Sunday, May 22, 2011

Psychological adjustment during the judicial examination

A friend asked me to write something about Sikao experience, though there are indeed some Sikao after their own experiences necessary to sum up experience and lessons learned, but has not been time to focus on to the system write about. To thank friends, concern and encouragement, now put yourself in the Sikao some experiences during the project phase in several memories summed up the hope of the pro forma 08 Sikao friends help! Now the first turn during the judicial examination of psychological adjustment problems. No operator peace! I this perspective, the outcome see carry on. , do not fight uncertain battle. Judicial examination, too, must first have on the judicial examination of their accurate and well understood. Mainly want to have full understanding of the following circumstances:
one of your existing base and ability to learn how. What is learned during the course of professional, academic achievement to which specialty is their long-term and short-term, self-learning abilities and so on. If you are a law of this, of course, have some basis for this is to your advantage, but also prudent, because the university the focus of legal education and judicial examination requirement is not actually the same, and the university will have a material problem to introduce you to many schools and ideas, these ideas will be generated on your mind the impact of inherent preconceptions, and judicial examination is only one correct answer, the original point of view but will you have a problem understanding. So we often see some people confident in the exam, since that period of their undergraduate learning in the nice, scored Sikao should not be a problem, but the test result was popping down, is a big reason for complacency; if you is illegal in this, and do not feel inferior, in fact, the people who participated Sikao are on the same starting line, and who can win, the key is to pay you, and learning. And you do not have the system because of previous contact with the law, all the knowledge and perspective is new to you, so there was no obstacle to accept it. Plus your original cross-professional and legal advantages, will make you understand a sector in the area of ​​the law to be more easy.
Second, the present study, work and life. People to participate in judicial examination are generally divided into the following categories: school students, public, prosecutors, law-service personnel, other units serving staff, full-time staff full-time review. Students learn in school time and energy, as well as the school's learning climate, there is no pressure of work and life, comparative advantage; public, prosecutors, law need to work while serving officers review the need to address the allocation of time and effort some of the problems, but I heard some local people who will give paid leave to participate in Sikao learning, which depends on the views of the leadership; other units serving officers will face the problem of time and energy, while not as inspection, law units attending Sikao so natural and so will face a leadership, colleagues do not understand, leave is not easy, these need to be overcome; for full-time review of full-time people who can maximize the time for the review , but will face the pressure of life and those around us do not understand the friends and relatives. In preparation for their review prior to a full understanding of the difficulties may be encountered on the front are fully prepared, as this will enable You will not be back in the face of difficulties.
three participants Sikao purposes. We all know that studying criminal law, crime motive and purpose is to stimulate the motive for the crime perpetrators from criminal acts to achieve their criminal aims the inner causes of criminal acts aimed at the fact that people want the results of a criminal offense to state of mind. Similarly, each person will have to participate in Sikao motive and purpose, your motivation is to prove themselves, want to change your life, change destiny, or what? Your goal is to have done after the Sikao judges, prosecutors, lawyers or other? Of course, everyone's motives and objectives may be different, but the motives and objectives of the study will affect your state of mind as well as to learn and improvise. If you see the people around you think do not live in that ideal life, or you find you want to live that ideal life, so you do not need to pay, you will learn the passion would greatly reduce or even temporarily abandoned, the fact that many such people. In fact, I think the most enduring, strong motivation and purpose than the desire for knowledge and interest in learning Kong Ziyun people will ignore the life of embarrassment and physical fatigue tireless effort into the course, and only such a person has been able to persevere to the end, because the Si Kao is a protracted war, many people may not be the first by Sikao, but two, three, many years. Therefore, I suggest, first of all reduce their demands for the future, put down that much desire to maintain a normal, with a real attitude of learning being put into review, the review found in the plain joy of learning, is The so-called
