Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Geopolitics, China and other countries bordering the most countries, China's surrounding environment

 Geopolitics, China and other countries bordering the most countries, China's surrounding environment, geopolitics is the most complex, dynamic thing, led the overall situation, in this Zhuantie several articles about the relationship between Vietnam and its neighbors will become the South China Sea The enemy can be many things to friends, non-enemy not a friend, the hares, that assessment probably more appropriate to the Vietnamese. Laoshan the smoke has cleared many years, red melon swords may also wish dead reef, China and Vietnam from longitudinal history looked this quarrelsome lovers in surrender, intimacy, and the enemies were bitter in the wavering. For China, the pain and the feelings of friendship and co-exist in this country, its strategic location makes emotional and difficult decision. Vietnam , is a slender bride, or a arrogant shrew? friendship train is long, but can quickly create hatred, discord between the two countries can not seem to let go, while the southern part of China, Vietnam, squatting, still let the Chinese can not forget the fangs may be exposed. Meanwhile, Vietnam `maritime strategy in China` can not keep for more than one hand - who knows when this anti-wolf as well? Vietnam Maritime Strategy to promote `` accelerated development of offshore oil resources the pace of the economic benefits quickly, in exchange for a large number of much-needed foreign exchange in Vietnam, and promoted national economic development. economic interest is actually implemented in Vietnam has become the strategy of `Ocean` the main factors. in the military, the implementation strategy for `growth` Ocean defense in depth big things in Vietnam. Vietnam land strip from north to south about 1650 km east-west width of 600 km, the narrowest point is only 48 kilometers, strategic depth and a very shallow cut down the middle each other during the war easily. To change this adverse strategic situation, the Vietnamese navy occupied the Nansha Islands in China more than 20 islands and reefs, the control of the west width of 570 sea miles, approximately 380 nautical miles wide north and south seas, sea defense in depth is 1.7 times the width of its native to its narrowest at 20 times. in politics, thereby to enhance its international status. Viet Nam to implement the `maritime strategy to control the vast` sea, just covering the South China Sea in international transit. layout of bloodshed is to be vigilant to guard against the Chinese people - - couch side, How can we allow others to sleep. Therefore, Vietnam is on the geostrategic not a reassuring role. as to bridge the rift in Vietnam and the United States, Vietnam's role and policy can not but say that contains changes According to Xinhua News Agency reported that U.S. President George W. Bush at the White House 21, Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and visiting a joint statement after talks, said the two countries will be equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit based on the development of friendly, constructive and multifaceted cooperation partners relations. The statement said that President Bush and Prime Minister Phan Van Khai this meeting coincides with the 10th anniversary of the normalization of US-Vietnam relations, bilateral relations have made the two leaders expressed satisfaction with the progress. bilateral economic and trade cooperation expanding, both in Southeast Asia and Asia-Pacific peace, prosperity and stability enjoyed common interests and issues of common concern the deepening of cooperation. For the differences between the two countries and issues of common concern, the two sides agreed to continue an open and frank dialogue. The statement said that Bush President expressed strong support for Vietnam to join the World Trade Organization. The two leaders agreed to work together to increase U.S. investment in Vietnam to create favorable conditions. Of greater concern, the Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan 23, said that Vietnam and the U.S. have signed a military training agreement, the U.S. military specialists will return to Vietnam to help train Yuejun soldiers. Khoan told the the agreement. Khoan said: `In the initial stage, when our military training areas will be supported in English, and allow some medical personnel and technical staff for training.` the sudden warming in Vietnam and the United States, can not be said for China, a iron chain and in the reinforcement. If the secretary of defense before the visit more, so the U.S. military seems to see the dreams haunting Cam Ranh Bay, then return to the U.S. military has been just around the corner. Meanwhile, the U.S. can control in Vietnam, strengthening the South China Sea route sphere of influence, and consolidate and develop its military presence in Southeast Asia, but also set a wedge to contain and constrain China. And more important position in Southeast Asia in Vietnam, won in Vietnam, the United States to the Southeast Asian region will effectively reposition forces and integration, as may be from Cambodia, and has always coveted the Myanmar military government to open a new breakthrough from Vietnam, while the South-East Asia `upgraded` paramilitary alliance, and ultimately, to contain China in Southeast Asia may be true domino effect the emergence and deepening levels. Now Vietnam has long been a small country not sacrifice the long corner, but a change in the geographical pattern of variable strength, but also compete with China as a rival. Vietnam `` deepening of the pro-American, equally worrying Japan's intervention. Vietnamese controlled waters is the lifeline of Japan, so this factor can not allow Japan to consider. At the same time, the more Japanese trade and economic exchanges have been so close exchanges between the two countries began earlier, according to the Ministry of Commerce website, 2004 Vietnam's textile exports to Japan reached $ 521,000,000, an increase of 11.06% over 2003. In the first quarter, with exports amounting to 135 million, an increase of 4%. It is reported that since May this year, some textile importers are Japan Try the original textile imports from China, orders to import from Vietnam. Meanwhile, Japan is the largest importer of Vietnamese seafood. in attracting Japanese investment, the same cost advantage of cheap labor (said to Vietnam than China's cheap labor) in Vietnam strong interest in attracting Japanese investment, many Japanese companies set up factories in Vietnam to prepare. In addition, although the influence of Japan can not cover and control the implementation of Vietnam, but join hands with Vietnam are restricting China's gestures have occurred: According to the International Herald Tribune reported in February this year, China via Yunnan River Port iron ore imports from Vietnam severely hampered the activities of local production was related to a large impact. According to the survey, this event with the Japanese companies activities in Vietnam. can be seen in Vietnam in the economic the realm of the extent to which China has to. Therefore, Vietnam's policy and position carefully changed the issue at the WTO, the United States and Japan an olive branch to Vietnam, then do not rule out military cooperation with Vietnam in the economic and trade exchanges, etc. reciprocate and the United States and Japan in Southeast Asia and Vietnam as the preferred anti-Qiaotou positions.

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