Thursday, November 4, 2010

Communication is the process of information transfer

 Communication is the process of information transfer and communication, including interpersonal communication and mass communication.

individual and interpersonal communication is the exchange of information between individuals and the emotions, needs, attitudes and other psychological factors in the transmission and delivery

is a form of direct communication face to face.

mass communication, also known as media communication, is through the media (such as television, newspapers, Internet) mediated communication process.

activities between individuals communicate with each other in the common thoughts, feelings and knowledge of information processes. It is a major form of communication, mainly through speech, the Deputy language, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and social distance to achieve. However, according to

F. Adams and C. Larsen (1979) point of view, there are three kinds of interpersonal communication function, which ① connectivity: a man and his environment in which a connection between the role play; ② mental function: interpersonal communication, people can refer to other people's ideas and make better decisions and more effective thinking; ③ Function: interpersonal communication to coordinate behavior between people.

the process of communication is the exchange of information, so in social psychology, information theory, the term often used to explain the whole process of interpersonal communication. Early researchers often interpersonal communication process and CE Shannon and W. Weaver's 1949 model of the communication process simple analogy (see Figure). They source compared to the sender of the brain,Discount UGG boots, the converter compared to the sender of the articulate, channel compared to disseminate sound of the air, noise source compared to interfere with interpersonal communication in the transmission of information of various factors, receptors compared to the ear, the destination compared to the listener's brain. Communication pattern into the study of interpersonal communication are great, but it was gradually discovered a number of problems, foremost among which is one-way transmission hypothesis. Man and machine is different from person to person exchange of information, the letter and the recipient are the main active, they are in constant interaction. Recipient of the message sender will be given to reaction in the role as an information, in turn, on the sender, the sender under it to regulate their own behavior. Therefore, it introduced the concept of feedback control theory to supplement the traditional communication model, but even so, still can not summarize all the characteristics of interpersonal communication. Soviet psychologists believe that people in the communication process, the information not be passed, but also continuously formed, clear, complement and development.

information theory point of view as described in the interpretation and interpersonal communication can not be overcome when there are some shortcomings, a number of social psychologists, in particular emphasis on the social nature of communication scholars and relationships later on by the interaction of other new , to study the phenomenon of interpersonal communication (see communication). Communication structure

communication process from the information source, information, access, information receiver feedback, barriers such as the seven factors constitute the background.

(a) source of information

in interpersonal communication, information and information sources are trying to communicate with the individual. He originated the communication process, to determine communication

object, select the communication purpose. Communication before the general need a preparation phase, finishing thoughts clear to psychological feelings of self

clarity and clear.

(b) information

information is communicated to others who communicate ideas and emotions. But the feelings of the individual must be translated into a variety of can

others aware of the signal. In a variety of symbol systems, the most important words. Words can be a sound signal, it can be

image of symbols (text); face to face communication of information in addition to words themselves, there is the psychological state of the communicator of information, so that

both emotional communication with each other infection.

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(c) channel

communication channel is the information carrier. Acceptable individual sensory information, including a larger proportion of audio-visual information

audio-visual communication is a communication-based communication.

(d) information the recipient

communication of information is the recipient of the other party. In an interview with the individual information symbol of various sounds, according to their own has

experienced it

(e) feedback

feedback to make a two-way communication between processes. In communication, both sides continue to send the information back to each other. This

kinds of information return process is called feedback. Feedback to inform the sender, the recipient of the information on the status of acceptance and understanding.

(f) barriers

interpersonal communication barriers often occur. For example, the source of the information is not sufficient information or not clear, code is not correct, the information is not

right into communication signals, communication carriers and misuse,UGG boots, the recipient of the misunderstanding, and information and enhance the natural attenuation.

In addition, the communication between the two sides of the subjective factors may also create obstacles. If the lack of common experiences with each other, but also difficult to communicate.

(g) Background

background occurs in the context of communication. It may affect the communication between each factor and the entire communication process. Not only many

meaning is to provide the background, and even the meaning of words will change with different backgrounds.

Third, the function of communication

(a) the means of access to information.

(b) the exchange of ideas and feelings to share tools. ?

(c) meet the demand, an important factor in maintaining psychological balance.

