Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Anhui Huaihai Campaign, the core idea of red tourism product development plan

 Tomorrow is the 80th Army, would like to express on this great article legendary army tribute! And never for himself was deeply proud of being a member of one! ;, often hate untimely.
Lead in the small village
headquarters in command of the two shaking shook the world war, the smoke of the total before the establishment of the Huaihai Campaign Committee, set off from Anhui Linhuan , across the Yangtze River, less than half a year has been moved into the KMT government in Nanjing Presidential Palace, which then mounted the republic founded in Tiananmen hh
Huaihai Campaign beginning and end, Chairman Mao, Deng Xiaoping said twice I command to you, delivery tasks, for later access to the top leadership of the party and state leaders of China's reform and opening up the work and lay a solid foundation.
fully American equipment, has a long siege the Red Army, the PLA's main force of 12 million people in the KMT ace horses, only due to the difference between the day, they planted a small farm in Anhui, who in turn was surrounded by encirclement, aircraft, artillery, tanks, cars built in a steel line of defense can not stop the attacks millet plus rifles, an all-American mechanization Corps, where just 20 days from the Dabie Mountains blaze wiped
people's army, where the bloody World War II experienced an unprecedented baptism, mighty cross the river, swept the Southwest, into Tibet, bloody Shangganling, Wei Zhen roof of the world, all the way to play hehe military might, were the military one after another, the stars shining h..
Anhui Huaihai Campaign, the core idea of red tourism product development planning
Huaihai Campaign of the twentieth century occurred in China late forties, is the Communist Party of China follow the historical trend , led the Chinese people after a long arduous struggle, the final overthrow of the Kuomintang, the establishment of new China, has a decisive influence on the process of major historical events, is a reflection of Chinese people's revolutionary armed forces from scratch, from small to large, to win with fewer to Strong Weak magnificent victory in the war, the CLS movement symphony. miracle in the history of modern warfare, the military campaign in the history of both China and the world has a unique historical position, attracted many later review and study. As a huge campaign of unprecedented scale, development complicated and confusing process, the ups and downs, many mixed blood and fire fighting, brilliant, long-term military struggle the two parties is the final decisive battle of wits level of life and death, which is full of magnificent epic sense of the dramatic and profound changes, with a view of the high grade sheet value. Huaihai Campaign in Anhui, Jiangsu and Henan provinces at the junction of Huaihai Plain, the original owners do not change the battlefield landscape, there are certain historical relics. Communist parties who works a lot on the war that year, many people still alive, the aftermath of the Battle and influence is still lingering, and thus, elaborate packaging of this valuable resource will be playing a high quality red tourism will be very valuable product.
Huaihai Campaign in Huaibei City is the most abundant tourism resources in the red region , with the campaign Huaihai Campaign of our party high command of the front seat has been located in Anhui, Deng Xiaoping and other proletarian revolutionaries, military strategist, in fact, in Anhui Province won the battle command. The area is also the battle of the KMT army to wipe out the second phase Huang Weibing the main battle group. The current time when the party and the country to vigorously promote tourism, and actively support the construction of the national base of good red tourism opportunities, area The high level of planning and resource planning, it would become a core competence and geographical characteristics of Anhui famous red tourism and military tourism products.
one. Anhui Huaihai Campaign of red tourism products in the market demand trends Jane Analysis
that tourism, according to the definition of the relevant departments, mainly means and the revolutionary spirit of the content, organization and reception of tourists to carry out memory of learning, the subject of sex tourism and sightseeing activities. travel conditions and requirements, in line with the domestic tourism market demand for the red trend of tourism products:
1. the reform and opening up, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China for centuries to wash the humiliation of being beaten poverty in the world behind the great powers created the short-term the rapid rise of the miracle, to attract more people to the ruling party's history of struggle for the interest, attention. In recent years Jinggangshan, Zunyi, Yan'an, Xibaipo traditional to commemorate the revolution on the red has become a popular tourism products. < br> 2. domestic tourism has been booming for years, in the economically developed coastal areas and cities, travel behavior is no longer a luxury, has become a daily needs, natural and cultural landscape in general have not fully able to meet frequent trips, many times the choice of travel demand. tourists travel has become more diversified selection, segmentation, for History, military, adventure and so increased the demand for products, the Internet is easy to find large quantities of these heated discussions.
