Monday, October 25, 2010

Circumcision (Circumcision)

 Circumcision is not limited to the nation of Israel, other nations have the same habit, but its meaning varies. Method of circumcision is in the boy's genitals, cut off the foreskin before the Festival. Circumcision of the Israelites, is starting in the Lord God called Abraham and his descendants election for his voters, as a strong mark an everlasting covenant. compliance. you must be circumcised, this is my covenant with you evidence. (Gen. seventh 9 to 11), when the contract, the Israel National descending must be circumcised, this is proof of God's covenant to them evidence. circumcised nation of Israel, is to cut off the filth of body and appearance, but its inner meaning is that they have access to clean and change (see Genesis 12 Seventeen 14: Book Five 2 to 12, ten 12 to 22 applications, Thirty 5 to 8; Results forty-four 6 ~ 8).

Old Testament times, not circumcision, is unclean, and theory. uncircumcised and the unclean, and all can not enter the holy city. the middle. abominations, and add this layer of ... ... the Lord has said that Israel of the Gentiles, that is not circumcised physically and mentally, are not into my holy places. , 9)

New Testament view of circumcision is not circumcision or not pursue the matter, as an outside ceremony, but this is the mark of an appearance. The most important thing is to have the Holy Spirit on the mind, heart to accept the gospel, as the credentials of justification by faith, because the Old Testament Abraham's justification by faith, not circumcision restrictions, but by circumcision to the performance of his righteousness. Circumcision itself is nothing, it is merely a ritual and marks, what matters is the heart of repentance and righteousness. Sinner righteous before God, not because of circumcision, or to comply with the law have received, but because God in his will and grace, the confidence given to people who loved Chi. righteousness that uncircumcised. us. Because, circumcised or not, does not affect the fruit of their salvation. circumcised the flesh off your body. ye are buried with him in baptism, also in the resurrection with him, have faith, who raised him from the dead God's function. you were in trespasses, and the uncircumcised dead in the flesh, God pardon all your sins, hath quickened you alive together with Christ. The most important thing is faith in Jesus Christ to be justified before God. Therefore, Jews and Gentiles, saved by the grace of God is completely in Jesus by his given confidence. So people who believe in Jesus to be justified before God to obtain eternal life. for eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. the gift of God, Jesus Christ our Lord is eternal life. Lanvin is mopet and niplaot, translated and wonders, signs and warning (of seven 9; application of 19 July, Eve 3). In Greek teras, translated signs and wonders (Acts IV 29 ~ 30; Luo fifteen 18); dynamis translation abilities (Matthew XI 20; plus three 5); semeion translated signs (about 11,UGG shoes, c 2 ; only eight 5 to 6).

the word is mentioned in the Bible, God created the universe of all things in nature and history of deeds done. Of course, doing all that God can be referred to as miracles, but in the Old Testament and New Testament, God is also transcendent and particularly with that accident, to complete his will. These stories happened, all with God's salvation related. will, with signs and wonders and divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit, bear witness with them.

1. God created the universe of all things, whether natural or supernatural, is his masterpiece (poetry nineteenth 1, eighty-nine 5, ninety-seven 6).

2. God has a purpose miracles exist, they may see not only that, and admitted that he is the master of all things is God save the voters (out of four 30 to 31; the king on the eighth of 36 ~ 39).

3. God signs and wonders are not limited in this respect, foreign land of the Prophet and Satan evil spirits, the same supernatural magic. But God's sovereignty and super, and the end to prove that he is the living God (seven out of 10 to 12, August 7; application thirteen 1 and 2).

4. Signs not only those who understand the experience of God, but also deepen their trust in God (the fourth of 29 ~ 31; Kings eighth 39).

5. Because the crime of human depravity, contrary to God's command, lost the link with God. So God did miracles to demonstrate the need for his great ability to prove that he is the master of the universe (Gen. VI 3; yeah Saer 17).

Second, the miracles in the New Testament interpretation:

1. Created in God's law, all deeds done are out of his almighty will and continuous supply (Rom 20; West, a 16 ~ 17).

2. All the miracles in the Bible, is to help believers better understand the power of God and a firm confidence in the Lord (which can be ten 52; Road Seventeen 19; about September 3, twenty 30 to 31).

