Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Young women in public space are the body's interpretation of male

 Young women are the male body in public space interpretation
Yangming Lei
Yangming Lei (2005) of young women in public space are the body's interpretation of men. Henan Social Science Journal, sixth.
Chinese Abstract
When the female body and female body ﹑ booming discourses, men with men and to explore the meaning of the body is relatively vague scarce, this research focuses on public space, the significance of the male body, hoping to explore the social exposure to the city with a rich woman how to focus and understanding of public space, the significance of the male body. The study used a qualitative study in-depth interview to ten living in Taipei City or Kaohsiung City about thirty ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ have fixed the majority of unmarried and financially independent ﹑ not with their parents will be living in a family of a young woman as the interviewee, the interpretation of the meaning of hermeneutics thinking approach to invoke, the production of great importance to dialogue with the understanding and interpretation of the spirit of cycling. interviews show that public space, the significance of the male body seems to is a double-sided, on the respondents, the small to large from the various channels of information and education continue to earnestly warned, making the male body has always been considered a sort of hidden intentions or sexual crimes may, therefore in the life around the body must be constantly Mincha gender attributes, and to be assured by the different gender or no confidence in the body of coping strategies on their mind is focused on reducing the fear and psychological adjustment is not being controlled; At the same time, the male body also is in a vote greater attention to the male skeleton of the body itself, such as physical ﹑ ﹑ waist or hips, etc. While also note that sexual orientation is not bound to the association. This study suggests that the male body and to the nature of sex crimes in the double meaning of , public space reflects the universalization of gender bias, and different forms of both men and women are victims of gender bias as such.
Key words: male body, Public Space, gender
of young women on the public will physical interpretation of space men
Yangming Lei
important gender is women's studies), the addition of men and understanding men, but from the other side of gender (female) position is also important to understand men, this study intends to understand the male body in public space is how women are viewed and interpreted by the The Reflection in the interpretation of social thinking behind the.
physical meaning is always changing with the change of conversion time and space, life and sex in the city be placed under the concept of the meaning of male and female body often has a different view and comprehension, and public space in the more than women in the public space free look around the opposite sex, while women consider themselves entitled to any of the men feel the need to watch the next to start the trimming their own behavior, the formation of the power of social context of gender inequality in the experience. to watch the body, male more than women are allowed to watch the opposite sex openly with the body consciousness, Harding (1998) as an example to women breast-feeding that a mother breastfeeding in a private living room will be seen as a warm image, if in the public space corridors such as park benches or nursing department stores will be introduced (especially males) eyebrows or embarrassed, startling and embarrassing reason is that the mother breast-feeding room is classified as more independent of parent-child sexual relations; to the park become women with sex-related televised bosom.
men in public space through posters billboards ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ advertising media such as department stores and the female has materialized and is seen as the object of meaning, has become in recent years mainstream discourse; men treat women like this body, then how women are treated in public in the male body do?
due to the current public space is still male-centered, is in accordance with the desires and needs of men built (Bih , 2000), from the planning of public toilets to the underpass between the number of dark corners, exposure to which women often experience from a variety of subtle and not all the hostility, the same time, whether it is based on the pursuit of heterosexual love or sex type of power is not equality, men are allowed and even encouraged to take the initiative to watch or close to women, and what does not think it inappropriate place. It is generally believed men in public space to give lessons on the strange appearance of women (including not cover the blatant staring ﹑ ﹑ said of the whistle actively approached and even jokes ﹑ harassment), and secretly assess whether women should be further development of relationship or sexual relations of love, as if a heterosexual romantic performance style, so if women feel uncomfortable, is often interpreted as is a lack of confidence in their sexual attraction, but Gardner (1995) believes that not only so, whether looked whistle or private, men of such a power to give lessons actually show the action: By claiming that he has to give lessons the power of women to give lessons. So women are displayed in such a power was forced to feel uncomfortable at a disadvantage, in other words, women feel uncomfortable by men to give lessons on gender politics / power issues rather than personal psychological problems. Meanwhile, the men women in the public space to give lessons on the strange behavior of not only demonstrate the power of a single male individual, but mainly by the overall heterosexual community acquiescence or even regarded as a symbol of masculinity, which is a collective gender politics / power issues.