3. At present, Sino-US relations, Sino-Japanese relations and the Taiwan question is the focus of great concern that people deal with independence, good preparations for military struggle, the party and state policies, but also the people concerned about the event. Taiwan actual KMT and the CPC is the legacy of military struggle, with the involvement of United States and Japan, can easily affect the national sentiment, while a cause for the Communist history of war, Fuguojiangbing great interest and desire for war epic heart and desire, full of admiration, many reflecting the history of war now, generals biography books, television, films hot, and repeatedly published show, military website forum is also in full swing, have shown that this demand trends.
4. the party and state now attaches great importance to carry out tourism, has been referred to consolidate its position as the ruling party political project, a high degree of cultural projects and economic projects to be promoted and supported. red tourism must rely to carry out a large number of different characteristics of memorial sites, all units and Caucus red tourism sector in the activities organized by the State will not be limited to travel at public expense, can be predicted that this demand will be ongoing and long-term.
5. to strengthen military education, and enhance awareness of national defense needs. the world's major countries For its participation in the war are very cherished historical sites, built with all kinds of tourist facilities to commemorate and promote patriotism. Chengping China has been a long time, but will forget the war crisis, a peaceful era of the generation of Chinese grew up, only to be able to resist the evolution repeatedly broadcast, Xibaipo and conduct of Red Tourism in advance all the Huaihai Campaign and double-stacking with a wider range of visibility. it may have a number of source layers: one year war between KMT and CPC staff (campaign huge, broad impact , many participants were still alive, like Battlefield revisit); Second, military history, military history researchers (across the Taiwan Strait, the United States, Japan, Russia, South Korea, etc.); three military academies teaching staff at home and abroad (with the repeated, multi- time to travel may be); IV is the primary, secondary teachers and students (this is the perennial source); five are self-drive tourists (highway access facilities); six military enthusiasts (networking, a large number); seven party government organs, enterprises red tourism activities of the participants (no longer have free medical concerns); eight general travel team (from the source to close the surrounding cities) and so on. II. prominence red tourism products of Anhui Huaihai Campaign the relying on the Huai Hai Campaign Memorial Museum in Xuzhou strong state financial support, will be developed into a comprehensive picture of the Huaihai Campaign panoramic view of the main attractions of red tourism products, but as a battle of one, three-stage battle Nianzhuang Wei Xinyi, Jiangsu, Henan, Chen Xiaoguanzhuang Yongcheng, sooner or later integration of products will also be in action. provinces of the attractions of this theme in the development of the future there will be joint tourism products, but more of a contest and competition. Therefore, our tourism product planning Anhui Huaihai Campaign, the first from market needs, from the competitive situation in mind, starting from a point of differentiation, in-depth historical study, mining resources, and try to find the bright spot that only our unique packaging to be highlighted, and then be playing a unique and outside the province of other Similar sites with very different core competencies of flagship product. so as to not winning by, shake off the past is always a simple imitation of a low level of attraction similar products Xuzhou model, to obtain dislocation future development of good cooperation and win-win situation .
Anhui Huaihai Campaign in Red only my unique tourism resources, the main bright spot as the most powerful:
1. Huaihai Campaign, the front line of our party headquarters is located in Anhui. Even though the Xuzhou Huaihai Campaign for the center, but only the Kuomintang Army, Xuzhou headquarters. Huaihai Campaign CCP General Front Committee was established in Anhui, the General Front Committee and the Central Plains Field Army headquarters from the first stage since the campaign has been based in Anhui. East China Field Army Battle Command in the third stage also moved to Anhui. General Front Committee, the Standing Committee of the Battle of Liu, Chen Tang period of three long-lived, Anhui, major decisions are in many campaigns made in Anhui. Battle of the end of the five members of the General Front Committee is the only one plenary session, held in Anhui. a small village in Anhui simple command headquarters in the success of the biggest battles in the history of the war at home and abroad, weak leadership in one fell swoop wipe out the American military equipment in the power section of the city KMT army, which also has the charm of history and the military.
