑶ , where 3 cases of selected typical example?
3, Part III (4th paragraphs)
free reading, discussion groups causes strange what a will?
4, reported cross
Fourth, the text summarizes
a conversation literacy
Division (play beautiful film) ask someone to look at the beauty of nature enthusiastically to the big screen we propose to invite, invite us to nature . In between heaven and earth. Plant to travel by what means? this lesson, let us have a way into the mother plants common to experience this peculiar class of travel it. (subject writing on the blackboard.)
1, now freedom of the students read the text ask someone to read the text. (courseware production requirements) free to read the text, circle the word was born, the correct pronunciation pronunciation, marked paragraphs.
2, understanding vocabulary
divisions: the children have read very carefully, and now the teacher as a test for you, look at these new words baby you know it? Read it
3, named sub-division
read: It seems that students are aware of these new words in the . Now who is to say the text was divided into a few paragraphs? Who wants to read the text?
well students read, teachers believe that the text we will learn better.
Second text
Open the book, quickly read through the text first, look for the texts gave us a problem? (produce courseware)
who ask you? (named Q, they ask each other, Qi Q) < br> So what lessons for us to introduce the method of plant propagation seeds, how they spread the seed of it? look for self-reading text, the names of the plants on the circle out in the book. (named Blackboard)
III, br> What do you like to talk about her mother how to spread the seed? find a description of its sections, and to this section to listen to students read to your group.
who are willing to stand up and read them? Now asking the students as a team, 1) Select a plant of interest, to talk about how the spread of this plant the seeds of their own.
which group is willing to report: Please your team,
(1 ) Teacher: You're right really good, Dandelion Mama, the wind to help, so that children everywhere at home, the teacher has a problem child that is who? you like dandelions do? Well, now you are the dandelions, blow you a teacher tone, how do you start? (the first one in a group of students to perform, oh, one after another after another is to fly away. and then blowing the whole class, so that they start one by one.) (2) Division : Now that you have starting riding the breeze, then fly to where you want to root? (free response) said it well, what a lovely dandelion, how brave. dandelion mothers see their children at home everywhere how happy she is ah . Now let's use a pleasant tone of voice with a smile ...

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