Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reprinted How to take into account the seasonal display of new products and over- quarter

display how to balance the new and over-quarter seasonal goods Corner
every business in the season she is going to be facing a common problem, that is, quarter over quarter, new goods and the goods to be displayed how to do it? Many businesses will be quarter-of-season items and put together new displays, new hope through the season last season led the sale of goods.
In fact, businesses that do not take into account and deal with the problem in itself, but because most businesses lack the professional skills and a reasonable display of exhibition programs, the effect of doing so is often counter-productive, not only did not promote the off quarter sales of goods, but also also affect the flow of new products that should be quarter. So, businesses that can do both, how to display it? This is Chen Li Wen teachers to pay attention to the topic of this article.

international terminal in the study display an image consultant, senior trainer
graduated from the Japan Display Design
professional display for the Chinese clothing brand to provide design, training, consulting and other project services for brand building scientific Terminal marketing system and the implementation of the visual system, and provide marketing and development consistent with the visual display of goods props; years of service over the companies, including BT-BOY, Anta, elegant birds, Belle shoes, SKAP, honey Siluo Ni, O'Connell pop beauty, jewelry and other hundreds of tidal Acer famous enterprises. Good topic
crucial, we must first understand is that no matter now you store goods in the circumstances now, to some resources and rational use of space, the store display to do, the first step necessary to fully grasp the overall size and style store layout, make overall planning. In mastering these situations, we will be able to do basic work, but also what we call visual merchandising, visual marketing of goods intended to activate the store to show their value. For consumers, first impressions are important, sometimes, stylish and beautiful clothes on display, will help you attract those wandering in the store, and could not decide whether to customers into the store.
grasp the overall situation of the store after the state of commodities begin to understand, for most businesses, the phenomenon of-season inventory of basic goods are divided into four:
Symptoms 1. less inventory, and special discount
symptoms 2. stock less, not to discount
symptoms 3 . inventory, and special discount
symptoms 4. inventory, not discount stores dealing
clear understanding of the situation and status of goods, the best way is the right remedy, on-demand addresses.
Prescription 1: Do not grab the new-season goods thunder

the first case, relatively speaking, these four scenarios is most easily handled, and Because small stocks, and businesses also took the initiative to discount treatment. But do not bother to easily handle does not mean to be on display, in which case, well over quarter of new goods and the display of the season also will receive an unexpected harvest.
But there is need to pay special attention to the business, as last season a small number of goods, but also the special discount, then they tend to grab the limelight that should be new season, so Chen Liwen teachers display at this time to remind businesses of the season be sure to put in the new gold region. As for the display of goods on display last season, you do not need too obvious, as long as the customer in the process of browsing can be seen on the line. But still have to display goods in the past quarter of a clear promotion of the marked area.
In addition, it can be used with a display of old and new method of last season in a limited number of goods in a number of styles and colors selected are more prominent, and the new theme and should be consistent season, will be and should be carried out its season with a new (Figure 1). This exhibition will play a mix of new product sales lead role last season, and that customers know where one can enjoy a discount and feel surprise.

prescription 2: New seasonal ingenious

we look at the second case, that is, low-season inventory of goods, the business is not to discount the temporary treatment of the store display.
Typically, this situation is the small number of-season products, businesses do not take up too much liquidity, too much business in the absence of funds under pressure, are usually reluctant to take special discount way, but to be able to sell these items on regular price. So, under such circumstances, what to do better than the quarter of new goods and store seasonal display it? One such trick is to match new products and seasonal displays.
this match in two aspects, one is visual,
quarter over quarter, new goods and the interface should have a transition period, and seasonal items can not be said that a comprehensive alternative to shop for products over quarter, Take the autumn of for consumers to buy new fall when the season we can have some short-sleeved or some Baoshan so compassionate and with the new display (Figure 2, Figure 3), resulting in a series of feelings, stimulate consumer desire to buy.

in stimulating consumer desire to buy, we can start from two aspects, one is whether the staff manager or shopping guide have, did not discount the season-season goods and new awareness of the organic mix, this mix of goods from the color, style and style to master the three aspects; there is timely to promote the terminal shopping guide, shopping guide should always remain to be last season as soon as the idea of ​​selling out.
but businesses doing this with the display, be sure to grasp the scale. This ratio is usually on the goods according to the time, weather conditions, and store sales to decide. One of the most intuitive is to reflect the proportion of store sales display, because the store each time the change in sales can tell you the ratio of display. That is, each store because the environment, weather conditions and other changes, even with a store display ratio is not completely fixed. But usually still have to grasp a

Here we can see a business, shop display by adjusting the proportion of goods to promote sales of real cases, this shop inventory primarily in long-sleeved T-shirt, but the sales account by consulting the table each day, the teacher found Liwen Chen, long-sleeved T-shirts to business accounted for 10% of total turnover, long-sleeved T shirt for the season is about to have the amount of situation, Chen Li Wen teacher will hang on display on the side to increase the proportion of long-sleeved T-shirt, but no change in the number of sweaters are hanging on display. After such a proportion of the regulation, contributed to the stock long-sleeved T-shirts and sweaters as the season hot.