(d) reducing conflict and improving interpersonal process.

(e) to coordinate actions within the group, promoting goals of the organization and efficiency.

the characteristics of interpersonal communication interpersonal communication has the following characteristics:

First, interpersonal communication, communication, both have their own motive, purpose and position, all ideas and determine their own message What will be the answer. Therefore, the communication between the two sides are in active state, occurs in the communication process is not a simple information campaign, but the active exchange of information and understanding.

Second, interpersonal communication with two types of verbal and non-verbal symbols, these two types of symbols are often used simultaneously. Both may be the same, may also conflict.

Third, interpersonal communication is a dynamic system, the communication between the two sides are in constant interaction, stimulation and reaction on each other, such as the B language is a language of the response, but also for A stimulation.

Fourth, interpersonal communication, communication or similar the two sides should have a unified coding system and decoding system. This not only means the two sides should have the same vocabulary and grammar system, but also to have the same understanding of the semantics. Semantics depend on the communicative situation and social background. Communication and communication of those occasions, social, political, religious, occupational and status differences will impact the understanding of semantics.

verbal communication language is the primary means of interpersonal communication. Use of verbal exchange of information, as long as all parties involved in the exchange of highly consistent understanding of the situation, the significance of the exchange loss was minimal. In particular, verbal communication along with the appropriate Vice-verbal and other more perfect when the non-verbal means to convey information. Social psychologists study focused on verbal communication of the speaker and the listener is how cooperation and understanding of information depends on the communicative situation and how the social context.

verbal communication rules of conversation to follow certain rules. These rules are often unwritten common understanding. Conversation rules in different societies, different cultures, different groups and some differences between different occupations. But there are some general rules. For example: the other side should pay attention to listen to his speech; Do not interrupt each other's conversation; a time only one person talks, a person wanted to talk to other people to finish so; pay attention to words elegant, and so on.

in the actual verbal communication, according to the needs of content and context, the conversation between the parties must also have some special rules for conversation. For example, a computer expert to a layman introduce computer literacy, we should use less jargon, and with the popular, multi-language, multi-play some analogy. As who should say, what time say, say how long, how to say, they have to communicate with the parties involved in coordination. There is also a more important conversation coordination, that is, the meaning of the speaker and the listener understand the meaning of coordination. If a word used by those who have several meaning, and in this case a certain meaning, then the listener can only be understood in this particular sense, or communication will encounter difficulties.

semantic social psychologists in the study of interpersonal communication and value the language, especially when the meaning of the expression analysis. Semantics depends on the person's cultural background and knowledge structures and different cultures the meaning of the words used may be different. Even within the same cultural background, the meaning of words may differ. Philosopher of the

order to distinguish the difference on the meaning, the meaning psychologists into two basic meaning and implied meaning. Such as The implied meaning of the word, mainly emotional meaning of language in interpersonal communication plays an important role, improper use will destroy the normal communication.

also depends on understanding the semantics of words in context and talk situations. Research shows that to understand the words from the context in isolation is very difficult. It is easy to hear a phrase that is less able to hear an isolated word. Semantics and context more closely,

verbal communication non-verbal communication is supplementary to, and sometimes alone. Non-verbal symbol system includes verbal and visual symbols, vice two categories. Visual signs include facial expressions, body movement and posture, eye contact, interpersonal distance,bailey UGG boots, clothing, etc., physical contact is often used as a non-verbal symbols. Vice-language people speak

tone, loudness, speed, pause, rising tone, falling tone of the location has a certain significance, the expression can be understood the content of verbal clues. Accompanied by words such as Vice-verbal clues. The same sentence with different sub-words, it may have different meanings. For example, The word, it is possible to express whether the person suspected of a foreign land to go alone.

existence of a research vice speech difficulties is that these leads generally do not have fixed meaning. People are clearly For some people, pause may mean stress for others, it may mean not sure. Studies have shown that high voice could mean excitement, it may mean lying. Vice-speech context specific meaning depends on the conversation and personal habits and characteristics.

facial expressions facial expressions clearly show that a person's mood, the general non-random, spontaneous, but also can be controlled. In interpersonal communication,UGG shoes, people sometimes want to control their facial expressions to enhance communication effectiveness.

