Thursday, October 14, 2010

First understand the reasons for weight gain Since the start of working life began

 My first job was in a foreign trade enterprise engaged in manufacturing small staff until the Director of the Office, usually sporting opportunities are few and almost every day with the company owners and company leaders dining, food is very good, usually there are some entertaining ! Since the first job after I started selling into the career opportunities of the activities of the selling job much pressure and so should lose weight, but did not expect the opportunity to socialize more, and dinner from time to time to attack is inevitable , lure me! So I summed up their fat four reasons: First, the usual meal that much, but very little exercise, meal and rest. Second, like to eat Yun Cai, particularly greasy, fried, baked and other food, do not like to eat vegetables! Third, like to drink beer, drink, do not like drinking water and mineral water, daily amount of water a day are needed to reach the amount of the human body. Fourth, how does not usually eat fruit.

Note: Regardless of any one person must be identified before the weight loss because their fat, can address the problem of developing a set of programs suited to their weight-loss plan!

weight loss motivation and goals? Regardless of anyone to do anything, should understand their own motivation to do one thing and want to get the results are what? If not clear enough, it may be because in the course of implementation of various difficulties encountered in drop out, resulting in failure of the results! Similarly, weight loss is also true!

motivation I lose weight from the word normal, the doctor advised me: , mild fatty liver, can be on the diet and exercise to be back to normal. 2, moderate fatty liver, but also can last in the diet and exercise to be back to normal. 3, severe fatty liver, this is more serious, but also too much trouble, would fix cirrhosis. According to the national standard body weight is calculated: the standard weight I should be in the range between 65KG-75KG, great shape when my college weight is 66KG. So I will set this goal: goal weight 68KG, target 2.3-inch waist (trousers waist 30 # -31 #), BMI control to 21-22 (Note: BMI is body mass index, BMI of normal weight is 18 - 25, the algorithm is your weight (KG) divided by your height squared), so to say my motives and objectives have been very clear.

collect a successful weight loss success stories and effective way. Enough to achieve a multiplier effect; another case of successful weight loss can make us see the hope of success, but also can inspire us with courage, overcome difficulties, only adhere to the final victory can be achieved.

understand the principles of weight loss diet work? So to speak, many people do not know how to conduct effective weight loss, but blindness to do exercise, diet, Chijianfeiyao and with weight loss products. Some people's willpower is bad, fits and starts network, did not lose weight in the end, lead to weight rebound, failed to lose weight, and even become even fatter than before!

this time my weight loss was successful because I see an effective way to lose weight and my commitment! In fact, I have also had to lose weight before twice, the result is a failure! The first was in 2004: only the blindness of exercise, exercise is not enough! Explosion in the diet or drinking food explosion, the results did not come down a little weight, persist for some time, I gave up! The second time was in 2005: that I believed the TV ads, buy a plastic belly Bora lose weight, simply does not work, massage can only achieve the effect, so far I am on television advertising of any weight loss products are very The disgusting! Is an act of fraud to cheat consumers money! The most healthy way to lose weight is the most effective than exercise, life has always been in sports!

then the principle of weight loss in the end what is it?

to lose weight is to eliminate excess body fat off, then how can we lose the excess fat? This is the difference between daily consumption of energy absorption and the principles of:

A weight gain: a daily calorie intake> daily consumption of calories

B weight of the same: the heat absorbed per day = daily consumption of calories

C weight loss: a daily calorie intake
Notes: 1, by the following method of calculation is not difficult to figure out your daily consumption of heat (kinetic energy of heat can be downloaded to the network of the kinetic energy of the heat meter.) 2, the heat absorbed per day can also calculate, for the heat meters on the network to download a food, you absorb the number of calories per day can control!

Heat units: kcal
< br> 1KG lose weight, need to consume calories 7700 kcal (1KG = 7700 kcal)

adult daily calorie needs

adult daily calorie needs of human basal metabolism = The basic needs of physical activity needed to heat + heat + heat needed to digest food.

needed to digest food calories = 10% x (basal metabolic needs of body heat + physical activity a minimum amount of heat required)

basic metabolism of the body the basic energy needs of a simple algorithm

Women: Basic calories (kcal) = weight (kg) x9

man: basic calories (kcal) = weight (kg) x10

us to give an example: Weight 65KG a woman to do all kinds of sports daily calorie consumption of 800 kcal a day calorie intake is 1300 kcal, then the weight of her day is how to change?

her daily consumption of calories required for basic heat = (130x9) + exercise calories (800) + consumption of calories 10% x (130x9 +800), the result is equal to 2167 kcal.

that is greater than the absorption of calories consumed by the heat (2167-1300 = 867 kcal), the woman is to reduce body weight can reduce 867/7700 = 0.11KG, 9 days remain unchanged if the Women can reduce the weight of 1KG.