Prescription 3: clear display of goods

-season is also the case of-season inventory businesses large number of goods, in order to digest inventory as soon as possible, businesses tend to will be selected for special discount. The display during this time, we first can be based on the number of window display, if the business has two windows, one of them can come up with the goods on display last season, while the other can be used in the New Products on.
window if only one business in the display on the new season will be dominated by, as last season we could use some store goods to another location, you can display the time in the sample display single accounted for a region, but the share of store location must not display the location of gold, to showcase new products do not affect.
example, water station at the entrance can be made into a promotional platform for the display of goods last season. Or you can use in the Island, the display of a large area, with the POP label information to discount, discount clothes, while the information out through the window of the POP information (Figure 4, Figure 5).
last season in the display of goods in their marketing area, we should pay special attention to the promotion of the place that is silent. Because most of the shopping guide to shop in the new, more effort will be spent on the recommendation of new products, then customers will tend to ignore the advantages of-season sales of goods.
how can that advantage of this promotion valid from the display reflected on it? Chen Liwen teacher suggested, do not think the sales promotion of goods on board to finish the display of promotional items. In order to effectively highlight the advantages of-season sales of goods, we can put the promotion on both sides of the platform model, the model must be very very nice fashion. At the same time placing promotional signs in the area, this brand can do great height can be 1 meter between 5-2 m 4, then write clearly indicated the promotion, there is the case if there are gifts to be presented let customers know you're giving the first time.
That is, the display in response to this situation, the first clear and simple to use and effective promotional labeling to convey promotional information to consumers (Figure 6, Figure 7); followed To maximize the advantages of-season display of goods occurs; eventually, a shopping guide for appropriate guidance and recommendations. Li-Wen Chen
teachers have dealt with such a case, merchants used to buy goods for gifts-season activities, but the effect is not good. Li-Wen Chen Through teacher observation, found that businesses everywhere will be put gifts, consumers simply do not know that gift. Thus, Chen Li Wen teacher all the gifts are placed in a promotional platform, where the results of two hours, the consumer goods will be sold out last season.
prescription 4: The correlation method to do this display
these four cases can be said to grasp the most bad situation. At this time, we must first clear the intention of business, whether large-season decisions to goods and new mixed display of the season. This is made clear, the following two aspects from last season's goods and new products on display for the season.
first step before new goods in the set, businesses do a good job shops to display the overall style of planning, the planning of the goods for both color and style of planning. Businesses to fully take into account the stock-of-season items, so try to choose when ordering new stock of goods with the basic tune the color and style of goods. For example, a series of styles, colors, etc. extension.
second step, that is, goods with a display terminal, which is also the case in the most difficult part. End-of-season to be able to understand the new goods and the association between the season and in the process of mixing can be displayed using this association. If at this shopping guide is not very accurate grasp of this association, when its business is necessary to proper guidance, these guidelines are reflected in the color shopping guide Legend of goods (Figure 8), associated with the display model with a driven two those sales.

Finally, the teacher reminded Chen Liwen business, whether that case the goods on display are required to carefully observe and analyze, the only way to make the goods on display embodiment of goods in order to maximize the strengths and highlights.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