3. The greatest miracles the universe is the Jesus Christ risen from the dead, the fact that (Acts 23 ~ 24, d 10 ~ 11).

4. Jesus did all the signs and wonders, proved he is the Son of God, is to create the master of all things (about 11, five 36; Acts 22, ten 38).

5. The miracles of Jesus to prove that the Old Testament prophesies of the Messiah has come (Matt. November 4 to 6; Road November 20 ~ 21).

6. Sinners to repent, abandon evil Reformed, Christian convert, because they believe in Jesus for eternal life for the greatest miracle of life (in advance of a 15 ~ 16).

mystery (Mystery)

the Hebrew word for the raz, translated as mysterious or secret, pointing to the end of those who had been induced to be revealed hidden things. In particular, pointed to that mystery of God, in his manifest will and time (see but two 18,19,28). The Greek word for the mysterion, translated as secret, confidential or secret of Austria, and point to the element of God and the hidden aims to do, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit and manifest the work of the gospel (Rom sixteen 25; II Corinthians 7 to 10; Ephesians 8 to 10; Col. 26).

one mystery in the Old Testament usage:

1. The will of God are hidden, rather than the world can detect the. > 2. God can be the secret of his instructions to those who fear him. The sins than you have even less. . Only in the days of God, the mystery and will be able to accomplish things revealed. the king. God took the mystery made manifest to his servant. Pointing to the mystery of God as a result, only those who showed faith in him. forgiven. The mystery of God in terms of pointing to the Gospel message. speak of. June 19 ~ 20; West Fourth 2 ~ 3)

3. God is hidden in the ancient mystery in Christ to the saints. truth is hidden from ages and mystery, but now to his saints. God would make known this mystery among the Gentiles the riches of the glory that is Christ in you the hope of glory. Eph 9 ~ 10; West, a 26 ~ 27)

4. God never speaks of ancient mystery, in Christ and his Gospel on the manifest. The book indicates the nations of the people, and the obedience of faith. >
5. The mystery of God through the Holy Spirit is revealed to prophets, apostles and saints. with the partakers of the promise. 6; Corinthians fourteen 2)

Chapter God and created things

God (God G0d)

a name of God , the name of God in the Old Testament, the most commonly seen in the following words:

1. El, in particular, to describe God's attributes, such as:

a.. El-elyon, Most High God (the people round-16).

b. El-olam, eternal God (Gen. twenty-33).

c. El-elohe-yisrael, Israel's God (Gen. Sasan 20).

d. El-shaddai, Almighty God (Six 3).

2. Elohim (the majority), Eloah (singular) to describe the power of God and the strong, God is unique in terms of pointing:

a.. God's creation (Genesis 1 .)

b. God's faithfulness and reliability (poetry Nianqi 5).

c. God's oneness (Asia-fourth 9).

3. Lord Yahweh, pointing to God's revelation and grace, the special reference to his chosen people in the blessing and grace about the. Such as:

a.. God is unchanging (out of three 14).

b. God is the God of Israel (out of three 15).

C. Most High God of the universe (Gen. fourth 22; poetry Eighty-three 18).

d. God is the Almighty God (Six 3).

4. It also pointed to God is the ruler of all things, human beings as God's servant (Genesis eighth 27).

Second, the New Testament in the name of God the most commonly used in Greek:

1. Theos, the word used in the Old Testament and Elohim Elyon equal, is pointing to God's nature, (which can be e 7; Road, 35; to July 1).

2. Kurios, the word root as the Kuros (power), its meaning, like the Old Testament Yahweh, all that God is mighty, powerful, all Lord of all. The word not only refers to God, the Jesus who is also cited in (Rev. A 4, Nianer 13).

3. Patros, the word In the New Testament,bailey UGG boots, it refers to God as the master of mankind and the Father of believers (I Cor August 6; to twelve 9).

the nature of God from the natural human knowledge, understanding of general revelation of God, but the special revelation of God, only from the Bible and Jesus, who has been. Sinner special revelation from God to realize that:

1. God is spirit and is a bit cell (about four 24, Seventeen 3).

2. God is infinite and full (out of fifteen 11; poem one hundred forty-seven 5).

3. God is unique and self-preservation (aged 13 to 14 race, Fifty-seven of 15).

God, God's characteristics, including characteristics of the attributes of God, and all the attributes of God, belongs to the nature of God, is God's nature. God's attributes can be divided into:

one person can not communicate or nothing to do with the property:

1. Since the existence of God (Isaiah aged 18; about five 26).

2. Immutability of God (Mt III 6; poetic ○ 二 27).

3. Eternal nature of God (Psalm ninety two, one hundred and two 27).

4. The unity of God (Matthew nineteenth 17; Ephesians IV 24).

5. Infinity of God (on behalf of the next two 5 to 6; Acts Seventeen of 27 ~ 28).

Second, to communicate or attributes associated with people:

1. God's knowledge (about twenty 17; to d 13).

2. The sovereignty of God (Ephesians 11; Kai d 11).

3. God's truth (the people Niansan 19; Timothy II 13).

4. The wisdom of God (Ps. ○ 四 24; but the second 20 to 21).

5. The righteousness of God (Psalm eighty-nine 14, one hundred forty-five 17).

6. The sanctity of God (the fifth 11; race VI 3.)

7. Love of God (John 16; about One four-8).

8. Goodness of God (Psalm eighty-six 5, one hundred and eighteen 29).

God the Trinity is one God, but there are three persons, namely, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that three persons were with the nature of God. In the Old Testament, that God is not just a bit cell verses such as: Genesis chapter six, forty eight chapters sixteen Isaiah, chapter one Sixty-one Sixty-three chapters nine to ten. The New Testament, the Trinity as God's verses: Matthew nineteen twenty-eight chapters, Corinthians chapter thirteen fourteen, Peter chapter two.

their work on the Trinity:

Father is working for the creation and maintenance (I Cor eight 6; to a 3.)

Son is the Mediator for the redemption and work (Ephesians 3; early b 5)

the Holy Spirit for enlightenment and sanctification of work (he, after a 21; about sixteen 13; plus five 17).

Lord (Lord)

the Hebrew word for the Yohweh, translated as Lord or master. Jews believe that this name was too sacred, it is not called, and use adonay After the twelfth century until the Lord, the Lord began to use the name of God, The Greek word for the Kurios, can be translated as the owner, home owners, executives, chairman and so on. In the Old Testament, the meaning of the Lord and master, in the specified rule is the Almighty God and human dominated world, but also indicate he is the creator of the universe and the ruler of all things is life and death of those in power. Because he is the Prince of Jun and King of Kings. In the New Testament, God is called Father, and heaven and earth. reason for the hope, we must always be prepared to answer to everyone meekness and fear. Related verses:

1. Angel of the Lord to prepare the main road. Apart from God and Saviour Jesus Christ is true God and beyond, there is no other God. not God. Parent, should teach their children to the Lord of the lesson. Verses:

1. Paul said that Jesus is Lord. ; post three 11)

2. The work of Peter and John that Jesus is Lord. Judah acknowledged God and Jesus as only Master.

4. Said the resurrection of Jesus Apostles based. Stephen Lord Jesus dying witness. Saul is also the joy of his death. . God alone is the religion of revelation to man, the religious, rather than human-centered to think or find answers to religion. Because, whether individuals or groups seeking God's way runoff, can only come up with polytheism, but God alone can not formulate a theory of argument. Particularly in the diversity of human life and the complexity of thought, making the exploration of religion, often based on multi-religious thought of God as their mind.

monotheism alone believe, the universe is only one true God, there is no other god but him. Of course, the independence of monotheism and atheism, polytheism, monotheism (one God that exists, but does not deny other gods also exist) and on but only one God (the gods in a hierarchy), and was contrary, irrelevant.

in accordance with the biblical revelation, human beings alone monotheistic religions was originally started from, but because the crime of human degradation, resulting concepts are corrupted, the rise of God in many different religious views, so different religions have been born. But since God chose Abraham to be his constituents after the electorate became clear on the concept of God. Thus says the Lord God of Israel, in ancient times your fathers, Abraham, the father of Nahor, Terah, lived beyond the river, and served other gods. The When Elijah at Mount Caramel with the prophets of Baal compare God's miracles, the facts Chen, independent of God to the gods of progressive voters express (see the king on the eighth of 20 to 40).

the one true God of the New Testament writers, is bound to exist, and is the premise of faith. Incarnation of Jesus Christ is God's own representative, as the necessary truth of God alone. This was the light of life. witness, the original with the Father and has appeared to us that eternal life, passed to you. God the three of the Trinity, the New Testament believers to the concept of one true God, the necessary truth, This and the universal acceptance of the Christians. (For information on God the Trinity, please refer to the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed)