Fourth, strong faith, perseverance, the former from interference. To believe that the legal profession is a sacred and glorious career, is a very promising career, is a cause worthy of your pursuit of life, and you are doing is a very, very interesting things are very promising. Although your life is strapped now, although very flat, although very lonely, very painful, but they are worth it, meaningful, and then hold on as long as you, no matter how hold on, you can win the final victory of Si Kao, As long as you work more than others, many will insist on one you will be the winner crossed the finish line you will win, believe that the law, believe in justice, I believe that paid off, and believe in yourself! Perhaps there will always be by your side who do not understand, there are always some out of envy or disdain in the eyes and words, the total number of discordant elements makes you uncomfortable, then stay away from these people and these factors, or as much as possible the do not care for him, of course, it is best to stay away from him. Pay more like-minded friends, and more support you with some help you understand your people, more and Sikao human communication, mutual encouragement, mutual encouragement, tell your troubles to share his sorrow, so that the road together in Si Kao peers, you will not feel alone.
five, out of loneliness depressed mood, positive exercise, and always maintain a strong energy and spirit, and properly arrange their own working life and learning, is indeed feasible to develop an appropriate plan of study. I have a very good suggestion, that is running every day during the Si Kao, which allows you to have a healthy body, strong energy and spirit, and close examination of these factors will play a huge role, in reality often Many people can not stand the body, burned himself out in the exam, the results fell short of success. Physical exercise can keep you optimistic, positive attitude, so that your positive input to the study this make you feel worthwhile things to go. But also can release your stress and depressed mood, to ensure that the next day full of emotions. You can give Sikao friends exchange, and they talk about their ideas and exchange learning experiences, which have contributed to Bai Ruogu independence sentiment. Also, making a good student life programs, a small program, but also medium-term plan, long-term plan, the first of small plans, step by step to achieve long-term plan, so you can orderly conduct of the study, but also allows you to gradually build confidence, self-confidence through the Si Kao, which does not appear often pessimistic during the review, loss, depressed, lonely, blind, and other emotions.
six this year, 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, the people immersed in mourning, especially for Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang and other places of the candidates a greater impact, but still of aftershocks, a serious review of the candidates to one of my friends, since the earthquake, not sleep well at night, during the day can not concentrate, learning efficiency is greatly reduced. But in general, has shown a weakening trend of the aftershocks occurred at intervals and the intensity decreased. Therefore, in this particular moment, Sichuan friends must be calm, maintain a normal learning schedule, do not stop learning, I believe the earthquake will be the last.
seven, in the judicial review during the examination, there are some good methods to help you eliminate stress, anxiety, irritability, mood, such as writing Sikao diary, write about their day at a time to learn their feelings and experiences, the next study plan, to encourage their morale so, this is a good way to release emotions; listening to music, download some more inspirational music and soothing pure music, when listening to low Chi music, in the sleepy when listening to soothing music of pure, so you can eliminate the emotional stress and irritability. Period as well as in Si Kao to maintain peace of mind, do not let their emotions ups and downs, excitement and prolonged state of depression are not good, and sometimes we feel very confident powerful, and very pessimistic at times, I think this is bad. Always remember, Sikao is a protracted war, is a test of your body and will, Sikao not easy, nor is it as difficult as the legendary, if he spared no effort, review fully in place, success is only is the natural thing. So, I just stop and learn and learn again on the line. Of course, if the conditions reported to remedial classes, then students will study together with the surrounding, in this mood will be more peaceful atmosphere of nature, but not reported to class does not matter, the time to listen to downloaded lectures, under the guidance of the teacher planned learning, make your own mind is more calm.
Eight, talk about the spot to play. The preparation of the current face of all was ready, but a successful Sikao married into waterways only, so you do not have to panic. Need only review the last time step by step, stop looking materials, and to do as long as the order Zhongdianfatiao Answers. Taking the time to do some simulation questions simulation questions have to find a moderate degree of difficulty to do, do not care about the results simulated paper, the purpose of training is only to exercise their own sense of doing problems, problems do take the time to believe that the best simulation questions are But more than Answers. Exam work to get everything ready, do not ignore the subtle links, including to see the examination room, travel routes, rest, admission ticket, identity card, 2B pencil, blue pen and so on. When the examination must be done to grasp the theme of time, because the time to decide mentality, the mentality decided to play. Remain calm, to play their best level.
When these are done, it is believed judicial examination into the examination room when your body after you have been king of the gas, then the city must work broke camp, like gangbusters! Congratulations, friend, you succeed!

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