103 rules and tips you surprised

1. eat spicy things, I feel we should be hot die, go out into the mouth and put a pinch of salt, containing about, spit, rinse under the mouth, not spicy;
2. teeth yellow , you can chew the peanut in your mouth after, and brush your teeth for three minutes, very effective;
3. If a small area of ​​skin damage or burns, burns, cast a little toothpaste, can immediately stop the bleeding pain;
4. often mounted inside the cup of tea tea leaves ugly stains, wash with toothpaste, very clean;
5. eyedrops upward slightly when the mouth, so that chaos will not blink an eye;
6. mouth ulcers, use of vitamin C attached to the ulcer, and so it basically is like a melting ulcer;
7. the eyes into the small dust, close your eyes and cough hard a few, will have their own out of the dust; < br> 8. washing face, stick a finger in the nose on both sides of some fine salt and gently massage, and then rinse with water, blackheads and acne will be cleaned, the pores become too small;
9. just After a mosquito bite, the colored soap will not itch;
10. If the throat, inflammation of the gums, and at night watermelon cut into small pieces, dipped in salt to eat, remember that it must be night, when the symptoms will reduced, the next day just fine;
11. hair dryer blowing against the label, such as blowing hot glue marks to the labels can easily peel off;
12. Travel with clothes, if the fear of pressure from the fold, each garment can have a roll;
13. hiccups when playing drink vinegar, immediate impact;
14. eating smelly things, such as garlic, tofu, and eat Just a few peanuts;
15. to treat coughs, particularly a dry cough at night before going to sleep, with pure fragrant sesame fried eggs, put slightly more oil, what seasonings are not put, go eat hot sleep, ate a few days the effect is very obvious;
16. wrists MM want to take a long thick bracelet smaller, you can not hard-band, should put a plastic bag on the handle and then put on bracelets, very good band, but also will not be hurting his hand, but also in the same way off;
17. chestnuts difficult to peel the skin, first shell off, and then put it in the microwave it'll work out a rub while hot, skin on the out ;
18. flowers when a drop of detergent in the water, can be maintained for several days;
19. the walnuts into the steaming pot for ten minutes, then broke down out on the cold water, you can Peach kernel of the complete removal;
20. the shrimp into the bowl, add a little salt, food base powder, rub with the clutch soaked with water after a while, then rinse with water and then, make the Chao Chu of the Shrimp is as transparent as crystal, cool and tender and delicious;
21. Pork, the meat first ten minutes with baking soda and water soaked, drained of water, then flavor, it will be very tender and fried;
22. will residue of tea a few days immersed in water, pouring in plant roots, can promote plant growth;
23. the residue dried tea, put the toilet or drain in the burning smoke, eliminate odor, get rid of mosquitoes, flies with the function; < br> 24. cooked rice re-heating method: used chopsticks in the rice pot holes through some bar and sprinkle a little rice wine heavy stew,
25. if only the surface of half-cooked, as long as the surface of stew and then you can turn to the middle;
26. Qiao greasy than screens: the clothes, the rest of the cigarette smoke on the water together, to be dissolved, and brought clean the windows, window screens, the effect is really good;
27. as long as the jewelry put a small box of chalk, you can make jewelry to keep you shiny;
28. the table, bottles of adhesive surface traces of the wind spirits to wipe;
29. go out at any time in the bag with a small battery, if the skirt with a static, put the battery's positive in the skirt can be removed above the rub a few static;
30. regardless of where to wear shoes to your feet, you wear the shoes where the foot a little bit of white wine coated to ensure that the feet do not wear;
31. Heng transfer vegetables, if you have to be boiled, boiled dishes make the best use of the water. Such as making dumplings in the dish, boiled water can be a good amount of meat on the inside, so not only to ensure that nutritious, but also make delicious soup dumplings stuffing;
32. Summer feet sweat easily, salt water foot bath every day can cope with sweaty feet;
33. summer sun after swimming may prevent skin disorders and other diseases;
34. summer damp mildew prone pillows, pillow exposure often beneficial to health;
35. Eat Beans Congee and other small wet barley and spleen, can be heatstroke wet;
36. anti-insomnia: too much before going to bed less about words, avoid drinking tea, before going to bed not Dayong brain, and feet in hot water and vinegar;
37. honeysuckle any evacuation rheumatic efficacy, honeysuckle and honey cool water to cook the juice can be prepared and hot weather;
38. eating fatty foods in the tea can stimulate the autonomic nervous system, promote fat metabolism;
39. lack of sleep will make you stupid, need to sleep eight hours a day, with naps can delay aging;
40. hands easily become dry and rough hands with vinegar and soak for ten minutes to skin care; < br> 41. summer clean mat, with the dropping of the water toilet water clean mat, can maintain a fresh, clean mat. Of course, wipe down the mat when the best lines were, in order to penetrate into the toilet water lines mat gap, so cool and comfortable feel will be more durable;
42. Breakfast, eat tomatoes, citric acid and other acidic vegetables and fruits, good for Liver;
43. chill antipruritic shampoo or bath, add five or six drops in water, toilet water, can play a very good cool sterilization, removal of prickly heat antipruritic effect;
44. grapes sleep aid hormones, eat it help you to sleep;
45. summer drink tomato soup can get nourishment, but also to add water, tomato soup should be burned and cooled before drinking, contains some anti Lycopene and prostate cancer the efficacy of myocardial protection, the most suitable man; eat acid can damage tooth brushing immediately Health;