but the opposite is not necessarily applicable to the situation of women to treat men and women watching men in public spaces (physical) tend to be larger (from others, even their own) condemnation and pressure (Dyer, 1982), even the women appear alone in the public space are likely to be interpreted as sexually explicit intent (Green, Hebron, & Woodward, 1990), therefore, is a public space stressful for women, then living in the situation of women under such pressure is How do appear in the public space of men (body)? is the same attitude to the persecuted in turn hostile men, regarded as a potential abuser? or have other different from the unique perspective of gender oppression?
research methods
this study, ten living in Taipei City or Kaohsiung City about thirty ﹑ ﹑ majority of unmarried (one married) ﹑ have a steady job and ﹑ not financially independent from their parents will be living in a family of a young woman to interview objects, education of high school (vocational) graduates to Ph.D., job title covers the public relations secretary ﹑ ﹑ secondary school teachers, university teachers, magazines editing, the general public officer, public officer, a legislative assistant city and arts workers, the respondents by way of an introduction of a snowball is found, and are the subject of research interest or have personal experience and willing to accept the interviews, it may be the same configuration with a degree and not representative of all levels are women.
addition , the theme of this study and the researchers themselves have a special dialogue on gender relations, the researcher is male, research topic is women in the eyes of the male body, so strictly speaking, this study will be presented by men, interpretation of male is a (gender) interactions, students are women with feminist consciousness does not necessarily guarantee, nor does it mean for male students only male point of view entirely, in which individuals need to consider the living environment and social experience, the researchers consulted the professional areas business counseling, in school the teachers and students to be female, work colleagues or counseling, whether the party room Yiyi mostly women, attend psychological researchers related courses offered by most of students are women, so researchers often had the opportunity gender and sexual experience are statements of position or action, also led the researchers to understand how men and women how to read men, women are mixed with such an interaction between gender of the high level of interest.
Results: Men's sexual health Criminalization and to the nature of
(a) of the sex crimes of the male body
for the respondents, whether male bus near his oncoming ﹑ men on the streets or in the rear in the same direction ahead of men, as long as it seems like children, regardless of young middle-aged or elderly ﹑ ﹑ youth, public space, men are likely to be treated as potential sex offenders, regardless of whether these men show any criminal intent, but also Some respondents will be asked to judge these men, their keen intuition is good or evil.
This seems to imply public space in the depths of the young men in the eyes of all women, regardless of age, education ﹑ ﹑ socioeconomic status, personal accomplishment ﹑ how the nature of nature, we need to pass Men are also very poor discrimination ﹑ hegemony tightly, depending on the respondents self-representation,Bailey UGG boots, the male body in general to be interpreted broadly based sex crimes from the following three process:
(1) growth of teachers during the teaching:
young age, and even In the perception of sexual or gender not clear before, obtained from the adults close to a variety of warnings and reminders, these warnings and reminders are usually focused on the awareness of men and women is often accompanied by the teaching of gender-role behavior appear together, for example, one mother side will teach the little girl wearing a skirt, on the other hand will require a small girl to be careful not to reveal the small pants; or one looking to be gentle and well-behaved little girl, on the other hand and asked the little girl to learn to refuse contact with male strangers.