Part IV: effective weight loss program formulation of the objectives of the program

develop specific implementation plans exercise weight loss program! Cause weight gain, weight loss motivation and goals are clearly defined, the principle has also been know to lose weight, then you can work out a suitable weight loss program implementation plan, of course, this option may also be required in the implementation process of continuous sound change, as long as suitable for them, and to ensure a healthy situation, to achieve the desired weight loss goal is a good program.

the success of my plan to lose weight exercise program for your reference!

an exercise weight loss goals:

1, weight goals 68KG, target 2.3-inch waist (trousers waist 30 # -31 #), BMI control to 21-22 (the target has been reached)

2, normal liver (the target has been reached)

Note: The weight is not equal to meet the standards with a good body, many people have the standard weight, but the body is still like a or apple-shaped

Second, the weight loss goal of timing and formulation stage.

1, plans to achieve the objectives of three months (May 4, 2007 -2007 on 30 July), three main phase, each four small stages, as follows: < br>
the first phase (Figure 1)

second phase (Figure 2)

III (Chart 3)

Note: Blue table color curve is the target weight, the red curve is the actual body weight reached!

Note: The above the blue curve represents the weight of the morning getting up, the red line indicates the weight of the evening before dinner!

advice: exercise to lose weight is through the efforts and the need to pay to achieve the desired goal, it is very difficult to achieve in the short term, so I think: are located at each stage of different objectives, through your efforts to get them to break, thus enhancing the confidence you lose weight in reaching your goals at every stage, but also you can give yourself a bonus to increase your weight loss fun and exciting. in heart, and you do not think how to lose weight is a long way, because you will be your ideal goal was to quantify the target is divided into several stages to implementation, to more easily the ideal goal to reach the final. To achieve the effect of weight loss have to do an adequate amount of aerobic exercise, aerobic exercise then what is it? Is to continuing to do some low intensity and heart rate can reach (220 - age) × (60% -80%) of the movement, such as: jogging, rope skipping, climbing, climbing stairs, brisk walking,UGG boots cheap, swimming, dancing, aerobics , cycling and so on. And each time have to be aerobic exercise for 30 minutes -60 minutes and continued to keep the heart rate (220 - age) × (60% -80%), as in the previous 30 minutes are consumed by the body of water and carbohydrates, fat is only 30 minutes before opening, that is when the movement in the body during the 30 minutes -60 minutes of mainly carbohydrates and fat for energy, mainly in 60 minutes or more fat for energy. But each time the movement of not more than 90 minutes because 90 minutes after the body began to consume muscle.

exercise to lose weight in my main use of the following during my aerobic exercise:

1, running (8-15 km / h)

2, mountain climbing (Gushan Fuzhou's tourist attractions, has a street lamp before 23:00 at night, very suitable for people of physical exercise), set a climbing destination, time-consuming from the initial 57 minutes -28 minutes.

3, skipping (1000 -4000 times) takes 8 minutes -30 minutes

4, swimming (60 minutes -120 minutes)

5,cheap UGG boots, dance fitness Exercise (50 minutes), mainly for the waist, abdomen, weight loss exercise.

6, stair climbing (150 level -200 level / time, took about 60 minutes -80 minutes)

7, take a walk after each meal and 30 minutes -60 minutes of brisk walking cross, as my time is allowed for.

my exercise time and motion methods:

time my main sports are generally arranged in 16:00-20:00, because this time is the best exercise a day good time, of course, the arrangements may, depending on my work and the time allowed to proceed, the following are the continuity of the movement, the intensity and quantity is constantly increasing, but not the middle of water and eat food, because I had 30 minutes before exercise add enough water to the body.

the first phase (the first two stages)

1, the major sports: mountain climbing (57 minutes -50 minutes) + brisk walking down the mountain (25 minutes -20 minutes), took in 82 minutes -70 minutes.

2, supplementary motor: Take a walk 20-30 minutes (30 minutes after a meal because the rest is most likely if the immediate risk of fat accumulation period), depending on whether the time allowed.

the first period (after two stages)

1, the major sports: mountain climbing (50 minutes -45 minutes) + brisk walking down the mountain (25 minutes -20 minutes), took in 75 minutes -70 minutes.

2, supplementary motor: Take a walk 30-40 minutes (30 minutes after a meal because the rest is most likely if the immediate risk of fat accumulation period),UGG boots clearance, depending on whether the time allowed.

second phase (the first two stages)

1, the major sports: mountain climbing (45 minutes -40 minutes) + Rope (1000-1500 times, about 8-12 minutes) + jogging down the mountain (15 minutes -13 minutes), took in 68 minutes -65 minutes.

2, supplementary motor: Take a walk 40-50 minutes (30 minutes after a meal because the rest is most likely if the immediate risk of fat accumulation period), depending on whether the time allowed.

the second period (after two stages)

1, the major sports: mountain climbing (40 minutes -35 minutes) + Rope (1500-2500 times, about 12-20 minutes) + jogging down the mountain (13 minutes -12 minutes), took in 65 minutes -67 minutes.

2, supplementary motor: Take a walk with the cross brisk walking 40-60 minutes (30 minutes after a meal because the rest is most likely if the immediate risk of fat accumulation period), depending on whether the time allowed.

3, the waist is the most difficult fat to lose, so I try to arrange a time to dance aerobics (50 minutes), mainly for the waist, abdomen, weight loss exercise.