46. because of injury misfortune to scratch the skin, in the wound coated with toothpaste to inflammation, bleeding, and then dressing as a temporary emergency drug to drug toothpaste is most significant;
47. to spray white vinegar on the menu board, put half an hour after washing, not only bactericidal, but also in addition to taste;
48. yoghurt can be hangover after the irritability, yogurt can protect gastric mucosa, slow alcohol absorption, and calcium-rich drink to alleviate irritability are particularly effective;
49. shoes, put a long foreskin mold, use a soft cloth dipped in alcohol and water (1:1) solution, wipe;
50. headache, dizziness when applying toothpaste in the temple, because toothpaste contains menthol, clove oil can be pain;
51. candles frozen twenty-four hours, then into the birthday cake, lit candles will not shed oil;
52. yellowing white clothes washed easily, it is desirable pot of water, dripping drops of blue ink on the twenty-three will be washed underwear soaked in the moment minutes, do not wring dry, to put the sun, you can clean and white;
53. excessive oral consumption of raw onion and garlic will stimulate the stomach, adverse health, the best add a little vinegar and then eat;
54. timely replenishment of water but should not drink fruit juice, cola, Sprite, soft drinks and other beverages containing more saccharin and electrolytes, drink will stimulate gastrointestinal adverse affect digestion and appetite. So the summer should drink boiled water or light salt (sugar) water;
55. Friction face every morning a few minutes with tofu for a month, face will become very moist;
56. Indoor air temperature should not exceed five degrees, even if the weather is hot again, and it is not air-conditioned room temperature to 24 degrees below;
57. plus enzyme detergent agent on the warm water takes a long time to break down the laundry better;
58. summer , people's time, longer, sweating, excessive energy consumption, should be more appropriate to eat chicken, duck, lean meat, fish, eggs and other nutritious food to meet the body's metabolic needs;
59. Headache mashed apples when applied to the gauze on the ground, attached to the headache at the symptoms ease;
60. purses are stained, you can wipe with cotton dipped in essential balm.
61. often late night, will have stomach cancer, stomach, not rest.
62. can only eat four eggs a week, eating too much is unhealthy.
63. chicken butt contains carcinogens, do not eat well.
64. eat fruit after a meal is a wrong concept, should be eating fruit before meals.
65. female menstruation, do not drink green tea, anyway, do not drink tea's on the right, you can eat the blood of things.
66. drink milk, do not add eggs and sugar, do not drink too much.
67. fasting do not eat tomatoes, preferably after meals.
68 woke up this morning, to drink a glass of water, prevention of stone.
69. Do not eat anything three hours before bedtime, will be fat.
70. less drink milk tea, because of the high calorie, high oil, no nutritional value to speak of, long-term consumption, easy to suffer from hypertension, diabetes and other diseases ....
71. fresh-baked bread should be consumed immediately.
72. away from the charging stand, the body should stay away from more than 30 cm, should not on the bed.
73. every day, drink eight cups.
74. ten glasses of water a day, bladder cancer will not come.
75. during the day and drink plenty of water, less water at night.
76. Do not drink more than two cups a day of coffee, drink too easily lead to insomnia, stomach pain.
77. eat more fatty foods, because the have to spend 5 to 7 hours to digest, and make the blood concentration of the brain to the stomach, easy to sleep.
78. five p.m. After dinner eat less because the body after five do not need so much energy.
79.10 种 will be happy to eat the food: deep-sea fish, bananas, grapefruit, whole wheat bread, spinach, garlic, tomatoes, low-fat milk, chicken, cherry.
80. lack of sleep will make you stupid, one day shall be eight hours of sleep, not older than the siesta habit.
81. the best sleep time is 10 pm ~ 6 am.
82. no more than a glass of alcohol a day, because alcohol inhibits the manufacture of antibody b cells, increase the chance of bacterial infection.
83. taking the capsules should be swallowed with cold water (be the first to eat), the first medication 30 minutes before bedtime, avoid lying down immediately.
84. plum with anti-aging effects, panacea; anger impaired are advised to eat more.
85. hair loss factors: stay up late, stress, alcohol and tobacco, chicken breast, hot pot, greasy food, excessive food seasoning.
86. to help hair growth: eat more cabbage, eggs, beans; eating sweets (especially fructose).
87. a daily cup of lemon juice, orange juice, not only white, but also can reduce dark spots.
88. Apple: motorcycle race, drug addicts, housewives standing medicine; day one, before giving himself a clean lungs.
89. smoke and eat vitamins (b-carotene-a vitamin A) cause cancer, quit smoking as soon as possible, is the most healthy way.
90. Women should not drink tea for five periods: menstruation, pregnancy, labor front, the production after menopause.
91. Smoking: the biggest is the relationship between lung cancer, lip cancer, tongue cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, also associated with bladder cancer.
92. alcohol causes cirrhosis of the liver, causing liver cancer.
93. betel nuts can cause oral fibrosis, oral cancer.
94. food is too fine, the lack of fiber, contains a lot of fat, especially cholesterol, can cause stomach cancer.
95. food is too rough, nutrition is insufficient, leading to esophageal cancer, gastric cancer.
96. Aflatoxin in food, nitrite class of materials are carcinogenic.
97. do not smoke, secondhand smoking.
98. moderate drinking, not Pinjiu, not drunk.
99. reduce the consumption of salted, smoked, grilled foods.
100. daily intake of fresh vegetables and fruit.
101. daily intake of grains and cereals high in fiber and beans.
102. daily intake of a balanced diet, but the volume.
103. the right diet: the morning to eat like the emperor, lunch like civilians at night to eat like a beggar.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Psychological adjustment during the judicial examination