In contrast, boys will be warned boy makes the threat of the unknown than the others, not to fear or a means to avoid facing.
cognitive development and moral development from the perspective of children at an early stage, good or bad ﹑ ﹑ good right and wrong and evil dichotomy is the understanding of the world think the base model, whether boys and girls, to learn that adults can do bad things good, bad adults might have made a good thing, is often too complex, and in sex education, Taiwan more mainstream medical approach to sex education is often advocated strategy style intimidation, the parents of the little girl is based on the protection mentality often warned her daughter accidentally bully boys (boys are taught to be careful little bad girls), and thus often only need to learn how boys distinguish between good guys and bad guys, girls are in addition to learn to distinguish good and bad people, but also learn to distinguish between good men and bad men, so the good / bad as the basis for a classification of the basic prototype of women to understand men, not only in men in public space interpretation, but also an important basis for dealing with love relationships.
(2) the past experience of personal harassment:
about half of the respondents had actual experience of sexual harassment, including exposure to lower body on a secluded road buses ﹑ physical touch, or direct sexual assault, regardless of how situations are so surprised ﹑ respondents fear and anger. And most respondents feel angry that they found from experience and can not protect yourself, do not go out Certainly not a good method, all the bad guys not only do not all men as fair, but also make them wonder whether they are too nervous to seek protection of familiar men who are too cumbersome and limit its freedom and subjectivity, while familiar male harassment of women is often underestimated in addition to the possibility and seriousness of the harassment experienced real comfort to feel that perhaps men are not only violations of the dignity of blame women, these experiences have made women the fear of harassment and anger the lack of suitable outlets.
(3) newspapers Journal of the various sexual offenses message:
majority (seven) of the respondents said they would pay special attention to newspaper news on the news about sexual crimes, but also that these reports will affect their understanding of Taiwan's social order, and their own safety concerns. and in front of the same, the women surveyed do not believe that the police maintain law and order and their judicial mechanism is the side, and not only that the time of the incident are not readily available to assist, but also that the incident is not easy to get good treatment .
both teachers and taught, personal first-hand experience or learn from the alternative press newspapers, have told women in the public space as a potential threat of crime in the male, and their features are usually vague and difficult to judge, while academic research The report also emphasizes the relationship between a sex offender and the victim is quite diverse, including strangers, people who know ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ fellow neighbors, friends, and so men and women ﹑ (Roda Chen, 2001), the face of this threat may be pressure from all sides, are in women in public space is actually quite helpless, but still it is necessary to protect their own safety, and therefore the most prudent self-protection strategy that is to be all men as potential sex offenders, although the cost of the corresponding self-respect of men for many the feeling of being misunderstood and wronged.
When women are forced to all men as potential sex offenders, but also makes women to escape the psychological situation of Dayton caught nothing, at any time become a enough to entertain the psychological types of learned helplessness (helpless) situation, the respondents have developed their own various coping strategies, including: (1) to develop a personal warning system, for example, seven respondents (not necessarily harassment experience) said he now has some intuition can be obtained from an air of strange men's eyes, or whether there is a potential threat is induced; (2) positive self-affirmation, the courage to get angry, for example, one respondent said in her second times encountered when the harasser, not the past just wanted to run scared, but the harassment of those who angrily said: For example, two respondents said they would take advantage of those for the harassment or psychological oppression to touch as a violation of their own subjectivity.
strategy from the above analysis, women encounter strange men in public space, the roughly two kinds of response actions taken, one is to start early warning system to tell whether the heart malicious; the other is whether to who is good or evil, direct adjustment of individual psychology, refusing to fall into the victim from the mentality of the position, but the special is, these two coping strategies are very personal, and some of common control with violations of whistle alarm ﹑ ﹑ Self Defense and other proposals are completely not mentioned, men seeking protection for the more that is independent of the choice to give up women, which of the two individual style of coping strategies on the one hand reflect current sexual assault prevention policy prescriptions lack of interest, on the other hand it means that women want sex in the maintenance of their own choice under the premise of self-coping strategies, but these individuals are the focus of policy in dealing with their own feelings of fear and forced, and may not really be able to reduce the occurrence of sexual harassment, but can only reduce the incidence of sexual harassment of women's own sense of victimization, but also shows that women in gender-sensitive self-same time, the threat of public space is still felt very weak.