2. Huaihai Campaign all 8 major combat occurred in Anhui four times, once three major battles took place in Anhui.
3. Deng Xiaoping started this heavy responsibility from the Anhui Province on 16 November .1948, Comrade Mao Zedong in the name of the Central Military Commission indicates the total before the establishment of the Huaihai Campaign Committee sent a telegram to the station in the set of Huaibei Linhuan Central Plains Field Army headquarters, telegram to Comrade Deng Xiaoping explicitly as secretary of the General Front Committee, the unified command of the Central Plains, East China Field Army two. the beginning and end of the Huaihai Campaign occasion, Chairman Mao to Deng Xiaoping has twice said, the burden of military leaders, and has accomplished the task of the Party Central Committee delivered its top leaders and then into the Communist leadership of China's reform and opening up the work and lay a solid foundation.
4. Comrade Deng Xiaoping, the former chief secretaries of Anhui During the exemplary work style and performance.
5. General Front Committee in Anhui Huaihai Campaign proposed second phase of the proposal first hit Huang campaign to promote the smooth development. Huaihai Campaign fully started, when the two field army troops multiple use, while progress in North-South war, the situation is complicated and confusing, the Central Military Commission and China Field Regiment for the annihilation Huang Baitao held following the main direction of chess uncertain step, Liu Chen Tang on November 19 in Anhui Province for two consecutive power the second phase of the Battle of the central clear recommendations first hit Huang, adopted by Mao Zedong, .
6. Huaihai after the battle, the General Front Committee to continue to command the arrival of a campaign in Anhui Province. In the establishment of the General Front Committee of Anhui Linhuan set has been entered from the Nanjing Presidential Palace.
7. Liu, Chen Yi Deng Xiaoping in Anhui during the General Front Committee to lifelong friendships forged. Liu, Chen Tang trio as the Huaihai Campaign of the Standing Committee of the General Front Committee in Anhui Huaibei Linhuan joined after the first set of working together in the past 50 days Anhui until the end of the Huaihai Campaign. hard taking care of each other under three, joint command operations and forged a profound friendship to keep a lifetime, very moving, this situation between the principal leaders in the other field armies are rare.
8. Before the war the Central Plains Field Army in the Huaibei Linhuan set only once held a high-level military meeting. at the deployment of the first attack of Deng Xiaoping Su County, made famous: the lighting is the Central Plains Field Army, and the brightest National Revolutionary People's Liberation Army still had still win the Yangtze River We pay this price is worth it. Chen Yi poetry bolstering departure: champion, both times as an important future military.
9. Huaihai Campaign, Mao Zedong, the General Front Committee in accordance with instructions in the village of Huai Cai Au held the only time the General Front Committee plenary session. The meeting on the final group and subsequent elimination of Du Yuming arrival of a campaign for the deployment.
10. Double stacking the Huaihai Campaign of World War II is a key operational continuity.
11. Shuangduiji war between KMT and CPC directly affects the close attention of top leaders.
12. Double War is a heap of China's liberation war in the wild wild two field army fighting alongside the best long-term masterpiece.
13. Shuangduiji Huaihai Campaign World War II created the weakest forces to surround and annihilate the enemy army main force of the miracle of the strongest.
14 . Dabie Mountains to the battle from the two-double-stacking: the battle history of the Central Plains Field Army legendary.
15 .. double-stacking is the Huaihai Campaign, World War II battle head-Communist armies, the highest percentage of casualties in a typical wars.