A friend asked me to write something about Sikao experience, though there are indeed some Sikao after their own experiences necessary to sum up experience and lessons learned, but has not been time to focus on to the system write about. To thank friends, concern and encouragement, now put yourself in the Sikao some experiences during the project phase in several memories summed up the hope of the pro forma 08 Sikao friends help! Now the first turn during the judicial examination of psychological adjustment problems. No operator peace! I this perspective, the outcome see carry on. , do not fight uncertain battle. Judicial examination, too, must first have on the judicial examination of their accurate and well understood. Mainly want to have full understanding of the following circumstances:
one of your existing base and ability to learn how. What is learned during the course of professional, academic achievement to which specialty is their long-term and short-term, self-learning abilities and so on. If you are a law of this, of course, have some basis for this is to your advantage, but also prudent, because the university the focus of legal education and judicial examination requirement is not actually the same, and the university will have a material problem to introduce you to many schools and ideas, these ideas will be generated on your mind the impact of inherent preconceptions, and judicial examination is only one correct answer, the original point of view but will you have a problem understanding. So we often see some people confident in the exam, since that period of their undergraduate learning in the nice, scored Sikao should not be a problem, but the test result was popping down, is a big reason for complacency; if you is illegal in this, and do not feel inferior, in fact, the people who participated Sikao are on the same starting line, and who can win, the key is to pay you, and learning. And you do not have the system because of previous contact with the law, all the knowledge and perspective is new to you, so there was no obstacle to accept it. Plus your original cross-professional and legal advantages, will make you understand a sector in the area of ​​the law to be more easy.
Second, the present study, work and life. People to participate in judicial examination are generally divided into the following categories: school students, public, prosecutors, law-service personnel, other units serving staff, full-time staff full-time review. Students learn in school time and energy, as well as the school's learning climate, there is no pressure of work and life, comparative advantage; public, prosecutors, law need to work while serving officers review the need to address the allocation of time and effort some of the problems, but I heard some local people who will give paid leave to participate in Sikao learning, which depends on the views of the leadership; other units serving officers will face the problem of time and energy, while not as inspection, law units attending Sikao so natural and so will face a leadership, colleagues do not understand, leave is not easy, these need to be overcome; for full-time review of full-time people who can maximize the time for the review , but will face the pressure of life and those around us do not understand the friends and relatives. In preparation for their review prior to a full understanding of the difficulties may be encountered on the front are fully prepared, as this will enable You will not be back in the face of difficulties.
three participants Sikao purposes. We all know that studying criminal law, crime motive and purpose is to stimulate the motive for the crime perpetrators from criminal acts to achieve their criminal aims the inner causes of criminal acts aimed at the fact that people want the results of a criminal offense to state of mind. Similarly, each person will have to participate in Sikao motive and purpose, your motivation is to prove themselves, want to change your life, change destiny, or what? Your goal is to have done after the Sikao judges, prosecutors, lawyers or other? Of course, everyone's motives and objectives may be different, but the motives and objectives of the study will affect your state of mind as well as to learn and improvise. If you see the people around you think do not live in that ideal life, or you find you want to live that ideal life, so you do not need to pay, you will learn the passion would greatly reduce or even temporarily abandoned, the fact that many such people. In fact, I think the most enduring, strong motivation and purpose than the desire for knowledge and interest in learning Kong Ziyun people will ignore the life of embarrassment and physical fatigue tireless effort into the course, and only such a person has been able to persevere to the end, because the Si Kao is a protracted war, many people may not be the first by Sikao, but two, three, many years. Therefore, I suggest, first of all reduce their demands for the future, put down that much desire to maintain a normal, with a real attitude of learning being put into review, the review found in the plain joy of learning, is The so-called
