Sunday, December 19, 2010

Strong life quality zt 10

 Effective life of 10 high-tech zone of Baoding quality
switched from primary blog
(a) of the negative emotions of love
any contact with the love, like snow event of the sun, it is easy to melt . and if there are people angry with you, you just always on his kindness and warmth, and eventually he will change the mood earlier.
Fox said the good, as long as you have enough love, can become the world's most influential people.
(b) all the Thanksgiving
the most powerful emotion is love, but it presented a different face. Thanksgiving is also a love, so Anthony. Robin like the thought or action by the initiative to express their gratitude, but also cherish God gave his people give him, and life experiences. If we are always thankful, life will be happy, but the flies , so it is worth a good business of your business life, it is full of fragrance.
(c) curiosity
If you really want your life to continue to grow, it must have as a child-like curiosity. Children know best how to appreciate the will find life everywhere subtleties, you can better develop their potential. This is a chain of reasoning, you need to study well, so make good use of your curiosity, then life is never end of the study, all of which found that into opportunities. the great power of the most enthusiastic, encouraging us to move towards a faster pace of life goals .19 century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once said this: Ways have to do anything that is holding the passion. can use the expression: speech to be powerful, to see things far, with great determination to achieve the desired goal. Do not even think about Hunhunee can live, then not only would be very boring to live with, life will be full of poor.
( e) determination
mentioned above are valuable, but if you want to stay in this world, people remember the deeds of worth, it should not have to have perseverance. perseverance in the face of difficulties to determine our failure, the temptation the attitude to see if we are going down or standing still. If you want to lose weight, if you want to revive the business, if you want anything to do in the end, only through fails, you have to have the perseverance of hosts, because that is the source of your power generation operations, will get you into any wish to pursue. have the perseverance of the people, his actions necessarily consistent, and do not target give up.
Anthony. Robin that as long as you have the stamina to be able to make any major event; the other hand, lack of perseverance, you are destined to failure and disappointment. A person daring to do anything is by their courage, perseverance and courage, the source was born. A person's attitude is the courage to do things halfway, or to see if they often practice his perseverance can look at the actual situation must change, and lose no time to change their practices. ask, if you can find just a few steps Road exit, do not have to hit a hole in the wall to go out? Sometimes one has the will does not necessarily Nengcheng Shi, you have to have hh
(f) flexible
to ensure the success of any one thing, maintaining a flexible way of doing things absolutely essential. want you to choose a flexible, in fact, is happy to be your choice. In everyone's life, are bound to encounter many can not control things, but as long as your thoughts and actions to maintain flexibility, so you can constantly maintain a successful life, not to mention much more happy life would be over. reed is being able to bend lower body, so can survive the storm had raged, but the elm is like to have bulging spine, the result is a stormy wind break. If you can nurture those emotions mentioned above, is bound to feel full hh
(g) confidence in the
is not easily shaken the confidence that each of us aspire to, if you want to have always been confident, even to the extent has not been contacted, then you must fight from the heart to establish a From the moment he began to learn to imagine and feel the share of confidence in their eligibility to obtain, but can not light daydream, I hope that one day the future it will be no reason to come up. When you have the confidence to dare to try, dare to to take risks. To have a way of building confidence, and that constant practice is to use it. If someone asked you whether you can have confidence in good shoelaces? believe you will be full of confidence, in fact, said no problem, why do you dare sound so sure? Just because you have done this thousands of times. By the same token, if you can continue to practice all aspects of their faith, sooner or later you will slowly find that I do not know when the confidence already there.
order to make all sorts of things they can do, you've got to train your confidence, do not be afraid. It is unfortunate that, many people do not dare for fear of even simply not done has been in retreat. In this need to tell you that many great things, established cause of the people, the root cause of their success lies have confidence, think of it, they could not before can draw any example of it! that is confidence, and promote the human moving again. Once you establish the mood, it is bound to experience hh
(h) Happy
when Anthony. Robin increase the happiness that a The most important value in the pursuit of the table, everyone said: you, the joy of the heart with the joy of his face is very different, the former can make you confident, With hope in life, to bring around the people with the same joy. happiness with his face to eliminate fear, anger, frustration , sadness, disappointment, frustration, regret and useless ability, when you encounter no matter what happened, he just surfaced in the face smile, no longer will make you feel uncomfortable than this been brought out.
To show a happy face, like, does not mean you ignore the difficulties faced, but to know to learn how to maintain a happy mood, so it is possible to change many things in your life. As long as you can often with a smile on his face, there will be a lot of action caused you pain signals.
is very easy to let yourself feel happy, you have full hh
(IX) This is a very dynamic
important emotion, if you can not take care of your body, it is difficult to enjoy the happiness with it. You should always pay attention to whether dynamic, because all emotions come from your body, if you think that some emotional overflow on track, then quickly check the health bar. your breath what? when we feel heavy pressure, the breathing will be very smooth, so slowly lost energy depletion. If you want to have a healthy body , then to learn the correct breathing.
another way to stay active is to maintain enough energy to the body. How can we do this? We all know that physical activity each day will be consumed by our energy, so we have appropriate breaks to replenish lost energy. I ask you a few hours sleep a day? If you usually have to sleep 8-10 hours, then it may be some put in more, according to research surveys, most of the people who sleep 6-7 hours a day is enough. There is also a contrast with the view that everyone is sitting and can not save energy, which is why the reasons for sitting will feel tired. To have the energy, we must react to all sorts of problems. It can be seen, we have to nurture a vibrant, so life is also to control the various emotions.
When your heart is full of some of the emotional dynamic, then through to the population service that allows people to come and share rich.
(X) service
Anthony midnight one day. Robin speeding motorists on the highway, think to myself: is to give. Often we would be those in pursuit of the highest value of human life, moved by the story, to care for them unconditionally, people, give people a great blessing. Every day we should all contemplation, in the end for people to do things Do not think only of their own benefits.
one can continue to immune and giving attention to the people, must be because he understands the meaning of life, the kind of spirit is not money, fame, praise can compare. with the spirit of service life is priceless, and if everyone can follow, the world would certainly have been better than today.

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