16. Double World War II military commander of the fighting forces the dump will be bright stars. then the force generated a total of party and state leaders after another 2, Party Central Committee Vice-Chairman 2, 9 members of the Central Political Bureau, Central Military Commission Chairman 1, CMC Vice Chairman 5 people, Marshal 2, general 2, will be 9, Defense 1, 2, Deputy Minister, Chief of General Staff of PLA 1, 1 Director of the General Political Department, Volunteers commander, deputy commander of the 1, the military branches of the military commander of the 5 people, a large military commander 6, North China exercises and the 35th anniversary of the founding commander of a military parade persons.
17. Shuangduiji name of the fighting forces of our army troops war after another, military might play national prestige. Central Plains Field Army 6 vertical, 9 longitudinal adaptation of the 12th army troops, 15 military after the Korean War the U.S. military campaign reassert Shangganling brave, our military is still the main force of the military struggle against Taiwan. adapted from the Yu Wansu Military Forces the 18th Army into Tibet, completed the victory in the counter-insurgency and counter-Indian border war of self-defense mission, the commander is the most Guohua Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, senior military commanders loved one.
18. Shuangduiji war wiped out 18 of the enemy forces are long-term battle with the army, fighting with the reorganization of the KMT's 74th Army Division considerable number one ace in five main arms. Central Plains of the War of Liberation Army of Mao Zedong repeatedly named on the battlefield in the field required to find the F key while China Field The army has been unable to seize the fighter objects. no later than one day to go Suixian Ex, 18, complained that the military commander Yang Botao for Huang life, refuses to forgive.
19. Shuangduiji war wiped out the enemy army was once 85 Liu and Deng repeatedly harassing opponents troops advancing the Dabie Mountains, is famous Liu proposed and military operations, is best known at home and abroad, and his Misfortune ups and downs, the most dramatic color of the KMT army generals.
21. Shuangduiji war to escape the enemy wounding deputy commander of the 12th Corps, Lian Hu experienced with our military operations , the KMT retreated to Taiwan's major military leader, has conducted after the reorganization of the 12 Corps to participate in the Battle of Kinmen, a three-field landing operations forces army caused great harm; Dongshan Island in 1953 caused by Mao Zedong, Hu led his army to invade the direct attention, is Ye Fei defeated army command; shelling of Kinmen in 1958 by army artillery bombed Hu insurance. Hu Lian, Taiwan has long been regarded as the patron saint, until today there is still a greater impact in the Taiwan Strait. At present, Kinmen tourism has open to visitors on the mainland, Hu Lian expected to further improve visibility.
22. Shuangduiji just names and KMT Chen Cheng, Liu Yazhou profile this year because of the famous long article Mission battlefield Huang Weibing unique car line, as the only other domestic battlefield see.
III. for the current existence of the domestic shortage of red tourism product review
Art of War said: , was considered more the experience of red tourism products, and in particular pay attention to make up for those deficiencies have been found, so can only be done at the planning stage can be no detours.
attention in recent years around the support, the Red continued selling tourism products, has the formation of domestic tourism market in the category, beginning to take shape, but not a long time to develop special tourism products, is also very obvious shortcomings:
1. products form a single, identical: mostly in the monument, monument, statues, the main exhibition, where we go see are the external manifestation of this.
2. attractions combined with the market management mechanism is not tight: most of the country under the District Red tourist attractions, cultural sector management, the introduction of a serious shortage of tourism and market awareness.
3. attractions and more to be said, to see the less: the revolutionary sites, sites less than a reasonable package, can not fully meet the needs of tourists Ferris, was not enough to see the total after the taste, does not quench thirst.
4. introduce and explain the contents of the text needs ignored audience: the current red tourism attractions throughout the commentary are either not familiar with the travel history, military history written by professional researchers, most of the sake of discussion, serious preaching is more than less than interesting, and only bones not flesh and blood, generally tourists can not help feeling it sounds boring, does not meet the requirements of the tourism industry for all ages, tastes.
