Thursday, December 23, 2010

Economic crisis the significance of a low carbon economy

 Guan Qingyou: economic crisis
of the significance of a low carbon economy: Guan Qingyou Source: Institute of Post-Reform Beijing Time :2009-3-12 16:05:14
Guan Qingyou: I talk about some of my views. Before Soon I heard also conducted a study, but not so detailed in this kit, we actually want to see if we can extract from the theory, something that probably was the crisis there are two chains, the first is the energy, fossil fuels used as a basis, the so-called East Asian production chain, the second is based on a system with dollars that the U.S. consumer chain, the node may be settled between the dollar and oil, have also told Mr. Yu, the U.S. dollar as the main the settlement currency for commodities, the more agreeable to me.
we see them in the production system in East Asia, in fact, is the so-called fossil fuel use, based on the needs of a large number of fossil fuel, resulting in all the world energy prices , in particular oil prices, demand-led price increases, oil prices 19 years from 99 dollars to 147 dollars in mid-July, so has led to major economies, domestic monetary policy adjustments, have to deal with inflation, I also agree with this comparison, high oil prices inflation in major economies is certainly a very important factor. but I do not claim to so fine, Mr. Yu considered relatively small, there is a number of claims. In this case, monetary policy in countries adjustment, there are some industries are affected, we say that happened in the U.S. subprime crisis, which evolved into a comprehensive financial crisis. From the consumer point of view is that Professor Zhou said the chain of global economic imbalances, which I also quite agree with dollar output, emerging economies for delivery of goods to the United States, the global economy imbalances, the U.S. dollar credit crisis, we are talking about this important issue, then there appears the world economy is not sustainable, or that the financial crisis.
I think now we On the twenty-summit Ye Hao, Ye Hao deal about the financial crisis facing the problems of global governance, the two chains need to start from the crisis. The first is to tell you that under the so-called dollar system we talk about this more I will not say. I talk about my so-called fossil fuel-based understanding of the East Asian production chain. Now we are looking for exports, including the United States to curb excessive consumption we say, China to curb excessive production, China from an export-oriented based economy to a domestic demand-led economy, where exports? seems now we have taken ten countries are basically the so-called taking the old road, it could not escape the short-term recovery of our economic growth, and then plunged into economic prosperity, and then the bubble, and reproduction sales, may still can not escape this economic cycle. recent economic problems of low exploration, is not in this area can be considered low taking into account the so-called economy is low exploration exploration and economic implications of two aspects, one is we have to China to gradually get rid of dependence on fossil fuels, improve energy efficiency, so, in fact, may reduce the demand for primary energy. The second level is to maintain the scientific development may be, is unlikely to reduce economic growth by suppressing fuel consumption, which is the economic meaning of so-called low exploration.
Now we say that the growth of domestic Ye Hao, Ye Hao maintain growth through ten countries, how the direction of investment to achieve this so-called economic development of the idea of low exploration? from the direction of investment speaking, you may need to invest in low exploration of the industries and products, orientation is conducive to energy saving industry, increase investment in research and development on energy saving, which is one aspect. The second possible from the consumer perspective, we are from the domestic demand , domestic demand can not start, just a few teachers said, we are there urban-rural dual structure of the spread, from 97 years we have been advocating the so-called stimulating domestic demand has also driven it, to the fundamental problem remains that we did not give China the so-called low income class to solve his so-called worries, that is, social security, education, health care, if can not solve these three problems, then the domestic demand is not pulling up. So from this perspective, we need measures to maintain growth in the direction of investment and real can stimulate the efforts of the perspective of the real needs.

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