Sunday, December 26, 2010

Revelation revolution has not yet successful history

 Well aware that to achieve this goal, we must arouse the people, and unite in the world waiting for me to level the national and common struggle.
now the revolution has yet to succeed. All my comrades are advised to book in accordance with more than Outline
mm political will
Sun November 12 this year, the two parties across the Taiwan Strait, in commemoration of the birth anniversary of Sun Yat-sen hundred and forty. Review of Sun's life, his revolution succeeded? What you can learn the lessons of history?
anti-revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen, was founded in 1905 when the Alliance aims to program summarized as nationalism, democracy and livelihood of revolution overthrew the monarchy .1911 Three People's Principles, the establishment of the Republic of China, but did not really realize Three People's Principles.
Sun Yat-sen relinquished the presidency to Yuan Shikai, a large, but Yuan used authoritarian politics, I do not know why things .1913 democracy after the assassination of Jiaoren, Sun Yat-sen and a Xing and other opposition. As the enemy forces and the poor, After the Northern Expedition, but also with the proposition Communist alliance.
At the same time, the Manchurian warlord Chang Tso-lin He, Duan Wanxi Warlords secret form self-styled four decades, until his death has not yet succeeded. So the mourning hall at the Memorial, hanging a There are a lot of historical criticism, a matter of opinion as possible. But as the end of China's feudal monarchy, and create the first republic, and his historical position is unshakable.
Sun Yat-sen's last words are negative.
Sun inherited a freemason early blood, the way traditional societies engaged in revolutionary activities, and later founded the Chinese Revolutionary Party, remains the legacy of the feudal patriarchal system, party members loyal to party leader. The Eastern secret society organization , and later Soviet-style political violence and revolutionary model by combining his successor, Chiang Kai-shek have a significant impact. Kuomintang administration in the history of China and Taiwan, is full of bloodshed and dictatorship.
Chiang Kai-shek broke with the Chinese communists in 1927, The following year completed the abolished the unequal treaties, be won a great power status, bursting with nationalism. But the KMT in the civil rights and people's livelihood and poor performance: Benten bang democracy, uphold the one-party dictatorship; corruption run rampant, leading to financial collapse; final defeated by the CCP in the civil war.
demand for land for farmers is the driving force behind historical change, the change of dynasties and dynastic peasant uprising, are inseparable from the land issue; and building a modern state, capital is the decisive impetus. in the Chiang Kai-shek during the administration of bureaucratic excesses of capital expansion, cause a lot of rural land issues bankruptcy. Although pushed to the monarchy, but party politics and violence in the traditional black-box operation, repeat the Kuomintang mistakes.
the history of human civilization that has been proven that revolution was a more intense form of social change, but not the same as violence, the regime can not always be maintained by violence; revolution was short-lived, improvement is a long-term, revolution. the consensus of political consultation, democratic constitutional government is to achieve common development of the national economy.
but in order to advance to achieve the ideal of socialism and communism, Mao  Ze  East interrupt the process of democratic revolution, and soon Youyi cooperatives, communes in the form of land re-concentration; and through public-private partnerships, and ultimately the nationalization of private capital. in achieving a monopoly of production, due to the revolution will not get rid of the peasants and the Soviet Union the traditional political parties, party mode patriarchal and non-transparent decision-making mechanism dominant, resulting in Taiwan during the period in power, through the Chiang Ching-kuo trend of history, through political reform movement, has lifted the ban three (martial law, ban on political parties, censorship), Taiwan has gradually got onto the road of modern democracy, increasing ease cross-strait relations.
economic prosperity and political democracy, but , did not keep the Kuomintang regime. history, lost. to Chen Shui-bian's Democratic Progressive Party-led regime, the KMT failed to accept the failure of the lessons of history, no party running the country caused by the recession, but in terms of political corruption is worse than, well caught in the predicament of today, is sufficient to trigger people of a century of partisan political thinking.
the KMT lost the country to step down from the process, is a sort of mirror of history.'s Revolutionary Party became the ruling party, the need to cherish their historical position, do not live up to the revolutionary ideals and the people expectations. how to get rid of party politics, old habits will complete the Political Role? how committed to develop the economy, more concerned about the plight of the people and the protection of social justice? a century of history lesson, really thought-provoking.
economic development from not open land and capital .80 s began in mainland China's reform and opening up the economy, but history inertia block the pace of political reform, so that some of the unchecked power and capital alliance, ; cause some local government The figure was remarkable. but whether the KMT to power in Taiwan, the Communist Party in China can get rid of ; failure for and the partisan points.
Sun Yat-sen before death,   10 November 2006 to study rain F

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