Sunday, November 28, 2010

Beware of indoor environmental pollution, health hazards, performance, and response to child smokers get class ...

 Just moved to new home, you and your family will be very excited. Can be a period of time,cheap UGG boots, it found that some kind of strange changes in the body: for example hair out badly, or which parts of the body discomfort and so on. In fact, this has decoration materials is to blame!
So, how to judge you and your family living room environment is safe and healthy? According to experts, the detection of the indoor environment,Bailey UGG boots, indoor ring summarized the main cause harm to the performance of dye and response measures. you may wish to refer to.
syndrome symptoms: waking up to feel oppressed, nausea, dizziness and even.
Case: Two owners of a project reflects the room, smell, and people dizziness, nausea, can not close the window during the day, such as closing a window at night to sleep, the morning after the nose is very uncomfortable. After the units were tested for the room and found the room ammonia concentration in the air above the state environmental protection department issued reference standard, in which a high concentration of ammonia in indoor air in public places over the state health standards 20 times.
prescription: move away from a contaminated home, and rooms for forced ventilation, the ammonia targets to be reduced to normal level of the stay. tachycardia syndrome symptoms: a new home smelling after buying furniture, make it difficult to accept, and cause physical illness.
Case: Ms. Chen ordered a fabric sofa, sofa did not find the quality of surface , and the result placed in the room not long to find the sofa emit an unpleasant odor. Since then, Chan entered the room to feel difficulty in breathing, gasping breath, and even sleep at night will be arousal, a few days off Tim tachycardia her faults, one minute jump to more than 100, it can be strange that one to the hospital for heart rate dropped to 80 under. Indoor Environment Test Center conducted its home air quality testing and found that use of the sofa sponge binder, the volatilization of benzene as high as 20 milligrams per cubic meter, more than 8.3 times the national standard.
prescription: to move furniture with indoor pollutants, and then ventilated.
class smokers syndrome
symptoms: Although it is not smoking, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and rarely, but often feel a sore throat, foreign body sensation, shortness of breath.
case: He is requested to carry out decoration decoration company, after completion of the project to stay feeling interior pungent, cause sore throat cough, eyes hot tears, unable to live. And He is so aggravated throat diseases, he asked the indoor environment testing unit for testing of their homes, the result is high levels of formaldehyde in the bedroom per cubic m 1.56 mg, 19.5 times more than the national standard.
prescription: the interior part of the removal of harmful decoration, especially the poor man-made sheet.

syndrome symptoms of young children: home, children often cough, sneeze, decreased immunity, the new kids do not want to go home decoration of the house.
Case: Wu renovation completed after 3-year-old son began to illness, beginning with pharyngitis, chronic asthma, and gradually decreased immunity, weakening the body resistance , the original body fat children, six months down the small circle, to the hospital also can not find the cause of multiple inspections. After on-site sampling and laboratory analysis, the experts found that Wu's room after 10 months in the decoration, interior formaldehyde per cubic meter of air has reached 0.36 mg, 4 times more than the national standard.
prescription: in children decoration, note that use of sound materials; be distributed decoration smell clean after all, let children live in; effective indoor air testing.
family mass disease syndrome
symptoms: family, there are a disease,UGG bailey button, but leave the environment, there are significant changes and improvement in symptoms.
Case: Mr. Liu to stay after new homes , the per capita does not feel the whole family. Liu existing allergic rhinitis, even more serious after the arrival of his son pharyngitis diagnosed by the hospital, family members often allergies. after you test the indoor environment indoor air quality testing department found that indoor ammonia and formaldehyde in the air seriously overweight, the highest ammonia exceeded the national standard of 14.2 times the neighborhood atmosphere, with an average exceeding 9.36 times; formaldehyde exceeded the national standard of 1.5 times the highest average exceeding 1.05 times.
prescription: indoor environmental pollution in addition to outside decoration , some also come from building materials. Before the purchase, the best ask the departments concerned for air testing of housing.

infertility syndrome symptoms: long the couple are not pregnant, can not find the reason.
Case: A young wife has been married infertility, the doctor said it might be exposed to excessive radiation because radiation. his room and toilets are decorated with green granite cuckoo, after testing, the state far more than the cuckoo's Green stone using a standard living room, and the radioactive element content is very uneven, the individual points of very high radioactivity levels.
prescription: a strong radiation not only causes infertility, but also cause cancer. Therefore, the use of natural stone home decoration and its products,UGGs, must pay attention to the problem of radioactive.

plant wilt syndrome symptoms: a new move or new renovations, indoor plants can not easily survive, the leaves easier to yellow, wilt, especially in some of the strongest plants of vitality difficult to grow normally.
cases: a Monday morning, employees of a high-grade office space is newly renovated and excitedly into the office, work on the weekend of various flowers and leaves of leafy Shihai who are all withered. After tested, the air five projects, three projects do not meet state standards, including formaldehyde, 8 times more than the national standard.
prescription: the wrongful death of plants, contaminated indoor air is an important signal. If You also have this problem at home, should look for reasons decoration pollution.

pet death syndrome symptoms: a new move, the domestic pet cats, dogs and even tropical fish inexplicably die, but the neighbors as well.
case: the residents of a new residential building a few days after the new house, pet cats and dogs have died inexplicably, as subsequently detected particularly high levels of indoor radon.
prescription: For the indoor air pollution Pets are sometimes more sensitive than others. especially for the colorless, odorless, radioactive gas radon. This gas than air and sink, it is often gathered at the house on the ground. pet is much lower than people and therefore most vulnerable to radon gas victims

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