Fourth, strong faith, perseverance, the former from interference. To believe that the legal profession is a sacred and glorious career, is a very promising career, is a cause worthy of your pursuit of life, and you are doing is a very, very interesting things are very promising. Although your life is strapped now, although very flat, although very lonely, very painful, but they are worth it, meaningful, and then hold on as long as you, no matter how hold on, you can win the final victory of Si Kao, As long as you work more than others, many will insist on one you will be the winner crossed the finish line you will win, believe that the law, believe in justice, I believe that paid off, and believe in yourself! Perhaps there will always be by your side who do not understand, there are always some out of envy or disdain in the eyes and words, the total number of discordant elements makes you uncomfortable, then stay away from these people and these factors, or as much as possible the do not care for him, of course, it is best to stay away from him. Pay more like-minded friends, and more support you with some help you understand your people, more and Sikao human communication, mutual encouragement, mutual encouragement, tell your troubles to share his sorrow, so that the road together in Si Kao peers, you will not feel alone.
five, out of loneliness depressed mood, positive exercise, and always maintain a strong energy and spirit, and properly arrange their own working life and learning, is indeed feasible to develop an appropriate plan of study. I have a very good suggestion, that is running every day during the Si Kao, which allows you to have a healthy body, strong energy and spirit, and close examination of these factors will play a huge role, in reality often Many people can not stand the body, burned himself out in the exam, the results fell short of success. Physical exercise can keep you optimistic, positive attitude, so that your positive input to the study this make you feel worthwhile things to go. But also can release your stress and depressed mood, to ensure that the next day full of emotions. You can give Sikao friends exchange, and they talk about their ideas and exchange learning experiences, which have contributed to Bai Ruogu independence sentiment. Also, making a good student life programs, a small program, but also medium-term plan, long-term plan, the first of small plans, step by step to achieve long-term plan, so you can orderly conduct of the study, but also allows you to gradually build confidence, self-confidence through the Si Kao, which does not appear often pessimistic during the review, loss, depressed, lonely, blind, and other emotions.
six this year, 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, the people immersed in mourning, especially for Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang and other places of the candidates a greater impact, but still of aftershocks, a serious review of the candidates to one of my friends, since the earthquake, not sleep well at night, during the day can not concentrate, learning efficiency is greatly reduced. But in general, has shown a weakening trend of the aftershocks occurred at intervals and the intensity decreased. Therefore, in this particular moment, Sichuan friends must be calm, maintain a normal learning schedule, do not stop learning, I believe the earthquake will be the last.
seven, in the judicial review during the examination, there are some good methods to help you eliminate stress, anxiety, irritability, mood, such as writing Sikao diary, write about their day at a time to learn their feelings and experiences, the next study plan, to encourage their morale so, this is a good way to release emotions; listening to music, download some more inspirational music and soothing pure music, when listening to low Chi music, in the sleepy when listening to soothing music of pure, so you can eliminate the emotional stress and irritability. Period as well as in Si Kao to maintain peace of mind, do not let their emotions ups and downs, excitement and prolonged state of depression are not good, and sometimes we feel very confident powerful, and very pessimistic at times, I think this is bad. Always remember, Sikao is a protracted war, is a test of your body and will, Sikao not easy, nor is it as difficult as the legendary, if he spared no effort, review fully in place, success is only is the natural thing. So, I just stop and learn and learn again on the line. Of course, if the conditions reported to remedial classes, then students will study together with the surrounding, in this mood will be more peaceful atmosphere of nature, but not reported to class does not matter, the time to listen to downloaded lectures, under the guidance of the teacher planned learning, make your own mind is more calm.
Eight, talk about the spot to play. The preparation of the current face of all was ready, but a successful Sikao married into waterways only, so you do not have to panic. Need only review the last time step by step, stop looking materials, and to do as long as the order Zhongdianfatiao Answers. Taking the time to do some simulation questions simulation questions have to find a moderate degree of difficulty to do, do not care about the results simulated paper, the purpose of training is only to exercise their own sense of doing problems, problems do take the time to believe that the best simulation questions are But more than Answers. Exam work to get everything ready, do not ignore the subtle links, including to see the examination room, travel routes, rest, admission ticket, identity card, 2B pencil, blue pen and so on. When the examination must be done to grasp the theme of time, because the time to decide mentality, the mentality decided to play. Remain calm, to play their best level.
When these are done, it is believed judicial examination into the examination room when your body after you have been king of the gas, then the city must work broke camp, like gangbusters! Congratulations, friend, you succeed!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Why do not girls boys drinking