5. show behind old-fashioned way, making poor: can not use the modern fashion science and technology to the full interpretation of the red content, can not truly effective in attracting tourists, so as to achieve infection results.
6. the lack of site-style attractions battlefield: armed struggle, the Chinese Communist Party in rural areas surrounding the cities grow in a magic weapon for the war years, but The total past the memorial to the Revolutionary War was built in the city, such as the three major battles of the liberation war memorial facilities are located in the former Kuomintang army stationed in Jinzhou, Tianjin, Xuzhou three cities, the villages of our party to defeat the enemy field headquarters and field considerations less, in fact, the latter is the real red sites, more appealing and persuasive to meet the new conditions of social development from the urban to the rural tourist flow trends.
IV. Anhui Huaihai Campaign of Red Tourism Product Development strategic principles
important in Anhui Huaihai Campaign memorial and battlefield sites is a valuable resource to carry out red tourism, in its development and utilization, the first-class history of war at home and abroad to establish a construction site of the awareness of class tourist attractions, from a strategic perspective on product characterization and location accurate, after its development and improvement of market access to follow the principle of setting a number.
qualitative products:
largest in the history of Chinese strategic battle front line of our party Village headquarters and an important battlefield sites as the main contents of China's Red Ferris tourism products.
product positioning:
years of war the PLA of China's largest rural communities in command of the site;
people's revolutionary war, China's largest battlefield sites. Huaihai Campaign Ferris local real battlefield.
4 A state-level scenic spots.
product development principles to be followed:
differences in design: learning from the developed countries learn from the ancient battlefield tourist attractions design, fashion, art tools and technology approach, highlighting the red tourism products and domestic products generally different, with particular attention to increase the Xuzhou Huaihai Campaign and the difference between similar products, and strive to create a CD of my unique, to the maximum to attract tourism by eye, but not easy for newcomers to imitate the differential advantage.
dislocation type development: around the country should focus on the military battlefield command and field characteristics of building products, design and carry out tourism operations. should closely refer to Xuzhou Huaihai Campaign enrich the tourist attractions of the converted red case, Hall must show the overall situation in Xuzhou, not one by one to take into account the specific context in an effort to try to deepen this product, refined, specialized, it is filled in every detail, touching on bright spot, in fact, become an integral tourist products Huaihai Campaign vivid red part. not only by the light spot of Xuzhou, Xuzhou, and fill the missing spots in order to form a dislocation development, mutual benefit can be a good development trend.
competitive plan: the design and planning of this product should have a high sense of competition, give full consideration to the future around the same resources may be an imitation of the product, which in addition to the building should be noted that when others can not imitate and create a unique advantage, must be reserved for the future development of new ideas and room for improvement in order not to be exceeded.
implementation of the above principles, take the following approach:
1. the people-oriented lines: changes in Historical displays and sites of general things but not people see the sights, heavy things the old way than to men, focusing on human performance of a large battle with thoughts, feelings, activities and acts, and World War II war the two sides focused on the subsequent fate of famous people, and in order to demonstrate the main line. in spots to attract and service functions. shall be the tourist demand for the center design.
2. scenarios reproduce the layout: Antique reproduction of the scene should be the year the design unique to the actual situation of Anhui, and routine maintenance to keep it lively and fresh forms. photovoltaic technology can be reproduced using modern acoustic feel then the field, so that visitors just like being the infection. support for the military part of the year on the military style weapons, according to be configured as is the battlefield. New construction and site facilities are to be kissing and style.
's description of the KMT army should be loyal to the spirit of history, showing the principle of objectivity, not haughty, not demonize.
3 . lively and interesting presentation: organization to a wide range of ranks of two survivors of the Battle of interviews and recording, filming, in full possession of all relevant historical data, based on the design, bursting with innovative display content. to collect a large number of historical photographs, artifacts, combatants oral and written memories, select one of the most exciting part of the full exhibition, the use of the description of the parties to the current fighting, pay attention to highlight the details of those who live moving. hire first-class large-scale war mural artist, painting, sculpture and so on. < br> 4. links across time and space: out of the monotony of matter-display instead of focusing on historical sites, break time and space limitations, combatants on both sides, forces of the past and the future boldly links and display, to narrow the current war, the relationship between staff and visitor.