Trinity (Trinity)

Bible does not explicitly mention the have shown that the Trinity of God, is based on biblical revelation and church finds evidence of the Holy Spirit as the basis. God revealed in the Bible, God is unique, but he has three persons, it is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, represented by the name.

trinity of God, God is God, led by the three distinct persons composed. The true God in three distinct persons, each with its unique and individual nature of the entity. But in the body and the essence is unity. So we called him

Trinity revealed in the Bible the true God, and not to be a combination of the three gods of God, nor is one-third of their body weight on each, but in nature there is no distinction between high and low , there is no difference between the upper and lower, led by Trinity in the nature of the Father, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are completely equal. Son of the Son to the Father, the Son is not to say less than the Father; the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit is not to say that the Father or the Son below, because they are three in eternity living memory and the same. However, the work and performance in the Trinity, the Father's name out in the first, the name of the Son out in the second, the name of the Holy Spirit listed in the third. to all things, teach you, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you, then ... ... you have heard me say to you, and I go away, come to you. If you love me, because I went to the Father go, and you will rejoice, because the Father is greater than my big. he did not speak on His own, but whatever He hears He will speak, and he will tell you. He shall glorify me, for he shall receive of mine, to tell you. All that the Father of all, are I am, so I said, he shall receive of mine, and tell you. God's teachings:

1. Unity of God in the body, not diversity or in one of the gods in the God. Because he is a unique God, the earth, the only one God. there is no God. you did not know what I am, I will give you a waist, from the rising to the setting of the sun, people know that besides myself, there is no other God, I am the LORD, and there is none of my other God. God in the way a number of cell call themselves, but also representatives of different titles to his name. birds, the livestock and over all the earth, and all the creatures on earth. )

3. God appears in a different bit cell, sometimes represented by other names. These are shows that God has a different bit cell and work, respectively. not speak in secret, since there is this, I'll be there, and now the Lord hath sent me and his Spirit. . you seek the Lord, shall suddenly come to his temple. messenger of the covenant, the one you admire about to come. June 7 to 13, eighth 21 1 a nineteenth 1 to 28; Proverbs VIII 12 ~ 31)

Second, the New Testament God expressly on the doctrine of the Trinity:

1. Unique God's revelation in the New Testament in the same volumes,cheap UGG boots, suggesting that the uniqueness and unity of God's truth. know that God is one, then there is no other God. above all, and through all, also live in you all. Express the Gospel of John, Jesus and God are the same, with the deposit and the same in position. that have not seen the letter, and blessed. Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son are in the same position. sin, of righteousness, and judgment ourselves.

three mentioned in the New Testament example of God Trinity:

1. The unity of the Trinity of God,Bailey UGG boots, seen by the baptism of Jesus; Father Son from heaven, the affirmation of the Holy Spirit upon the arrival of the Son. as a dove down on him. a voice from heaven said, This is my beloved Son, I am well pleased. He expressed his disciples, the fruit of missionary effectiveness should be the name of God the Trinity, as the source of the Baptist. (large Nianba 19 ~ 20)

3. Trinity of God the Apostle Paul to the name of the grid you give believers blessings. The work of God the Trinity, salvation on the believer in the importance of salvation.
Fourth, the work of God Trinity:

in the body, the trinity of God the work of the division should not be made absolute and difference. Because, where the trinity of God's work are common work, as long as the work of one of the Trinity, and the relationship between the other two are inseparable. For example, the love of God the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit among them are linked to love and work as a bridge. Father loves the Son, sent him to the world to save sinners, to complete the work of salvation, and asked Fanzhu him, to be in the love of God to love one another (see 34 about thirteen, fifteen 9 to 12 .) Son loves the Father, in order to complete the mission of salvation, his humility to the world, and sent in love with the completion of the work was sent to prove that they are out of this one (about ten of 38 participants, fourteen 31). Love of the Father and the Son the Holy Spirit was sent to the world a spirit of truth, and completed the work of inspiration and holiness, confirmed the words of the Son, according to the Father's will to act. say, not speak of myself, but father that dwelleth in me as his own business. , but whatever He hears He will speak, and he will tell you. with love as a precondition. 

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