sent to all disobedient girlfriend ... extremely awesome! Girls best not to look at why men like women to drink

a busy street, a deserted car site
were a boy and a girl
to love each other so that they know each other ... the ...
time go past, they've been together almost two years.
boy loves girl, girl in love with the same boy.
girls this year as they plan for college graduates get married.
So they work for a common goal with ...

day the boy on girl: I do not disagree with the opposite sex contacts, but if there are opposite sex you should not in time for drink are not allowed to touch a drop of wine ...
girls whispered and nodded politely and said the sound: Yes, my husband ...
this way, the boy no say anything.
3 o'clock one afternoon

girl called the boy wrote: no class to talk to students at her husband to sing ... okay?
boy say one thing: Who has?
spoiled girl answer to: are the dorm room, no outsiders, no better husband ..?
helpless boy agreed to: Well, remember go back to sleep ...!
phone hung up!
to 18:00 did not give boys more than girls played a phone call.
boy getting a little worried.
So I called the girl to call, but also playing for a long time nobody answered, the boy is very worried and After a while the boy was angry ...
received a text message is sent to the girl, SMS wrote: dear husband, we have been singing songs, the phone put the bag, so there is no hearing, her husband do not be angry, we'll be done with them. Hey! Read the message pro ~
boys have a point after the heart be comforted.
Will have a boy's phone call, the girl on the phone said: her husband, ah, we sang and sang tired, we go dinner, after dinner back to the bedroom, and her husband Do not worry you do not want to be too constrained ...
boy girl Moreover, both are girls, so the boy said yes, the boy told the girl in the phone conversation, said: That drink less alcohol, get away to call me.
girl happy to say: I know you, husband! pro ~
beep beep .. beep .. .. phone hung up.

to 20:00 work more than boys, and girls can be called a phone no to the boy.
the boy began to worry.
So I called the girl to call, the phone rang for a girl before then, the boy asked: wife ah .. ah you have not finished?
girl replied: Soon, my husband! we drink it with friends, get away for a while.
friends? boy was curious to ask the following: there Who?
girl, filled with a lengthy answer: Yes, the bedroom a few, have friends her objects and her friends ...
object began to worry about the feelings of the boy, afraid of girls drink too much trouble, said: Do you drink bottles of the?
girl replied: just two bottles!
Boy: Then you do not drink, did not hear?
Girl: I know friends husband, all right Do not worry, all the students. husband ah that Oh, I'll call you bin beep .. beep .. ...
toot .. phone and hung up.
boys know that girls will definitely drink, very worried, so I can not go home, buy pack to find a quiet place to sit down, quietly waiting for the girl's phone ...
Then, after an hour, has 9 o'clock.
see the girls not to call the boy is very worried, so I called and gave the girl on the phone, it is a girl friend back then, and said: she go to the bathroom, and so she will come back to you I let her play ...
Before boys talk phone and hung up.
boy is waiting anxiously for half an hour has passed ...
boys see girls fight over the phone not to worry, so he called again in the past, when I hear: your users to broadcast to fight off, please re-broadcast later. Beep .. beep .. beep ..
this way, the boys began to call non-stop to the girl, the first, second ...... can always call there came a voice: you broadcast user ......!
boy playing very anxious to see the time has 11:30, the moment the boy had no mood to do anything else.
boy the wait the, smoke one after one after the phone boy name ...
quiet place to sit in this night did not sleep. have been concerned about the ... worried about ...