5. interactive experience: radical change display shows the last set of games can be innovative museum, the colorful animation, painting, puzzles, comics, computer games and other forms, for the year after the Battle of historical facts, both sides fighting forces and generals, weapons and equipment used by both forces, etc. interesting set of tests and simulations, attracting many young people and tourists brain hands, correctly may gift souvenirs, so that in a lively and interactive entertainment experience in the military can be obtained and red traditional education.
6. superb fashion Design: Although the origin, mostly historical scenic spots, tourist facilities in the exhibition, scenic access, services, facilities, etc., upon request, make it just fine fashion, stand watch, stand up tour to mobilize advanced electronics, audio , color, lighting and other means to highlight the exhibits, heighten the atmosphere, and create momentum. specific aspect of the decoration will have to order production of beautiful, avoiding all clumsy.
five. Anhui Huaihai Campaign of red tourism product development core creative idea
Name: Anhui Huaihai Battle of Red Tourism cum Central Plains Field Army headquarters in Huaibei
small Li Cai Xiao County of East China Field Army Command
Au Village development focus: the total set of Front Committee Linhuan battlefield command and double-stacking
development strategy: focus on developing the first phase of clinical Huan set and double-stacking, the formation of these two pillars of the main attractions; the second phase of development, as appropriate, Li and Cai small concave, and further expand product tension scale.
development of creativity (a) of the Huaihai Campaign Linhuan set General Front Committee resident spots
Status: located in Huaibei City Suixi Linhuan the total set of Wenchang Palace Resident Architectural Committee prior to preservation, restoration situation is still good, has been set at the provincial level key protection units. an initial establishment of the exhibition opening .
attractions advantage: Huaihai Campaign is the front line of our party high command is located, is established early in the campaign when the General Front Committee of residence, the building remains with a certain volume, easy layout.
attractions less than: is Wenchang House doubles as a display of cultural relics and revolutionary historical sites, theme mixed, style is not uniform.
now on the General Front Committee and the Huaihai Campaign of the display is too thin, the production level of crude.
ruins of ancient buildings by the town building development restrictions, difficult to significantly expand.
development points: attractions meaning full, rich Ferris content, it is sufficient to operate as an independent attraction and to promote other attractions.
creative ideas:
nature attractions Set to: Huaihai Campaign largest field army headquarters.
remove other relics of the sites show the original function.
attractions receptionist and tour guide with the current uniform of the Central Plains Field Army during the war.
1 . Wenchang Palace courtyard entrance at the arrangements:
domestic sculpture could be invited to a group of great artists to create the General Front Committee Liu, Chen Yi, Deng Xiaoping, after three members joined together with the headquarters staff sculptures. sculpture should not be too large, slightly larger in reality, a war atmosphere, and environmental consistency, ease of tourists take pictures that good. the background can be formed by Chairman Mao's calligraphy, the total power presentation before the committee.
along the north and south sides of the courtyard walls to create two large murals or sculptures the content one is captured Suxian; a check for the Huihe.
2. Wenchang Liu, Chen Tang Palace North House residence hall:
should be set, (omitted)
1. Huaihai Campaign brief before the national situation and the two field army briefly
2. Liu, Chen, Deng joined forces three set Huaibei Linhuan course of action before the proposed assembly Anhui
3. Huaihai battle started after the task facing the Central Plains Field Army
4. Chairman Mao's power so that the establishment of the General Front Committee of the Huaihai Campaign through
5. Chairman Mao, Deng Xiaoping, why selected as secretary of the General Front Committee (lifetime appreciation of Deng Xiaoping)
6. General Front Committee 11 days in Linhuan set the primary work force in the progress of China Field of wild
7. General Front Committee in Linhuan set an important contribution to the period (recommendation and determine fighter Tong)
8. Liu, Chen Tang three work characteristics, in close cooperation with each other anecdotes concerned
9. in Linhuan set before the birth of the Huaihai Campaign Committee continues to command the total arrival of a campaign
10. then the work of division and three, from Anhui Linhuan set into the Nanjing Presidential Palace, boarded the republic founded the podium.