studies have shown that human facial expressions are basically genetically determined, and culture has little to do. A person's facial expression is the revelation of the truth or deliberately put out of it is difficult to distinguish.

the same expression can have different meanings. A smile of happiness and joy can be expressed, it can be a friendly gesture, and sometimes even apologize. The specific meaning of certain expressions in the context of communication and communication relies heavily on the habits of those characteristics.

body movement and posture in the human body movement and posture interpersonal communication can also be used to convey information or to emphasize words, known as body language. Spread out his hands to swing the room, said the invitation. Sport referee gestures that his sentence. The meaning of body language depends on many factors, mainly communicative situation, communication, and communication habits of those who live the culture.

eye contact eye contact may be non-verbal communication of the main sources of information, at least you can talk to both sides of the conversation that interested. Eye contact can express love, love and relationship feelings. Study found that intimate partner than among the general population to have more on the visual behavior.

Sometimes people avoid eye contact. Some people report bad news to someone else or some painful things have tended to avoid each other's eyes. Sometimes communicator shyness, fear or lying to avoid eye contact.

M. Argyle, and R. English 1972 study showed that a variety of watch cases, depending on each other for about 31%, about 61% of the total gaze, watching the average time for 3 seconds, but each time only 1 second look. Gaze duration is too long to gaze into. Prolonged eye contact can cause physical and emotional tension. Gaze is often hostility. Most people would avoid such contact, to show concessions, while others prefer an eye for an eye. Sometimes you can stare, said hardship assistance.

eye contact to express the meaning seems contradictory ─ ─ friendliness and hostility, happiness and suffering, intimidation and fear. In actual communication will depend on the specific meaning of the expression of which was the scene. Nevertheless, frequent and prolonged eye contact always shows a high degree of communication between those involved, emotions strong.

interpersonal distance in interpersonal communication process, the distance between the two sides have a certain meaning. In general, the closer relationship, closer. Anthropologist E. Hall (1966) to interpersonal distance into intimate, personal, social and public 4 species. He believes that parents and children, lovers, husbands and wives are close and the distance between the distance of about 18 inches, you can feel each other's body temperature, smell, breathe. Personal distance means the distance between friends is about 1.5 to 4 feet. Social distance is the distance between those who know, typically 4 to 12 feet, the majority of contacts in the distance. Distance refers to the public between strangers, the distance between the upper and lower levels, typically 12 to 15 feet.

interpersonal distance and culture, status, living environment and other factors. It was found that the communication from the North Americans than Latin Americans generally, rural people are generally greater than the city people, people with high social status more than a humble person.

clothing dress and can be used as a means of nonverbal communication. Valentine's date a girl and if well dressed when, it is likely that she would like to please each other.

W. Seer Bo (1978) that the dress at least 10 kinds of information to pass to others: economic level, educational level, whether it be trusted, social status, is vulgar, economic background, social background, educational background, level of success and moral qualities. Pai Jianbang

physical contact, shaking hands, hugging and other physical contact is also the role of information communication. Between those who have more intimate physical contact, but too close to the contact between strangers may be significant. Handshake sequence, time, force, could mark a different relationship between the communication level.

verbal and nonverbal communication between verbal communication and non-verbal communication and have their role in interpersonal communication are often interdependent and complementary. The role of verbal communication is sometimes bigger, sometimes the role of non-verbal communication bigger. But in recent years, social psychologists increasingly emphasized the role of non-verbal cues. For example, RL Byrd Wister (1970) said that only the expression of words in the conversation does not exceed 30 to 35% of the information. A. Jura, Bing (1972) estimates that only 7% of emotional information is expressed through words, 55% passed by the visual symbols, 38% communicated by the Deputy verbal symbols. Some researchers even think that the expression of emotional information is entirely done through the visual channel.

studies have shown that when verbal language is inconsistent and vice, the other depends on the Vice-verbal information; speech and facial expressions when the deputy is inconsistent, it mainly depends on the facial expressions.

has been argued that a variety of interpersonal interaction is the result of a variety of clues. Verbal communication and non-verbal communication is important, but because the communication situation and other reasons, and sometimes non-verbal communication is more important something, sometimes it is more verbal communication is more important.

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