Wednesday, January 12, 2011

left the British Government to interfere in China's internal affairs, attacked by the British people

Tam Road left the British Government to interfere in China's internal affairs by criticizing
of the British people: Left Tam Road
According to the British the Chinese do. , because the British public to protest China's handling of this matter a lot, we know that this is not a common thing. questions and launch an attack. and because the improvement of Sino-British relations, so that British politicians had a fantasy. To address the pressure on the people at home solutions, so their nationality Shaikh doubly concerned about drug traffickers. more hope to the hands from China, the liberation of Afghan drug traffickers elements grams of hair, as proved to the people, the Government's efforts to care for people. But fantasy is fantasy, after all, one Brown government care for the wrong object, it really should not go to care for thousands of a global drug traffickers must pain; Second China judicial system, can not the British government, a fig leaf for making repeated mistakes. China will eventually rejected the British Government's request, on the sale of four kilograms of heroin in Britain Shaikh executed.
Brown government to this end very angry, so they call it Secretary of State Lewis said more as a politician, Lewis faced the world, but outrageous. as the next government, Brown government in dealing with drug issues, not only did public opinion, and the Brown government, by a drug dealer, said the Chinese do, only show that Brown Government Shaikh did not look as a person, but only to his own government as a political tool by the Chinese executed Shaikh mm, for the Brown government is not really important, it is important that the Brown government's face, lost big in the world the.
Brown will become the Government's angry extenuating things. But it does not support the BN, I compiled some British people the message, generally reflects the following view:
a kinds of view: Brown denounced the hypocrisy of the government of such British national accused
Brown government in Iraq and Afghanistan is not just war. In their view, Brown, if the Government really treasure their own nationals, it should not set their own domestic young regardless of life, an endless stream of them to Afghanistan and Iraq for a lie, for the senseless war to pay with their lives. They think that Brown government, not only for the sake of their own national life, but too poor to love Fu, maintaining the interests of drug traffickers, people do not care about the poor.
Britain, the United States following the country, is a firm ally in the so-called terrorism. Britons kidnapped by terrorist organizations, particularly high frequency, but the British government to not give a terrorist organization any good, and each time refused to pay the ransom. In fact, this attitude of the British Government really can reduce the risk of a terrorist organization kidnapped the British do? Clearly the answer is NO. sever the so-called terrorist organizations, the illusion of ransom, it will cut off terrorist organizations continue to leave the necessary life of abductees. It can be seen from the British government does not much better than a terrorist organization. the British Government holding their own national life on the line, one by one they were sent to terrorist organizations, as Theory and Practice of the victims of their government.
two kinds of view: the British people question the existence of mental illness
Shaikh Brown government to attack the biggest reason is the death of a mental illness. Brown asked the Chinese government does not execute A grams of Mao's the only reason for its schizophrenia, that is, we often say that mental illness. But the Brown government's argument, the United Kingdom there are some people questioned, and some even directly said: . abnormal personality, personality disorders, mental paranoia and other abnormal behavior does not meet standards, the suspect can not be identified accordingly removed from his mental illness and criminal responsibility. computer, and scanned more than 73,000 Taiwan and American government computers. United States to extradite McKinnon to the United States for trial requirements. Although McKinnon repeated complaints that they are not terrorists, and was identified as autistic, said he entered the United States Army Party and government computer systems is not malicious, just want to collect information on UFOs (UFO) of confidential information. Nevertheless, the British government still did not protect their citizens who fulfill their duties, but instead to please the U.S., McKinnon would be mentally ill extradition to the U.S. trial. He eventually had to be tried in the United States, rather than in their homeland. very deep feelings on this matter the British, they live in western countries that China can impose against heavy pressure, unlike the British into submission. Akmal finally accepted in Chinese law. China, this firm, so the British people, generally holding the objective attitude of appreciation.
three perspectives: ; zero tolerance drug trafficking to China
Akmal, so that some British people of conscience, think of 1840, artillery and warships, the British imperialists to open, forced the then Chinese government trading opium. once the British cause in China with opium tremendous damage and humiliation. Now Brown government, the law of British Chinese drug traffickers by midnight, gesticulating, apparently presumptuous. after all, is now 2009, China is the fastest growing economies in the world power, the United Kingdom are no longer the empire. Brown's interference in Chinese law, and the original English with the the British became the The government has precedence over public opinion, while the national is no alternative. politician's views and attitudes, can only ever be their own interests. As one of the old democratic countries, the British Government would not public opinion, let alone the same breath with his thick and thin people. to the interests of their own government or political parties, they fabricate lies not only distort public opinion, leaving the British people are sad: British democracy is in retreat, the media will not be able to truly reflect voice of the people, have reduced the government's tongue. (left Tam Road)
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