11. after the founding of three of the deep friendship and life and death to contact
above content should vivid photographs, maps, lights, the parties memories such as to show, accompanied by vivid, proud to explain.
3. Wenchang Liu, Chen Tang Palace North House residence column heads of the main hall is the meeting venue of the Central Plains Field Army: should be set, Suxian military, the war metaphor love with twisters; Deng Xiaoping insisted on duty, prepared to change almost all operational trial telegraph, love to smoke, play cards; Chen Yi like poetry, opera and so on. try to make a room look angry, to the effect as if the owner is still living. the wall of the room should be arranged
master room and a selection of photographs biography resume (at a recent photo-based), to edit a set of leaps and bounds, compared to the life of a strong image contrast in order to achieve the dramatic contrast of the effect of laws, and enhance visual impact on the audience and psychological shock, such as Deng Xiaoping Photo optional: Paris - Red Army -129 Division 7 - Dabie Mountains - the General Front Committee - cross the river - into Nanjing - Founding Ceremony - the eight general secretary - the Cultural Revolution comeback - United Nations - visited the United States - Chairman of the Central Military Commission - the big parade - back Hong Kong, so as to shabby homes of the small contrast of great huge. in each room should have three periods in the photo, the tour guide also should pay attention to highlight the relationship between the three to contact law will be distributed to the three rooms in the spirit of the organic mix. Zedong Zhou Enlai, the evaluation of three in each bedroom, as appropriate
Play Room owner before his death speech recordings, such as Deng Xiaoping's famous saying: I am a soldier, my real profession is war. playback of high-definition TV and a great man during his lifetime activities.
Liu, Chen Tang were introduced three sets in the working life Linhuan features and anecdotes.
5. Wenchang Liu, Chen Tang Palace residence of the North Court security staff home furnishings (slightly)
6. Wenchang Palace
Southern Branch Southern Branch of the layout of the room should be the true history of the Central Plains Field Army to resume its current arrangement, or operational command, communications, confidential and other functional arrangement of field command . in the Southern Branch of the walls of the room can be set to Japanese surprise yangmingbu airport).
2. Chairman Mao Chongqing negotiations first battle to win the war of liberation Shangdang Campaign
3. Ping-Han Campaign clinch, the first KMT war for liberation uprising. < br> 4. Zhongyuan forces breakthrough victory, 60000 break 30 million.
5. Southwest campaign to wipe out the entire 3 divisions, 11 divisions and the whole head-Lian Hu.
6. Geng Hu Tsung-nan wipe out 1 trip, br> 9. with the China Field, Yudong Hu Lian blocking rematch 18 Jun 10. captured Zhengzhou, enter the Huaihai
11. stationed in Anhui, captured Suxian, check Huang, encircled Huang.
12. Double Huang big bloody heap 12 to wipe out the army to exterminate 18 Jun Hu Lian.
13. played in the Yangtze River to go, starting from the Anhui destroy the Nanjing Presidential Palace
14. into the southwest and into Tibet, the red flag world roof
Liu and Deng (Central Plains Field Army, the Second Field Army for short) although the strength of record as three-field, fieldwork, but it is the liberation war, our military leaders of the four field armies in the name title to the loudest, the best known an army, but also a lifetime appreciation of Mao Zedong created a second generation of CPC leaders, Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of reform and opening up the troops. Huaihai Campaign is transferred out of the Dabie Mountains Liu and Deng after the bloody military reorganization, a glorious bath test of fire growth is The force ...

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