Suddenly a car horn, to the startled boy.
now the boy to see phone, has more than 8 am.
So the boy gave the girl to call, this time through the phone, the boy about the spirit of the heart up, beep .. beep ..: Hello ... (is a man's voice)
heart at this time as the boy was the same knife as the boy had to think probably happened in this hostel something.
hung up the boy did not speak, the boy's eyes began to blur ... my heart began to wander again.
boy stood up and sat night but he had already smoked leg tendons so that he once sat on the ground.
slow for a while, the boy slowly got up and down the pedestrian street, take a look and turned back home.
boys back home all of a sudden lying on the bed, the boy had made him feel at this moment forget the tired, the boy's thinking ...
after a long silence, the boy's phone rang, the girl, the boy looked at the clock, already 10:20, the boy answered the phone, I hear the girl crying voice: her husband, last night I was drunk, I'm sorry, I did not know what they are doing ... I'm sorry, my husband ... < br> At this time the boy has cried for words. After a while, the boys hang up the phone turned off.
boy up and took out a bottle of sleeping pills in the bedside table, the boy to eat a whole bottle of sleeping pills , and then covered with blankets, peaceful sleep ....
boy so sleep did not wake up.

to hang up when the boy, the girl hit the boy is the same the phone, playing for a long time still did not get through.
girl hurried back home to open the computer, the girl hopes to find the boy on the Internet.
other girls turn on the computer after the boy see a message, girls open quickly Look.
mail wrote:
wife, you do not cry, you cry to see her husband look very tough heart. My husband does not blame you, just blame her husband did not mind your own .. do not think you ! So far my husband to go to a place punish yourself! Wife. His face after a good life, remember that after her husband married a must listen to the words of Oh! Obediently toe the line, her husband next life also check for you, check you did not behave good, hear their words. Well, so be it, next life we ​​first met her husband also that the station waiting for you ...

always love your husband.
XX X in X months at 10:30
girl cried! Said quietly: husband, my next life I will obediently listen to you ...... ....

give it all do not listen to the words of the wife her husband who, I hope you know, the world In addition to your parents than you are most concerned about is your husband who has. good to listen to the words of her husband.
Anything else is if you love him (her), then for him (her) to your phone 24 hours boot, or do something off when needed to send a text message or call to tell him (her) soon, if the phone did not point it to him (her) left a can always find your contact information, because when you to find your loved one, you do not answer the phone call is not no time off, and that the total mood ... Well .. I do not know me to describe the loud noise. for fear that it will Xia Xiang, because so Xia Xiang will be more worry! Finally, it is a rich treasure
! Pauper struggle (not couple with the bucket)! Because you love him (her) ...
the end it all dependents lovers the world it ... (read turn, happiness life)

The price of love

My cell phones have the time to stay a full 368 days, and can even I do not know why why the words can make me stay there as long as it is in the phone so long time
You might think that made this short message to my people and me, we certainly still have a pair of lovers in love
In fact, this has long been a send this information to the people to stay away when the time is 18-11-07
away I just can understand the feeling of love when
cruel to leave me, let me how to say no matter how requirements, not even the one last chance to be cruel to leave me
even the
No matter how I think, I can not think why you are so cruel to stay away
a little time went by, I do not know if you ever have really liked but I am to
Today, I still want you to read you -----< br> Because of you I've seen, thought, love too, loved the people
But you hurt me again and cried, hurt However, further thought, and then wound through

not seen for so long, I hope the stars hope the moon, I shall look forward to the night I managed to finally heading
hope you can return to the lions out of business the day the
you know how happy I am ---- When you get back to the car when the lion
because I think I can finally see you again, and even if this is just my wishful thinking
Unexpectedly, when I secretly happy, but you hurt again I know you like to eat pork
dry, you did not get off quickly before I buy
as is the drive so that you can eat breakfast I like to eat the stuff
well-intentioned, but just to make you understand You said I Momin
wonderful, that I is very difficult to get to know ,,,,,< br> ask, During the year you do not step on when I do not care
I'm still always worried about you worry for you to bless you,, and, well,,,
Is it everything you have forget, you can not see you?
Today is the first anniversary of you left me, Cotton Sheet
I have been waiting, waiting, I look forward to ,,,,,,< br> to the end of me, or just give stupid, or stupidly not wait for your call tomorrow you
Fujian Shishi also fly a
I hope all these feelings, all this pain will be with you again to leave and get free
I really really hurts, I'm tired of the good ,,,,,, want to cry in the end a
love ~~~~~ This is what the ghost stuff, I hate you hate you hate you hate you forever

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mosquitoes and the European Cup

The weather can be hot enough , but why fire such as the European Cup playing James .

depriving the Chinese middle of the night ye turn on the TV , on the sly or simply to silence the sound to minimum .

happens this time is the damn time when mosquitoes are rampant

side to deal with hot and sleepy , while to And mosquitoes deal

European Cup really look very hard ah! Fortunately, fairly satisfactory results

Spain handsome superior speed drag Alvarez Technology , Capacity out of Germany with their own team

Villa is also amazing , ah, ah is also a handsome guy !