III (the first two stages)

1, the major sports: mountain climbing (35 minutes -28 minutes) + Rope (2500-4000 times, about 20-30 minutes) + jogging down the mountain (12 minutes -10 minutes), took in 67 minutes -68 minutes.

2, supplementary motor: Take a walk with the cross brisk walking 40-60 minutes (30 minutes after a meal because the rest is most likely if the immediate risk of fat accumulation period), depending on whether the time allowed.

3, the waist is the most difficult fat to lose, so I try to arrange a time to dance aerobics (50 minutes), mainly for the waist, abdomen,UGG shoes, weight loss exercise.

time I exercise to lose weight in two stages earlier than expected and reached all my goals, of course, during this period my main exercise is to climb the main, this period also often in the rain, but I still Chengzheyusan a daily basis, have not stopped one day, of course, if it is during a thunderstorm, taking into account personal safety, I changed the way the following two major sports:

1, stair climbing (150 level -200 level / time, took about 60 minutes -80 minutes)

2, swimming (60 minutes -120 minutes)

Note: The exercise intensity was based on their physical condition to decide, in order to avoid discomfort caused by excessive movement, exercise and healthy diet should ensure that whatever the basis, along with physical exercise can be improved continuously increase!

Part IV: effective weight loss program of diet plans

IV, diet and daily drinking water


1, breakfast (with a share 30%): First, skim milk, whole wheat bread 250ml + a, sometimes plus a fruit (preferably apple), or half a cucumber. Second, the rice bowl of + steamed dried fish (30 grams) or steamed meat (50 grams), plus sometimes a fruit (preferably apple), or half a cucumber.

2, lunch (50%): a big bowl of white rice + steamed fish, shrimp or beef (only choose one, 100 grams) + green vegetables (such as: beans, sponge gourd, wax gourd, bitter gourd , cucumber, radish, eggplant, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, kelp, respectively, different election), plus can be coupled with a light soup.

3, dinner (20%): First, half a bowl of white rice + steamed fish, steamed fish, shrimp or beef (only choose one, 30 grams), plus a number of vegetables. Second, the rice bowl of + steamed dried fish (30 grams) or steamed meat (50 grams) and a bit of green vegetables.

explanation: the total heat absorption of the day should be controlled in the body is equal to or less than the basic requirements on the basis of the heat, but not less than 1000 cards, otherwise it will affect people's health. The total heat absorbed in the control, while the food can be divided into five meals to eat, so that under the same conditions you will be able to consume more calories. Also select the best choice for seafood meat, lean beef, rabbit, etc., because they ensure that your nutrition at the same time, more importantly, they contain less calories and fat mass, there is a saying: legs than two legs, two legs better than no legs And the food as much as possible to take less oil steamed, boiled, etc. for cooking, to prevent oil cut, grilled, fried, etc.. I have selected vegetables category, are generally low in calories, with weight loss, constipation, the effect of the decomposition of fat, while ensuring nutritious food. You can also download a food to the heat meters on the network, select the number of nutrient-rich, low in calories, fat, eat less of foods and to develop a set of nutritional diets.

4, fruit, fruit and nutritious food

, not only to ensure that the human body needs certain nutrients at the same time, fruit also has a role in speeding up metabolism, but also should not eat. I usually eat one or two a day of fruit, the main choice of Apple (not only low in calories, sugar content is low, is the fruit of the most carbohydrates into fat is not easy to be a fruit, but it also has the effect of weight loss) , plow, banana (high heat, but the high potassium content, people eating a pre-exercise, exercise without fatigue, but does not advocate eating), and plums.

5, drinking way

man one day of normal drinking water should be Female 2000ML-3000ML

normal amount of drinking water a day should 1600ML-2500ML

For weight loss drinking water a day is best boiled water or mineral water, coupled with some green tea or both (with weight loss, the effect of beauty), because these do not contain calories. As for the drinking water is how you will.

my drinking water: 1 in the morning to drink 600ml of warm water, because the human body to get a night's rest, a minimum of water to supplement the water is intended to speed up blood circulation, speed up the body's metabolism. 2, 30 minutes before a meal to drink boiled water or mineral water 400ML. 3, added 30 minutes before exercise 500ML of drinking water or mineral water. The remaining open blisters usually drink green tea (no calories).


exercise to lose weight is required to pay a long and hard and can only immortal in this way there would be a lot of hardships and difficulties, many people did not dare because you're afraid to go The road and gave up, some people can not go half as to overcome the difficulties had to give up, and can handle it and stick in the end the people do is the final winner.

this time in my weight loss process, the desire to increase my success and confidence! I have every issue with a different motto to inspire me! Such as:

exercise to lose weight for this time, I not only for health and the line, but I am also in creating their own personality and determination, training focus on the nature of things, specific, professional sentiment, I believe that for my future career and life should be full of a profound significance!

Actually it is not difficult to lose weight, you have to do with both hands:

friends, for tomorrow's health, today you act? Finally, I wish

friends who love the sport to lose weight as soon as possible to have a standard, the perfect body!

because of the time of a rush, some details may not have written a special detail, such as where we are unknown, please communicate with me! Thank you!

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