regardless of how women dress, men often with X-ray-like vision of trying to penetrate the clothing directly perspective view (like) the female body, on the contrary, the respondents are female compared to male body look to stay in the shelter the dress (the style with ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ quality clean, etc.), even if the direct view the male body, it is usually so focused on posture ﹑ behavior modification with traces of the level of propriety.
cent of women will certainly watch the male body itself, looks really pretty handsome men attract women attention easily, but these men do not like viewing the body of the association with the total male female camel watch, but the tendency is obvious to the nature of, for example, several respondents that men will pay attention to oncoming looks ; As for other parts of the male body, in general, female respondents tend to view the male body's some of the life of associations, for example, the respondents like to see a male belly, especially the beer belly, big belly felt blue jaw Hu root handsome Lenovo is not often of more Buzhi Yu sexual fantasies, while the reproductive organs are almost never the direct gaze occurred, and the habits of men are quite different.
to male body was in a sexual way of viewing and the propriety of On the one hand once again reflects the pervasive oppression of neutral public space, Yan Baoning (1998) deals with public space and sexual oppression of gender justice had pointed out that the construction process, the physical environment disregard of gender roles for women, as well as user unfriendly to women, but fails to address the process of creating these spaces, more deep, female sexual characteristics of the imagination, assumed control of surface to. (Page 289). angle, but suppress their sexual desire, this may be just what the reaction female sexual desire for men to avoid becoming the object of a strange self-adjustment, citing the traditional public space to women not to be dignified swagger ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Do not tease wearing a prominent characteristic of women clothing of the and widely filled the depths of the human mind, in other words, not only for gender justice is not easily done in the public space in the public space in the control of sexual oppression and in fact everywhere.
of women and men to sexual health, decency and propriety of the understanding, on the other hand also means that women's life experiences, the Dad, like beer belly, have shown a corollary from the emotional relationship between the body; attention to the taste of men dressed in the net usually used in negative ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ a comfortable feel excellent behavior is not elegant deportment and so on, the focus is still no better feeling to get along together level of good relationship.
Overall, women in public space interpretation of the male body, while Taiwan will reflect the gender of the two main features, a discussion of gender power,Discount UGG boots, and the other is the relationship between heterosexual gender roles.
of the male sex offenders in the body, depending on men as potential sex offenders in public space reflects the unequal gender power and gender oppression, women clearly feel that they are in the public space vulnerable, very vulnerable situation of inability to respond to such personal intuitive early warning system or less sensitive to type of digestion strategy is just another proof of the fear of women both in the public space can not count on protection of public authority, it can not have free threatened freedom,
the propriety of the male body and to reflect the nature of the type of heterosexual gender roles, ﹑ Watch the male body, to sexual oriented means, have some love fantasy, is indicative of persists, it may not be said to be whether it be in the public space to be male body ﹑ ethics of sex crimes to the sexualization of or are implicit in the individual men tell the whole story and ignore the gender of the main, today's Taiwan, the men against feminism, in part also This misunderstanding comes from the feeling of being treated with prejudice, and thus the overall men and women are becoming victims of gender bias in the social environment, but this does not mean we stand, position, but that male oppression of gender bias should not oppress women or women against men like sex, but to all of an oppressive ideology, gender bias in the thinking, is subject to innocent men, women suffer, so elimination of gender bias is not only to save the women, but also to help the men themselves, are all treated as are reasonably necessary for their own efforts to do. In particular, the survival and dignity of women is so real and significant threat, making self-respect and even to treat men, women, being women as potential criminals feel aggrieved and not respected, the lack of public statements over the next contrast to the legitimacy of course, this is kind of a pity, because feelings are worthy of any attention, when a person wronged wronged encounter with another person, we should see things, That, and the neglect of the poor is not enough, now the debate about men and women often fall in this situation a

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